** Are YOU ready to HAVE more LUCK in your life? **
Want to Attract MORE MONEY?
Let a "Financial Expert" Guide YOU to Creating a MORE ABUNDANT Life!
Create Wealth... Fast!
Get Rich... The "Secrets of
Creating Good Luck" Revealed!
Are you ready for all the luck, money, and joy you desire and deserve?
From a Client of healpastlives.com
Gain a Happy Life...
“Thank you, dear Ellen, for the 'Luck' book.
Life is hard like a rock on me. I am honest man and I need(ed) this
book. You are very kind and full of love. May God Bless you and
give you joy.”
“I (will) gain my happy life
again with your help!”
Thank you,
Nic "B" G - US
Are you tired of struggling to get what you have always wanted out
of life? Are you tired of living to work (spending all your time working
just to make ends meet)?
Imagine what it would be like to stop worrying about losing all
you have! Imagine not fearing that you will not have enough money when
you need it! Imagine having an abundance of money and happiness!
You are about to finally discover
the Secrets of Creating
Good Luck that allow rich people to make
money easily while others with the same skills and intelligence must struggle
just to get by.
3 Reasons Why "Secrets of Creating Good Luck" Work:
1> Since 1996, Ellen Mogensen has helped 100s of clients heal their
financial/abundance problems.
2> "Secrets of Creating Good Luck" have helped people to change their
luck... and manifest the jobs and/or opportunities they sought.
3> "Secrets of Creating Good Luck" have helped people to attract the
people and situations they desired to turn their dreams into reality.
Ellen of www.healpastlives.com
is the author of "Secrets of Creating Luck" & 9 other books
This time tested wisdom about
creating money and other abundance
helped me to accumulate over six figures in assets.
Not to mention a
FREE graduate school education
and other bargains that others did not
believe until they saw them.
This ancient wisdom -
assembled into proven processes - is based on 10 years of
my experience in financial counseling. It has HELPED many of my clients to either
ATTRACT more money or to CREATE
the financial abundance they desired.
Now these
"Secrets of Creating Good Luck"
can be yours —if you really want to
get the abundance you deserve. And I am so sure of this
I guarantee your satisfaction.
"Secrets of Creating Good Luck"
Dear Abundance Seeker,
Are you ready to experience more LUCK & MONEY in your life?
Have you ever been amazed to see those with far LESS intelligence or
ability than you make far MORE money than you do?
Have you ever noticed that some fall into great financial
success... while others struggle for every penny?
Have you ever wondered why this is true?
WHAT IF creating good luck were a set of skills available to anyone...
WHAT IF all you had to do was take a little time to apply them...
WHAT IF you were given everything you need to create good luck...
You can discover the
"Secrets of Creating Good
Luck"... right now! These secrets have helped 100s of my
clients to heal their money problems. You can do it too!
Tired of being UNLUCKY? Want to Become a "Good Luck" Magnet?
You Already Know "Lucky" People Are Different...
In life... the unlucky person has the complaining spouse, the
leaky house, and the broken down car while the lucky person has the loving
spouse, the beautiful house, and the ultra-safe car.
At work... the unlucky worker works hard all the time, never
seeming to get a break while the lucky worker simply falls into easy ways
of sailing through their work with no apparent effort.
In business... the unlucky company attracts the toughest,
impossible to please customers, while the lucky firm down the street gets
customers who are easy to please and almost never return items.
You have seen the advice on money and abundance out there...
so many techniques to “get rick quick” which are actually
based on fear, greed, and dishonesty. These may work for
some people and then only for some of the time.
Far too often, you get the warmed over advice but nothing that
really helps you to become lucky and abundant for a lifetime.
What is so powerful about these
"Secrets of Creating Good Luck" is that
they combine the best of ancient and modern technology - in an easy to
use system - to attract and keep luck, money, and abundance.
They use modern technology to literally erase
deeply rooted negative mental and emotional patterns that silently
and effectively keep you becoming financially abundant.
They use ancient technology to replace these patterns
with “programming” that unleashes your
internal power to attract money and opportunities into
your reality.
If you have always believed - deep in your heart - that money and abundance
are your divine birthright... then what you will discover is the most
important and useful knowledge you could ever get to turn your inner
dreams into outer reality.
