"Dear Ellen, Thank you so much for the ebook regarding natural
weight loss methods!! I found what I was searching for as it's so
natural!! Thank you for the information and knowledge you share
with us there. Many thanks for your sincere effort to show people
the natural way!! Best wishes!" S. G.
I easily lost 75 pounds from this "Lifestyle Approach"...
forever, unstressed, naturally.
The "Lifestyle Approach" to Weight Loss Works! Weight loss is not
just physical... mind, emotions, and spirit must cooperate!
You can start "winning at losing weight" too!
Lose Weight:
Forever, Unstressed, Naturally!
What if you worked with WITH Your Body to Lose
Weight (instead of AGAINST it with diets, etc)?
If so, you have found the most useful information you could ever

This approach works because of the
ONE "No-Diet, No Exercise, No Pill"
technique you can use to
lose 20 pounds easily and PERMANENTLY...
EVEN if you change nothing else in your life!
It works naturally when you eat more of the
to *** LOSE *** Weight!
It works naturally when you can avoid the
16 Worst Foods CAUSING You to ** GAIN **
(Some of which are sold as weight loss food!)
Just knowing these three simple things can help
to start losing weight right away!
The reason these are NOT better known is that
people can only get rich by selling expensive pills and gadgets!
I will show you the "truth" about...
* Why diets - based on starvation and deprivation - can NEVER work!
* How to harness your willpower (you have it if you have ever dieted)!
* How to focus your body, mind, and emotions and on your goals!
* How modern life cannot help but drive everyone into the FAT lane!
* How to beat your body's fat system by making it work for you!
* The 3 essential - SAFE and effective - Fat Burning Vitamins!
* The SECRET FAT formula: 5 Key Factors that Cause Weight Gain!
* Unbelievable but true, WHAT you eat is ONLY 40% of the problem!
* How You Can EAT the foods you like & still LOSE weight... true!
* The ONE MAGIC fluid you need to get thin and stay healthy!
* Why you MUST SNACK if you are to succeed in controlling weight!
* How to Trade MORE Fat for LESS in What You Eat and LOVE it!
* About breaking the proven link between insomnia and weight gain!
* How to kick the programmed eating habit and beat the food pushers!
* How to beat midnight binge eating that just makes you fatter!
* The BEST, FREE, EASY Exercise on Earth: no equipment necessary!
* How to fit this easy, low impact exercise into your life EASILY!
* Getting MIND and EMOTIONS to Make Weight Loss EASY & FUN!
All you need to know is in this one ebook... which is sold at the
low price of $5 to make it affordable for everyone and to
help cover the costs of running this page. It is the same "Lifestyle
Approach" made famous by "Dr. Phil"...
there is a better
way to win at losing weight!
FREE BONUSES: Yours to keep for trying this "Lose Weight" eBook!
So what is this eBook worth to you? Before you decide, consider that
you will receive these very valuable FREE bonuses... which are yours to keep.
FREE Bonuses... YOURS to Keep!... A $38 Value
Bonus #1: (Value $20) Quick Spirit Based Holistic Cures!
Get on the path of natural healing with natural cures that have stood the
test of time. Be well... remember that a focus on wellness prevents illness!
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Get off the path of karma so you can attract more health! When you are tangled
in ropes of karma, you are more likely to repel vibrant health than to attract it!
My G U A R A N T E E for this "Lose Weight" eBook!
I have used this "Lose Weight" in my healing work every
day for many years. I hope it will help make your journey along the
long and winding road of the universe a safe and successful one. It
has helped countless people all around the world.
I am so sure that this eBook will help you, that I offer a
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If this eBook does not deliver on everything it promises or
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within 60 days and I will refund your money, no questions asked.
In Love and Light With Best Wishes for Your Health,

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1999-2023, Ellen A Mogensen, Past & Now Forward Holistic
532 Old Marlton Pike, Fun Life #248, Marlton, NJ
08053 -- Phone: (856) 988-9716
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Forward(TM) & Now Forward(TM) are trademarks of
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