Unlike the Higher Self Book List, this is an overview of the major texts on past life healing. These are the books that - in my humble opinion - have advanced the state of the art in past life healing. These are books that have brought past life healing into the mass consciousness. Reading them is a must for those interested in studying past life healing. Please note that these are my own personal selections and do not reflect the views of "management" or the opinions of anyone other than myself. Where there is more than one book listed in the group, I listed them in the order that I liked them. If you are interested in a listing of religious reference books, click here.
Many Lives, Many Masters
Brian Weiss
) Dr. Brian Weiss stands apart as someone who takes a scientific approach to the subject of past lives but makes it accessible to the general reader. Weiss has hit upon the central theme of past life healing: that in "many lives" we have "many masters" from whom we learn and that the often painful results of this learning can be cured by going "through time into healing". The greatest lesson of all is that "only love is real" as we all make our personal journeys through the universe.
Journey of Souls: Life Between Lives
(Michael Newton) These are not "past life only" books. Instead, they reveal the true nature of existence in that Soul is eternal and that we journey through this and other lives to learn lessons. These books outline the journey that souls take as the move from one life to the next. After you read them, you will never look at your life in the same way again (and that is a good thing!!!). 3> Past Lives, Future Lives ( Bruce Goldberg ) Dr. Goldberg's book is fun and easy to read. It illustrates better than any other how time works. The past, the present and the future are more intimately connected than you could imagine. This book shows you how and why and will open you up to the limitless possibilities of God's creation. 4> You Were Born to Be Together Again ( Richard Sutphen) I include this here to pay tribute to Dick Sutphen who really brought past lives into the mainstream at a time when past lives and metaphysics in general were "not cool". The writing at times seems a bit dated but his love of and fascination with the subject of past lives will keep the pages turning.
Life After Life
(Raymond Moody) These books are here because Raymond Moody brought the subject of past lives to a mass audience. These books are interesting and focus on educating the beginning student of this subject on what reincarnation is all about. My problem with Moody is that he is the Galileo of our times: he sees the truth but cannot bring himself to a wholehearted endorsement of it due to "social" pressure. Too bad that, when he passes, the "Last Laugh" will be on him for failing to stand up for the truth.
Intimates Through Time
(Jess Stearn) No Edgar Cayce, no interest in past lives in America. The "sleeping prophet's" ground breaking work in the early part of the 20th century set the stage for interest in and studies about past lives. Everyone on this list (as well as myself) owes him a debt of gratitude and thanks. I recommend Stern and Cerminara because their Cayce books are more "readable" that Cayce's own convoluted works.
The Unquiet Dead
(Edith Fiore) Like Dr. Brian Weiss, Dr. Edith Fiore approaches the subject of past lives by relating case histories from her clinical practice. It is a very interesting and easy to read book, best suited for the general reader. Unlike others, her books best show how the "unquiet dead" can derail a person's present life until the past life personality's wishes and desires have been resolved.
Past Lives, Present Dreams
(Denise Linn) These are the best of "popular" books designed to interest those who know nothing about past lives in the subject. Linn explore how the Holocaust has effected us, the next incarnated generation. I found that this book truly helped me to heal my pain (I was there) and for that I owe her my gratitude. Steiger's and Montgomery's books are workmanlike volumes that summarize the conventional wisdom about past lives in an accessible and entertaining manner. 9>
Echoes from the Battlefield: Civil War Past Lives
(Barbara Lane) These are the best of "personal account" books where "actual real people alive today" relate their stories about encounters with their past lives. Lane's books contain some fascinating (and some boring) accounts. Particularly in the Civil War book, she turned several skeptics into believers. Ironically, she is another Galileo: seeing the truth but not acknowledging it. Cockell's book is a heartwarming account of how her mother's love from a past life translated into her present day search for her children to make sure they were "all right". It is inspirational.
Twenty Cases Suggestive of Reincarnation
(Ian Stevenson) These are the best of the "scholarly books" about past lives. If you want to read these, be prepared to expect little entertainment. They are meant to be "scientific" works trying to prove and/or support what is essentially a "religious" subject. Belief is past lives is much like "faith" in any other religious tenet. For those who believe, no proof is necessary. For those who do not, none is sufficient. The problem is that in the 21st century we have made a science of religion. Just ask anyone daring to question science. They will tell you that they are just as harassed and denounced by scientific community as heretics were by the "church" not that many centuries ago. Today, instead of the church persecuting would be "Galileos", it is the scientific community belittling and disparaging those who dare put their faith in what cannot be recreated in a laboratory. My answer to the scientific community is this: just because you do not believe that you have past lives does not mean you have none! If You Want Take a Crash "Past Life 101" Course: Here are some "Text Books" on "Past Life Healing": 1> One Soul, Many Lives (Roy Stemman): This is a VERY accessible book on reincarnation. If you are looking for an overview of all the major advances in reincarnation science, this is THE book for you! 2> The Case for Reincarnation (Joe Fisher): This is a textbook tracing the history of reincarnation throughout many times, many lands, many religions, and - not surprisingly - many problems. 3> Reincarnation: A Handbook (Michael Talbot): As a textbook, it is not as well organized as the Llewellyn Guide below. However, it delivers a lot of valuable information quickly and is an easy reference. 4> How to Uncover Your Past Lives (Llewellyn Guide: Ted Andrews): This is a textbook and, like others in the Llewellyn series, does a very good job at grounding the beginner in past life concepts. 5> Idiot's Guide to Reincarnation (Alpha Books: David Hammerman): Generally I do not buy books that insult me (Dummies and Idiots Books). But, despite the implied insult, this book is well worth reading... and I even learned some things! And for sure I am no idiot... check out the Ancient Wisdom! If You Want An "Advanced" Past Life Course: Here are some "Resource Books" on "Reincarnation": 1> Reincarnation: A New Horizon in Science, Religion, and Society (Sylvia Cranston & Carey Williams): The evidence in the case for reincarnation is simply piling up as scientific researchers investigate the "phenomena" of reincarnation. This book outlines modern research on the evidence for such past life phenomena as deja vu, xenoglossy, child past life memories, past life type birthmarks, and more. 2> Reincarnation: The Phoenix Fire Mystery (Sylvia Cranston): This is an unfortunate title... what this book really is about is better described by it's subtitle. "An East-West dialogue on death and rebirth from the worlds of religion, science, psychology, philosophy, art, and literature." This book traces the rebirth of the idea of reincarnation throughout many ages, religions, and societies. Fascinating! If You Are Interested in "Reincarnation History": 1> Someone Else's Yesterday (Jeffrey Keene) 2> Marilyn Monroe: Healing of a Soul (Adrian Finkelstein) 3> Soul Survivor: Reincarnation of a WWII Pilot (B&A Leininger) 4> Soul Journey: from Lincoln to Lindbergh (Richard Salva) |
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