You will discover the best of ancient and modern wisdom that have
made people's lives lucky, rich, and abundant. AND it can
work for you too... right now... today...
Want to Change Your Luck? You Too Can Learn to Become Lucky!
I Used to Be a "Bad News Buffet"
Learn from Someone Who Changed Their Luck...
You can too learn the skills of creating good luck like I did!
How do I know? I used these skills to turn my life around...
After a bitter divorce left me physically, mentally, emotionally,
and - worst of all - financially broken.
I learned the hard way about how to make my own good luck... but you do
not have to...
YOU CAN IF ONLY... you are WILLING to take a chance and learn new
skills... Sadly, many people will not do this. Even when the skills ARE
simple to learn and easy to apply as they are in
"Secrets of Creating Good Luck".
YOU CAN IF ONLY... you will BELIEVE that you are in control of your
life... Sadly, many people live out their lives in prisons of bad luck because
they cannot pick up the keys. Even when they are all conveniently
in one eBook.
YOU CAN IF ONLY... you will DECIDE to take charge of your KARMA and
change it for the better... Sadly, many people do not believe they can
transcend their personal karma. Even when an eBook can point the way past
Here are some of the secrets you will discover...
packaged in an easy-to-read eBook...
So What Does it Take for YOU to Become Lucky?
From a Client of healpastlives.com
Service to Humanity...
“Dear Ellen, I downloaded you eBook 'Secrets to Creating Good Luck'.
It's absolutely amazing!!”
“It's written in so simple way as anybody
can understand (it) without (having a) problem.”
“That's GREAT WORK Ellen,
GREAT SERVICE to Humanity!! May the Blessings
be with you!!!”
Sunethra, NZ

Techniques for "Real Life Success"
Discover the "Master Secret" to Creating Good Luck
makes it possible for ANYONE, including you, to create more luck.
(pg 4)
Learn the "Manifesting at the Speed of Light" Technique:
Get what you want more QUICKLY & EASILY than ever before.
(pg 22)
Discover the sure fire "Imprinting" Technique: used by
Jim Carrey to propel himself to MEGA-MILLION stardom.
(pg 27)
"Think Like the Rich" to Become Rich
Learn how to THINK like Rich people do: the
6 ways you must start thinking like the wealthy
- thinking with a "Millionaire Mind" - or you will stay
poor forever.
(pp 9-12)
Become RICH from the Inside Out: MOVE from the bad
luck of "Scare-City" (scarcity) to the good luck of "Magnified-Sense"
(magnificence) and have SUCCESS come easily.
(pp 66-69)
The Rich MASTER change, the poor are slaves to it: Learning
how to put "change" to work for you. Make it your best friend
instead of your worst enemy. (pp 113-114)
Do YOU Want to be a "Money & Abundance Magnet"?
Universal Laws of Luck
Make This Work For You!
There are FOUR UNIVERSAL LAWS governing the creation of
good luck: once you master them, they MUST WORK for you.
(pp 57-58)
Once you understand the FOUR LEVELS of LUCK, you
will see how they are always working to create your experience of
GOOD or BAD Luck. (pg 7)
When you learn how Luck WORKS through the four levels,
you can make sure ALL FOUR are constantly working for you so
that you can enjoy more of what life has to offer.
(pp 6-8)
When you can TAP the single most powerful SOURCE of
GOOD LUCK, you can get WHATEVER you want.
(pg 6)

Become "Magnetic" to Money & Luck
The most powerful FORCE (SYNERGY): in preparing your body, mind,
and emotions to attract good luck to you automatically.
(pg 8)
Learn simple, high impact techniques for "Super Charging":
your body (pp 106-108),
mind (pg 112) and
emotions (pg 115) to
receive more energy, power, and luck.
Consistently influence the seemingly random events of life to "lean in YOUR
Favor": creating good luck rather than "going against you"
causing bad luck. (pg 115)
Become a "Walking Good Luck Charm": Get riches of every
kind flowing to you.
(pg 126)
Master the "Inner Game" of Money & Luck
Powerfully SIGNAL universe that YOU are ready for good luck:
fail to send it out and you cannot succeed at creating good luck.
