Cure #3: Water, Water Everywhere: Just Drink It, It Will Cure You
Your body is 75% water. Drain all the water from your system and you will be reduced to a few pounds worth of chemicals that are worth about $5 (an origin of the phrase "life is cheap")! Above all else, your body CRAVES water (just do the math!). Water is the ultimate addiction: ya gotta have it or you die. The one thing that "inner guidance" ALWAYS advises after a healing session is to immediately drink plenty of WATER!!! GOLDEN RULES FOR AVOIDING YOUR "BEVERAGE PROBLEM" "You are not sick, you are thirsty! So don't treat thirst with medications!" Get the water you need - NOW! If you don't do this, remember that when the body does not get the water it needs, it becomes a "drought manager". It will take water from "less essential" systems and transfer it to "more essential" systems. Can you really think of a part of your body that is not fully essential? THIS IS YOUR BRAIN ON WATER - ANY QUESTIONS? "Brain tissue is said to consist of 85% water." Your brain - unlike many other parts of your body - runs 7 days a week, 24 hours a day. Your brain is "1/50th of your total body weight but it receives 18 to 20% of the blood circulation." The "brain function takes absolute priority over all other systems." Since "every function of the body is monitored and pegged to the efficient flow of water", it does not take a rocket scientist to realize that your brain needs water MOST of all. In fact, once you "do more water" one of the first things you notice (besides going to the bathroom more) is the increased mental clarity that running more water through your system automatically gives you. Feel smarter already? You should! WATER IS THE MOST EFFECTIVE NATURAL MEDICINE Water is the most basic and effective natural medicine there is because essential for cleaning toxins from your body. When you don't get enough water, your body thinks you're starving. When your body thinks your starving, it makes "bad" decisions - compromising vital systems - to get the water it MUST have. When you do any kind of healing or undergo any kind of stress, change, or growth, you are producing chemical changes in your body. To process these changes easily and effectively - which 99.9% of the time involve cleaning toxic residue OUT of the body - water is VITAL and ESSENTIAL to the process. GET YOUR MINIMUM DAILY REQUIREMENT OF WATER Most doctors recommend everyone drink eight eight ounce glasses of water a day. By drinking water, you're giving your body what it needs the most. If you have swollen feet or hands, you need water NOW! Your body's storing excess water there because it's starved for it! If you have heartburn, arthritis, back
pain, angina, migraines, colitis, asthma, high blood
pressure, diabetes, high cholesterol, depression, loss of
libido, chronic fatigue syndrome, lupus, multiple
sclerosis, muscular dystrophy, or excess weight, these
are your body's many cries for water!
Click here to see why!
SATISFY YOUR THIRST ALL TIMES... WHEN BEST TO DRINK "The best times to drink water are: one eight ounce glass one half hour before taking food - breakfast, lunch, and dinner - and a similar amount two and one half hours after each meal This is the very minimum amount of water your body needs." For better results, you should have "two more glasses of water around the heaviest meal or before going to bed." What works best for me is to continuously drink water through the day. The point is to get that water in you anyway that you can. WHERE TO GET THE DAILY WATER YOU NEED In my opinion, most water on tap is "contaminated or containing impurities not safe to drink." When using tap water I believe you MUST install a "small carbon or ceramic filtration unit on your water faucet." I like premium bottled water because it is "sterilized by the addition of ozone at the time of bottling" and "if used in time, bottled water can serve as an alternative" to distilled tap water. JUST BECAUSE IT IS FLUID DOES NOT MEAN IT IS WATER Just because you are drinking "plenty of fluids", it does not mean that you are getting enough water. "Tea, coffee, alcohol, and manufactured beverages (juices and regular or diet sodas) contain water but what else they contain are dehydrating agents. Dehydrating agents eventually cause loss of some bodily functions. Severe and lasting dehydration have been translated as indicators of unknown diseases." So just because it is wet does not make it water. Water: accept NO substitutes!!! DEPRIVE YOUR BODY & DEHYDRATION WILL CAUSE DISEASE If you own a car, you know that if you fail to give the engine the fresh oil it needs on a regular basis, you engine will be damaged and eventually break down. Water is the oil that your body needs on a daily basis in the correct amounts to function properly. Unlike your car, your body will undertake a program of creative water management to redistribute this essential nutrient to where it is needed most. The real problem with such
"creativity" is that it keeps you from
realizing what your true health problem is: lack of
water. If you want to see the critical damage water
deprivation can do, consult the
list of dehydration related diseases.
"DRY MOUTH" IS THE VERY LAST SIGN OF DEHYDRATION Most people think if they do not have "dry mouth" than they are getting enough water. The truth is that, due to the fact that eating is such high priority for the body, "saliva is produced even if the rest of the body is comparatively dehydrated. Dry mouth is the very LAST sign of dehydration." The bottom line is that "water is too important to the body to only signal its shortage by experiencing a dry mouth." "DRY MOUTH" IS NOT A SIGN OF THIRST, PAINS ARE! The "label of disease" is routinely applied when the medical community has "not understood that pain and local damage can be one of the ways that persistent drought in the body shows itself." After chronic, long standing water deprivation, when the "dehydration has become symptom-producing, the reversal of its complications takes time and understanding." Until doctors realize that "people were suffering from a 'thirst problem'", they cannot cure the problem because they have not found it's source. Click here for more. IT IS NEVER TOO LATE FOR WATER TO HELP CURE YOU "At each phase of our life, our body is the product of a time-operated series of chemical interactions. The cells of the body are like sponges; it takes some time before they become better hydrated. If your kidneys are not damaged as a result of the long standing and expanding dehydration that the loss of thirst sensation will automatically force on the body, then you can feel safe and drink" more water. Remember that correcting any long standing problem is like turning a ship in the ocean - it does not turn on a dime. It took time for the problem to be created and it will take time for the problem to be cured. NO "FATAL INTERACTION" IS POSSIBLE If you drink too much water, you pee (NOTE: you can die from an overdose of water if you are determined to stuff yourself with more than 5 liters of it!). If you take the wrong kind of drugs, in the wrong combination, in the wrong dose, you die. Before you turn up your nose at a water cure, read these "bad" statistics. "Drug companies produce so many chemicals that are proven to make 2,000,000 sicker and have killed over 100,000 annually - even when used according to their manufacturers' recommendations! One in every 4 hospital admissions are due to the side effects of routinely used prescription drugs One in 15 hospital patients in the United States can expect to suffer from a prescription or over-the-counter medicine, and about 5 percent of these will die as a result!" Any questions? "YOU ARE NOT SICK, YOU ARE THIRSTY": TRY IT! I "invite you to take charge of your own health and well being by learning about the direct relationship of chronic dehydration to pain production and disease. Begin here and now" by making the commitment to drink eight eight ounce glasses a day every day for the next 60 days without fail. You will feel better, think better, have more energy, lose weight, and honor your body all for pennies a day. All you have to lose are your chronic health problems. It's up to you: the life that you save will be your own. For the quickest and safest results with the "water cure", drink 1/2 your body weight of water in ounces daily AND be sure to use 1/4 teaspoon of sea salt for every quart of water you drink so that your body can regulate the increased intake of water properly. Before using any of these techniques, click here for a "Word of Caution." Credits: adapted from "Your Body's Many Cries for Water" by F. Batmanghelidj, MD |
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