I took my last drop of insulin on January 3, 2013.
My blood glucose is within recommended levels both in
my daily testing and in the A1C test. My foot-leg
neuropathy and retinopathy-eyes are healed. I took
my last natural supplements for Diabetes on January 14, 2014.
My Diabetes is cured now.
** Are YOU Ready to HEAL Your Diabetes? **
Do You Want to Become FREE from Insulin?
There is a Natural Way to Beat Diabetes!
You CAN Be Free from Insulin!
Discover the Ancient Secrets
to Healing Diabetes Naturally!
Scared about the HEALTH risks of Insulin?

who take injected insulin are
at high risk for heart attack, stroke, and cancer. (1)
(1) Source: "Mortality and Other Important Diabetes-Related
Outcomes With Insulin vs Other Antihyperglycemic Therapies in
Type 2 Diabetes", The Journal of Clinical Endocrinology & Metabolism,
Vol. 98, No. 2, February 2013
How Can Our "Natural Formula" Help You Heal Your Diabetes?
ZERO Drugs,
ZERO Insulin, ZERO Side Effects, Real Healing!
I am a diabetic who follows my "natural formula" (backed by research
conducted by medical professionals) to keep my Blood Glucose inside the
normal range. I take -0- drugs. I take -0- insulin (after having
been diagnosed as needing 72 units daily).
I am not a doctor with a vested interest in making money from
prescribing costly, dangerous, and ineffective pharmaceuticals. I
am a patient who keeps the cost of treating my Diabetes down. I am
a person who has healed the beta cells in my pancreas.
What Problems Can Our "Natural Formula" Help You to Heal?
If you are Diabetic,
you need to manage your blood sugar correctly!
My Diabetes Results: My natural formula has helped my body resume
resetting my glucose level overnight to around 130 (below that and I feel
weak and anemic). It never reaches a high of 190 (above that I do feel
the effects of too much sugar). I can get the blood glucose to drop by
more than 100 overnight.
If you are Diabetic,
you need to manage more than just your blood sugar!
My Diabetic Retinopathy: My natural formula eliminated the vision
problems - flashing lights, glare spots, and circles of light - that
come with Diabetes after 3 days. I continue this treatment and the
symptoms have not returned.
My Foot Neuropathy: My natural formula produced a major reduction
in my food pain after 10 days. After 3 weeks, 90% of the pain was gone
and my foot color returned to normal. After 7 weeks, the burning was
gone, the 95% of the pain was gone, and 90% of the numbness was gone.
After 16 weeks, my feet were normal.
My Leg Neuropathy: My natural formula eliminated the leg cramps
in my calves after 3 days. I continue this treatment and the symptoms
have not returned.
How Safe is Our "Natural Formula"?
If you are Diabetic,
controlling glucose NATURE'S Way has NO Side Effects!
Medical Studies: All of these treatments (in my natural formula)
to manage Diabetes and its complications are backed by clinical studies
(conducted by doctors, hospitals, and universities). All of them feature
items that are on the
"generally recognized as safe list" (GRAS) and so have already been
"pre-approved" by mainstream medical doctors.
No Side Effects: All of these treatments (in my natural formula)
feature items that are NATURAL and are, for the most part, FOOD! They
have no side effects or interactions.
Time Tested: All of these treatments (in my natural formula)
have been used for thousands of years in various traditions of alternative
medicine. These include Chinese, Indian (Ayurvedic), Native American,
and European medicine.
Cost Effective: When I found I was highly allergic to insulin
(swelling red welts at the injection site), I HAD to get off it. I
was grateful that these alternative treatments came out at HALF the
cost of insulin. As I heal my pancreas, the cost is coming down!
What is Included in Our Diabetes eBook?
This is real
advice from a real diabetic who healed herself!
The Great Diabetes Deception What you need to know!
I am living proof of freedom from insulin
since January 3, 2013.
Myths and Legends about Diabetes How you have been lied to!
What you are likely to be told about Diabetes
that is just plain wrong!
Q&A about Diabetes & Insulin The dangers of manufactured insulin.
What you need to know about Hypoglycemia and
Hyperglycemia... the basics.
About the risks of heart attack, stroke, and
cancer from long term use of insulin.
Q&A about Diabetic Complications How Diabetes can HARM you.
