Cure #4: Food, Glorious Food: Getting Into the Right Relationship with It
Throughout must of human history and in most parts of the world today, food was/is scarce. Where food is scarce, the presence of food is blessing. Where it is abundant (like in America), too much of it becomes a curse. The truth is that the abundant food we have in America is killing us. It has become a very vicious cycle. We overeat and get fat. We are fat so we risk our health, money, and maybe our lives on fad weight loss solutions. Where the "True" Weight Problem Is In America, the true problem is with weight control is cultural. Centuries of scarcity and lack have programmed us into building food into every aspect of our lives. Food is the answer to everything. We give it as gifts, we get it at work in meetings, at parties, at the movies, at the ballpark... it's everywhere! The key is to come to a right relationship with food: getting enough of the right kind to keep us healthy and to keep us from obesity. GOLDEN RULES FOR GETTING "OUT OF THE FAT LANE" If you're stuck in the FAT lane, here's how you got there - the "secret" formula that has made too many of us a "wide load": Fat = WHAT (40%) + HOW (30%) + WHEN (15%) For those firmly committed to the spiritual path, there is another metaphysical aspect that also must be addressed. You will also need to do the exercise on "Removing 'Meta-Physical' Causes of Unwanted Fat". If you are wondering if you are overweight, click here for the official chart! 1> WHAT YOU EAT: CUT THE FAT, INCREASE WATER & OXYGEN The WHAT Problem: The WHAT problem is what everyone focuses on. Simply put, if you consume more fuel (food, drink) than the energy you are expending (by metabolizing, living, or exercising), then you will get fat: end of story. There are 10 million different solutions to the WHAT problem, here is mine. The WHAT Solution: Here is WHAT to do to get into the right relationship with food and nutrition: * Eat food in balanced proportions: 40% Non-Starchy Vegetables, 30% Fat (like nuts), 30% Protein (like eggs). * Eat foods as close to natural as possible: vegetables and low fructose fruits (berries) are best. * Do 100 Connected Breaths every morning to literally blow the fat off your body. * Drink as much water as you can. Drink 8 eight ounce glasses of water a day. ..........Work yourself up to drinking an ounce of water for every 2 pounds of weight: you'll never be hungry of fat again.
* Walking 30 minutes a day at a "good pace"
is the best exercise you can do.
* Do the necessary mental conditioning. Visualize
yourself at your ideal weight. * Eliminate blocks to weight control: do the "meta-physical weight loss program".
* "Cheating" is essential to success: every
so often, indulge in your favorites 2> HOW YOU EAT: DON'T BE A "SPEED EATING ROBOT" The HOW Problem: It takes twenty minutes to get the signal from your stomach to your brain that you're full. If you are a "speed eater", at ten minutes or maybe even five, you probably have eaten enough to satisfy your hunger. Since you don't know you're full until ten or fifteen minutes later, you keep on eating and eating and eating. If you always "feel stuffed" after a meal, then you are probably routinely eating more than you need to. The HOW Solution: If only you ate more slowly, you would be better able to tell when you are truly full. So unlearn everything you know about how to eat food, because this is how to do it:
* Eat slowly: take breaks after a few forkfuls to
breathe, savor, and talk.
* Chew your food slowly and thoroughly (between 20
& 30 times).
* Make sure that your entire meal lasts at least 20
* Downsize it: instead of upsizing your meal, take the
smaller portion. 3> WHEN YOU EAT: TIMING IS EVERYTHING IN LIFE The WHEN Problem: The problem is that in modern society with our busy schedules we tend to eat the most when we need it the least. We need it the most when we are "breaking the fast" imposed by our need to sleep a full 8 to 10 hours. Most of us get up and get out and don't have time for breakfast. Of course, we lose that time later on by feeling saggy and draggy because we are running our body the car on an empty gas tank. The WHEN Solution: If only you started matching the time you eat to the time you need the energy from food, you would feel better, have more energy, burn up more calories, and lose more. So unlearn everything you know about how to eat food, because this is when to eat it:
* Eat the MOST EARLIEST in the day and taper off:
* During the day, no more than 5 HOURS without eating
or getting water:
* Absolutely no eating TWO HOURS before bedtime, 4> WHY YOU EAT: BECAUSE YOU ARE HUNGRY The WHY Problem: If everyone ate only when they were hungry, there would be a lot less "overweight" people. It is amazing when you think about it, how little eating in America is associated with hunger. Food is out there - everywhere! Eating is "programmed" into to almost every social activity. Your fat cells don't give you a break at Thanksgiving. They don't care that it's Christmas. They work overtime at weddings, showers, parties, cruises - you name it! - soaking up that fat because - who knows? - the world might end tomorrow and you'll starve. In good times and bad, food is usually the answer. The WHY Problem:
When we are children, our bodies naturally know how much
we need to eat and they stop us when they have received
enough calories. When we grow up, food gets pushed on us
by everyone from everywhere.
* No eating when you're not hungry!
* Choose not to eat: just say "No" to food
pushers. 5> WHERE YOU EAT: ONLY IN THE DESIGNATED FOOD AREA The WHERE Problem: Sex might improve when you do it all over the house but eating does not. Eating through the house only adds weight. As in: passing by the fridge, it magically opens and you eat; candy in the dish or fruit from the bowl magically disappears; and there are crumbs everywhere from secret snacking. The WHERE Solution: If you body associates everywhere you go with food, it will want to eat everywhere you go. You must reduce the "sense memory" which triggers the desire to eat by only eating in "food areas".
* To get a handle on what you're eating, you need to
dish it out first.
* ONLY eat where you can pay COMPLETE attention to
your food.
* No eating out of the box - boxes contain several
portions Before using any of these techniques, click here for a "Word of Caution." Credits: adapted from my book "Lose Weight: Forever, Unstressed, Naturally"
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