"Within the hour after getting your exercises, I was on my way to
healing what ails me. I started with the 'Heart Anchor' exercise and
I have felt sudden and significant results. K. C."
** Are YOU Ready to HEAL Your Life? **
Do You Want to Experience Vibrant Health?
Let a "Energy Healer" Guide YOU to a
Natural Way to Become Healthier!
You CAN Heal Your Life!
Discover the Ancient Secrets
to Creating Vibrant Health!
Are YOU Ready to Get Healthier?
If you are feeling BAD, would you like to start FEELING better?
If you are already feeling good, would you like to FEEL great?

Healing Program Combines
the BEST of Ancient and Modern Technologies to Create Vibrant
How Can Our Leading Edge
Healing Program Help You?
During the 6,000 years of recorded history, Chakra Cleansing-Clearing
has healed countless
Our "Chakra Healing
Program" in this "Holistic Healing Manual" can help you (as it has
helped clients) to break the self defeating, unconscious physical,
emotional, and mental patterns in your chakras that
keep you from getting what you want out of
How are Your Blocked
Keeping You Unhealthy?
All diseases, disorders,
and illnesses are the results of blocked chakras!
Most people have "blocked" chakras... because they are constantly
exposed to toxins (pollution, germs, contaminants, etc) in the
environment. These toxins plus the non-stop stress of daily
living in our "hurry-up-keep-up" world act to block the
If you have any or all
of the following conditions, you have blocked chakras!
* Blocked chakras create obesity and constant food cravings (sugar, chocolate, etc).
* Blocked chakras result in low energy, chronic fatigue, and constant dehydration.
* Blocked chakras cause depression, anxiety, stress, fearfulness, and forgetfulness.
* Blocked chakras lead to runaway, negative "uncontrollable" emotional responses.
How Does Cleansing &
Clearing Your
Promote Vibrant Health?
All health, healing,
and wellness are the results of open and flowing chakras!
Vibrant chakras... allow the body to easily dissolve
environmental toxins and to handle the stress of daily
living by strengthening the overall energy field!
Imagine how wonderful
life can be for you with open, vibrant chakras!
* Vibrant chakras make weight loss much easier to achieve and maintain.
* Vibrant chakras result in high energy, great stamina, and well being.
* Vibrant chakras create greater mental clarity and emotional harmony.
* Vibrant chakras support lasting physical, mental, and emotional health.
How Will this Chakra Healing
Program Make You Feel?
"When I first found Ellen, I was sent to her. I was suffering terribly
with pain in my stomach, and violent constant headaches. Over time, and
with great united effort, we were able to release me from my past (lives)
"Ellen, and her work, has provided this release. For those who are
drawn to her, or find yourself confused, I offer this advice...
'Let go,
and let your true self emerge from the ashes of past lives lived'. God
bless you in your mission. Sincerely, W. L."
Quite literally the
effect from this
Healing Program" is something that needs to be experienced to be
If you are like most, while you are on the program, you will
feel relaxed, peaceful, and more in tune with the rhythms of your body,
mind, and emotions. As you continue with the program, these
pleasant feelings will increase as you empower your body, mind, and
emotions to heal themselves naturally and harmoniously.
This "Chakra
Healing Program" will help
you to open more fully to the universal love energy which is just
waiting to lead you to greater joy and fulfillment!
How is this Chakra Healing
Different from Other "Similar" Programs?
This four part "Chakra Healing Program"
takes chakra healing beyond the traditional "chakra clearing" and
"chakra cleansing" programs:
* Clearing Chakras: means flowing energy through chakras
easily, regularly, and in the proper amount so that the physical matter
will not deteriorate. Clearing chakras is the only step traditional
chakra programs include: it only deals with symptoms.
* Healing Chakras: means taking active steps to resolve
the issues that caused the blockage. You can clear your chakras over and
over again but if you do not deal with the onslaught of "life junk" rushing
toward them, they just get clogged again. Healing deals with the problem
by healing the hurts that are running your life.
* Balancing Chakras: means regulating the flow of energy
into the healed chakras so that it is harmoniously integrated into your
being... so that you feel great!
* Aligning Chakras: means having balanced chakras working
together in perfect harmony so that you experience vibrant physical,
mental, and emotional health.
Clearing and healing are about removing problems to become well.
Balancing and aligning are about maintaining your state of wellness once
it is achieved.
The ultimate goal of "Chakra Cleansing" - clearing,
healing, balancing, aligning - is to keep all your chakras fully functioning
for vibrant health.
Best of all, this program takes the cleansing (clearing, healing,
balancing, and aligning) of your
chakras to your
inner energy bodies.
That is what
gives our "Chakra Healing Program" it's
unmatched power and what makes it truly one-of-a-kind!
What is Included in Past Forward's
"Holistic Healing Manual"?
Our "Holistic Healing Manual" consists of four mini-manuals:
for the complete Table of Contents showing just what you will get
in this manual, click here.
Part 1: The "Energy Field Healing Guide"
- which contains...
* The revolutionary, breakthrough "Chakra Healing Program" (described above).
* How to identify and focus on healing your problem
chakras for vibrant health.
* How to customize your healing process so you can achieve results quickly.
* How to flow the natural healing directly to all your
inner energy bodies.
"I've been working intensively on myself for six months. I've cured
physical problems ranging from the reversal of diabetes to a sore throat.