What you need to know about Diabetic Stroke
(DKA) from a survivor.
Yes, you can put an end to diabetic foot
pain: no matter how bad it is.
Yes, you can put an end to diabetic leg
cramps: no matter how bad it is.
Yes, you can put an end to diabetic vision
problems: glare and flashes.
About how to REDUCE your risks of Diabetic
Q&A about Healthy Food Choices Guidelines about what works!
Here are common sense guidelines
to help you eat right and eat what you like!
Here is what to drink to make your
Diabetes easier to manage - the truth!
Here are the safest foods to eat by
food group for diabetics.
What vegetarians need to know to ensure
they are eating well for Diabetes.
How foods are created to get you to
over-eat and put on weight.
What it takes to beat cravings for sugar,
fat, and junk food.
How to stop counting calories with a diet
that satisfies you.
Q&A about Healthy Physical Activity Exercise without strain.
How to do easy exercise to help your
body better manage your glucose.
What is the BEST exercise (it is NOT high
stress/impact cardio exercise).
How to know that you are not overdoing it
(too much is just as bad as too little).
How your glucose level tells you how to
better manage your exercise.
How to slip exercise into your busy schedule
in ways that work - period.
How to safeguard yourself (especially your
feet) while exercising.
How to become energized by exercise
(instead of feeling drained).
Q&A about Stress Management How to live well with Diabetes.
How stress effects your body and your mind:
things doctors do not tell you.
How stress effects the level of your blood
glucose (usually raising it).
How to manage both the "inside" and
"outside" causes of stress.
What are the three O's that are responsible
for your stress reactions.
What are the three O's that are responsible
for your stress responses.
What are the three A's that are responsible
for your stress management.
Q&A about Checking Your Blood Glucose What works in real life.
What the "ideal" blood glucose range is
for YOU (how to know it).
What you need to get if you find it hard
to draw blood (like me).
What are the "moving parts" in testing
blood glucose (the basics).
What you need to know about your daily
glucose "start value".
How to evaluate the results of your
daily-60 day glucose testing.
How to do alternate site testing if you
do not want to prick fingertips.
What you need to know about the 60 day
"A1C" Hemoglobin test.
Q&A about Diabetes and Other Diseases What else you need to know.
About the link between Gastroesophageal
Reflux Disease (GERD) and Diabetes.
About the link between general acidity
levels and Diabetes.
About the link between Alzheimer's Dementia
and Diabetes.
About the link between Depression
and Diabetes.
Q&A about Diabetes Support What to do to make improve your condition.
About other supplements (not part of the natural
formula) to support Diabetes.
About diet sodas, health bars, energy boost
drinks, and nutrition shakes.
About relaxation and deep breathing exercises
to manage stress.
Q&A about Ellen's Natural Formula Specifics about how it works.
About working in partnership with your doctor
while using it.
About how to ease into the formula to
customize it for your needs.
About how to ease out of the formula as
your pancreas heals.
Treatment for Diabetes The natural exact formula I use daily.
Treatment for Diabetic Retinopathy (Eyes) How I healed it for myself.
Treatment for Diabetic Neuropathy (Foot) How I healed it for myself.
Treatment for Diabetic Neuropathy (Leg) How I healed it for myself.
About Where to Get these natural supplements (online).
About How much of these supplements to take daily.
What Bonuses are Included in Our Diabetes eBook?
These are the
tools you will need to lose weight and feel great!
At-Home Colonic Plan I lost 20 pounds of impacted waste using this.
Super Foods by Rank How to boost your health and vitality naturally.
The Toxicity Diet How to lighten the load on your digestive system.
Official Weight Chart How to know if you are officially over-weight.
Holmes-Rahe Ratings Scale How to know just how stressed you are.
My G U A R A N T E E for this "Diabetes" eBook!
This is what I have used to free myself from insulin and to keep
my blood glucose at normal levels according to both my daily testing
and my monthly A1C test.
I am so sure that this eBook will help you, that I offer a "no questions
asked, 60 day money back guarantee" to you.
If this eBook does not deliver on everything it promises or
if you simply do not like it for whatever reason, just let me know
within 60 days and I will refund your money, no questions asked.
In Love and Light With Best Wishes for Your Health,

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