(pg 60)
Discover the REAL GOAL lurking behind your stated goals: the
real goal that powers the fulfillment of your dreams.
(pg 103)
Avoid disaster by becoming prepared in ADVANCE: by getting your
mind and emotions to WARN you before tragedy strikes.
(pg 85)
Where to START in creating Good Luck: that will bring you maximum
returns for the minimum effort. (pp 14-18)
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Are You READY to Become As Lucky As You Want to Be?
From a Client of healpastlives.com
Inspiring and Comprehensive...
“Hey Ellen, You have done me a huge favor already, by writing
this book. The last few years I thought of writing a 'scientific' book
regarding luck, and now you have saved me the 'challenge' and you have
written a beautiful one.”
“Yours is a masterpiece. Truly inspiring.
It's great! And your rapid and helpful response, is just one more solid
proof that you are a caring, helpful, deserving and enlightened individual.
“Your book is pretty long, but well worth it. As Tony Robbins says,
'sometimes it's when you hear an idea again, it finally takes root.'
There is a lot that Tony would like about your book.
“You seem to cover
all the bases. I'm excited to read your book. Many channels are open for me
now. Wide open... In your book, I've been looking for some new ideas and
understandings, to add to my actions. And I've found some.
“Your book is the absolute, most comprehensive
in approaches, very best I've ever read in my entire life on this subject.
Everyone should read it!”
“I feel completely comfortable in recommending your book to everyone
I know. These days I feel like I HAVE THE VERY BEST LUCK as I wish it for
you and (for) good people everywhere. There is more than enough to go
“Please let me quote Tony (Robbins) again: 'the Universe is a very
rich place.'”
“So, this seems a good place to finish my 'thank you' to you. I hope it's
given you a little bit of pleasure, for you have already given me a
great deal.”
“Thank you again, from one, with the very best luck, to another.”
Ben Z, US

Take Advantage of Success Technology
Unleash your every TALENT, ABILITY, and POSSIBILITY: what you
can dream and imagine, you can be, do, or have.
(pp 77-79)
Take a guided tour of the LEADING EDGE technologies: that
have POWERED others to from abject failure to stunning success...
they are ALL right here and you do not have to buy anything else
to make them work! (pp 35, 42, 49)
Learn advanced meditation, self hypnosis, and other techniques:
specifically targeted for mastering your mind and emotions to power your
creation of good luck. (pp 28, 112)
Get THE MOST from Good Luck: the critical skills you will
need to achieve and then to make the most of your success.
(pg 92)
Get the "Insider" Success Edge
Master communications skills: that will quickly, and without
manipulation, win another person's agreement and even their loyalty
by creating instant rapport.
(pp 46-48)
Learn the Ultimate "SURVIVOR" strategy: that kept a few death
camp inmates alive and determined to survive when others all around
them were giving up and dying. It will help you OVERCOME ANY ADVERSITY.
(pg 92)
Get EXACTLY what you imagine: Practice the same process - used by
Edmund Hilary, the first man ever to reach the peak of Mt Everest - to
get to the top of your world.
(pg 14)
Create EXACTLY what you ask for: Discover the same process used by
Scott Adams to create the Dilbert Empire.
(pg 19)
Learn to Seize Lucky Opportunities
Learn to RECOGNIZE Good Luck: Failure to recognize
genuine opportunities means you will throw away most of the good
things coming your way... until you learn to stop doing it.
(pg 96)
Get the "REAL SECRET": to drawing in "lucky breaks", happiness,
and success into your life - reliably... FOREVER!
(pg 80)
Find MONEY (like I do every week): just lying around on the
ground, just WAITING for you to PICK IT UP. (I found $100+ to date)
(pg 95)
Convert Problems into Opportunities
Learn how to transform "problems" into "opportunities": This
will instantly eliminate 90% of the problems you face.
(pp 81-82)
Use the "CLUB FOOT" Technique: to simply walk around any problem
and solve it quickly and effectively. (pp 96-98)
Adopt the "INTENSE FOCUS" of Guided Missiles: which 90% of
the time are off course but always end up hitting the target.
(pg 92)
Are YOU Ready to Leave Bad Luck Behind You Forever?
From a Client of healpastlives.com
Angel of Good Fortune...
“Dear Ellen, Thanks a million for writing the 'Luck Book'.