Ellen helped me channel answers and guide me through the exercises I
needed to do at each stage of my awakening. T. R."
This chakra healing program is exclusively from Past Forward and is ONLY
found in this eBook!
This program has been used successfully for
years by 1,000s of clients to heal their lives now.
If you follow this advanced "Chakra Healing Program", you
will heal your life!
Part 2: The "Outer Cures Healing Guide"
- which contains...
* Experience the power of
crystals to gently heal and energize your chakras!
* Use the power of
toning mantras to accelerate your healing naturally!
* Unleash the hidden healing power of your limbic brain with
* Use
herbal cures to boost your body's natural self healing abilities!
* Use hand and foot reflexology to
touch your way to better health!
"Ellen is by far the most powerful, accurate healer. Her one-on-one
sessions are life altering! Please heed her advice to rest and pace
oneself after doing the exercises (the same as those in the manual) -
they are that powerful. A. D."
This outer cures program is exclusively from Past Forward and is ONLY
found in this eBook!
This program has been used successfully for
years by 1,000s of clients to heal their lives now.
If you use the outer cures with the inner healing of
your chakras, you will heal your life sooner!
Part 3: "Exercises for Personal Growth and
Acceleration" - which contains...
* Exercises for
understanding why you are where you are today!
* Exercises for
healing your "Self" to achieve harmony and wholeness!
* Exercises for
healing relationships between your "Self" and others!
* Exercises for
expanding your awareness to claim your divinity!
* Exercises for
improving your mastery over life!
"I wanted to share my experience with your exercises. I have to
admit, I was a bit skeptical at first, only because I've tried similar
approaches with mixed results. After doing two of them, it's made a
believer out of me... I was totally blown away. C. D."
If you are always looking for more: more health, wealth, happiness
in relationships or career...
or more of "whatever" you want out
of life...
If you are ready to become your Higher Self, these exercises will get
you to wherever you want to be, to do, or to go today!
Part 4: ""Exercises for Past Life
Exploration and Healing" - which contains...
Basic Exercises for healing and
integrating your past lives!
Advanced Exercises for healing and
integrating your past lives!
* Exercises for
exploring your past lives by journeying through time!
"Dear Ellen, I have had two more past lives present themselves
spontaneously through using the clustering (exercise). Until now, I
have had little ability to recover my past lives and, particularly,
to see how they are effecting my current life. J. M."
If your problem does come from past lives... it can be remarkably resistant
to present life cures.
To heal the past, you need to go back to the past
and heal the effects on your life now.
These exercises will help you to heal your past
lives to empower your present and your future!
Remember when you ARE good on the INSIDE, you will FEEL good on the
outside ("as above, so below"). This "Holistic Healing Manual" can help
you to be your best... if only you will give it a try... all you have to
lose are your problems!
FREE BONUSES: Yours to keep for trying this "Holistic Healing" eBook!
So what is this eBook worth to you? Before you decide, consider that
you will receive these very valuable FREE bonuses... which are yours to keep.
FREE Bonuses... YOURS to Keep!... A $50 Value
Bonus #1: (Value $20) Quick Spirit Based Holistic Cures!
Get on the path of natural healing with natural cures that have stood the
test of time. Be well... remember that a focus on wellness prevents illness!
Bonus #2: (Value $12) "Rules of the House"
If you want to attract more health then discover how to become more attractive
to it with the rules for living a karma free life! Get more health by becoming more love!
Bonus #3: (Value $18) "Clear Your Karma"
Get off the path of karma so you can attract more health! When you are tangled
in ropes of karma, you are more likely to repel vibrant health than to attract it!
After you order this "Holistic Healing Manual", you
will immediately qualify to receive our "Chakra
Healing CD" for $9 with FREE shipping (a 50% savings) because it is the perfect
companion to this manual and you deserve it for being so committed to your healing
process! Just Email me at ellen@healpastlives.com
to take advantage of this offer!
After you order this "Holistic Healing Manual", you
will immediately qualify to receive our "Mantra
Card" for $3 with FREE shipping (a 40% savings) because it is the perfect
companion to this manual and you deserve it for being so committed to your healing
process! Just Email me at ellen@healpastlives.com
to take advantage of this offer!
My G U A R A N T E E for this "Holistic Healing Manual" eBook!
I have used this "Holistic Healing Manual" in my healing work every
day for many years. This "Holistic Healing Manual" is an Owner's Manual for
Your Body, Mind, Emotions, and Spirit to help you on the road of life!
It is my sincere hope that this manual will make your personal
journey along the long and winding road of the universe a safe and successful one.
I am so sure that this eBook will help you, that I offer a "no questions
asked, 60 day money back guarantee" to you.
If this eBook does not deliver on everything it promises or
if you simply do not like it for whatever reason, just let me know
within 60 days and I will refund your money, no questions asked.
In Love and Light With Best Wishes for Your Health,

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24 hours a day!)
(System Requirements: Adobe Acrobat Reader.
This is FREE software that you can download now to your computer by
clicking here.)
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Copyright ©
1999-2023, Ellen A Mogensen, Past & Now Forward Holistic
532 Old Marlton Pike, Fun Life #248, Marlton, NJ
08053 -- Phone: (856) 988-9716
-- Email:
Forward(TM) & Now Forward(TM) are trademarks of
the Fun Life Company LLC.
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