I could hardly put it down / close it right
after downloading.”
“I'm from Metro Manila and we have a fairly large
Chinese community over here. Now I understand their practice of putting up in
their homes/offices/shops red posters or plaques with Chinese characters
of 'good fortune', 'long life', 'good health' (and so forth).”
“I used to think that they were heavily superstitious until I
heard an old grocer say, 'It doesn't go against any religion really. These
signs remind me to think good thoughts, just like the picture of my family
reminding me that I love my family and that they love and care for me, too.'
“I used to feel so depressed. Now I realize
that I missed looking around and being reminded that the universe loves me
“Again, thanks so much for being an
'angel of good fortune'.”
Mia B, Philippines

Stop Sabotaging & Criticizing Yourself
RELEASE BAD LUCK from your body, mind, and emotions: with
simple, powerful F~R~E~E processes. (pp 12-13)
Quickly FREE yourself from any type of experience: (childhood,
adulthood, past lives) now limiting your success by FREEING
yourself from NEGATIVE EMOTIONS that keep you miserable and unlucky.
(pp 49-53)
How you may be SABOTAGING your visions: of what you want to get
from life and how this STOPS you from getting the good luck you
can imagine. (pg 79)
Stop Others From Blocking Your Success
Recognize people that will "DRAIN" you of energy:
(pg 70) and avoid
getting SUCKED into their problems/dramas.
(pg 93)
Learn the REAL REASON why others who object to your success:
and how you can break free of their limiting influence.
(pg 93)
Discover the easiest way to "Reclaim Your Power From Others": who are
seeking to control and/or limit your life. (pg 93)
Break Through Inner Barriers
Powerful exercise proven to BEAT CANCER: that you can
use to HARMONIZE yourself for creating good luck.
(pg 118)
OPEN yourself to RECEIVE: all the money, happiness,
and success you want & ATTRACT waves of unending
prosperity. (pg 22)
Remove NEGATIVE Internal Programming: (pp 38-41)
keeping you mired in bad luck and attracting more misery & misfortune.
Anchor POSITIVE Internal Programming: (pp 44-46)
creating good luck in your life and attracting more money & abundance.
Are YOU Ready to be Your Own 'Angel of Good Fortune'?
Overcome BAD Financial Karma
Truth About "Bad Luck"
This eBook is unlike all others...
The only eBook to deal FRANKLY with KARMA (pg 5)
by showing you how to TRANSCEND KARMA that keeps bad luck stuck to you like glue
until you overcome it. (pg 116)
It gives you... the FASTEST way to speak directly with your Higher
Self that gets you REAL answers to your questions and POWERS
the creation of good luck. (pp 54-56)
It shows you... how to OVERCOME KARMIC FATALISM ("it's my karma"
attitude) and why, if you fail to do so, your good luck will be blocked
every time. (pg 71)
It empowers you... to take charge of your life by BEATING
KARMA at it's own game by LIVING a Karma Free Life.
(pp 116-117)

Get Motivated to Create Good Luck
Discover what REALLY motivates you to seek more money and
abundance: Become FREE of unconscious influences blocking you.
Tap into the SOURCE of your true inspiration to become all you can be.
(pp 101-102)
Learn what does and does not MOTIVATE you: so that you can
focus on what serves & moves you forward (and not waste any time or
effort on what does not). (pg 18)
Keep yourself MOTIVATED: even on "slow days" when you find
it hard to get started or to keep on going (pg 105)
and to do whatever it takes to achieve your dreams.
(pg 59)
Endless Source of Luck & Happiness
Learn how to LOWER THE PRICE: you pay for success so that you
can get what you have always dreamed about being, having, doing, achieving,
or becoming. (pg 94)
Discover the REAL SOURCE of luck and abundance: the REAL
SECRET to succeeding in any business venture.
(pg 86)
If you are TRYING TOO HARD: what this really means and how to stop
it... Creating Good Luck is MEANT TO BE EASY!
(pg 62)
Turn your NEGATIVE THOUGHTS and EMOTIONS: into your most powerful
POSITIVE ALLIES in manifesting all the good luck, money, and abundance you want.
(pp 14, 20)
Become open to NEW POSSIBILITIES: that good luck will
bring into your life. (pg 12)
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FREE BONUSES: Yours to keep for trying this "Creating Luck" eBook!
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You get the bonuses and the "Secrets of Creating Good Luck"!
What is Changing Luck for the Better Worth to You?
How much is your knowing how to increase, double, or triple your income worth
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How much is the peace of mind that comes with having "more than enough money"
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How much is getting all that you have ever wanted out of life worth to you?
You alone can decide that.
How much is that wonderful feeling of solving long standing problems
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This "Secrets of Creating Good Luck"
eBook (electronic book) in portable document format (PDF).
You can download it and be reading within just a few minutes.
This powerful eBook contains 130 pages - 91,000 words, so it is very quick
to read. This book may be a easy and quick to read, but it is action
packed. It contains everything you need to change your life now.
This "Secrets of Creating Good Luck"
contains everything you will need to keep on going and growing into
an ever more rich, joyous, and abundant life in the future.
This powerful eBook contains everything you will need - in one place -
to create the good luck necessary to make your dreams real no matter
what they are. If you can imagine it, this eBook will guide you
into making it real.
How Long Will You Wait to Change Your Luck?
What is important is the deadline you have set for yourself to
change your luck and your life.
While you were reading this, were
you imagining all the wonderful ways that more money and
abundance could change your life?
So how long do you want to wait before improving your luck and your
life? One more week? One more day? Not
another minute?
If you cannot wait, you can read the
"Secrets of Creating Good Luck"
moments after buying it.
All you have to lose is
bad financial karma. What you
can gain is the life of your dreams!
"Secrets of Creating Good Luck".
Read it. Try the techniques and step-by-step processes
to create good luck. Start making positive changes
in your finances.
Test everything: do not just take my word that these techniques
and processes work powerfully for increasing luck and abundance. Take some
time to make them work for you.
In fact, I will give you two full months,
60 days, (and even more if you
ask me for it) to put this to use in your own life. Then decide.
If you like what these techniques and processes have done for you,
keep the eBooks.
If you decide that the eBooks do not work for you, if you do not like
them for any reason at all, Email me and ask for a refund. I would like
to know why you are returning them... but only if you want to tell me... I
will never ask you why. You will receive your money back promptly.
So How Can You Get All These Secrets for Yourself?
Risk Free! All You Have to Lose is "Bad Karma"
Start taking charge of
your money, your abundance, and your future.
I want to help you heal your life today by knowing more
luck. Spreading more luck across the world is good
karma and the highest form of loving service.
If after applying the techniques in this eBook,
you do not feel as if you have received true value
or if you do not like them for whatever reason,
I will not incur bad financial
karma by keeping your money. You must be satisfied.

You get the "Secrets of Creating Good
Luck" plus bonuses for just $25
(Remember: ALL the $250 worth of F~R~E~E bonuses are yours to keep in
this risk free offer).
These "Secrets of Creating Good Luck" will
help you to experience...
G - Good luck is calling you to a place of greater
joy, more fulfillment, and higher purpose...
O - Only what is ethical, moral, and legal is what
will create lasting "lucky" results in your life...
O - Only your belief and your actions toward your
dreams is what creates lucky opportunities...
D - Dreams: good luck transforms them from inner
desires into outer realities...
L - Learning to find money, abundance, and opportunity
around every corner is the point...
U - Unlucky... is a temporary state that can be
reversed if you clear the blocks to good luck...
C - Creating good luck all depends on you: on inner
influences on your outer actions...
K - Karma - negative financial karma - can be
transcended by anyone who desires it enough!
It's up to you! Download these eBooks and
start getting lucky within minutes!
Wishing you all the best, believing you can create all the abundance you so
richly deserve, and knowing that life can bring all the money and luck you desire,
"Creating Good Luck"
My real address and phone number are at the bottom of this page!
OK, Here is How to Get ALL these "Secrets of Creating Good Luck"
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Copyright ©
1999-2023, Ellen A Mogensen, Past & Now Forward Holistic
532 Old Marlton Pike, Fun Life #248, Marlton, NJ
08053 -- Phone: (856) 988-9716
-- Email:
Forward(TM) & Now Forward(TM) are trademarks of
the Fun Life Company LLC.
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