Rules #27a: "Settling Accounts in True Coin": Rules of Past Life Healing
Past life healing can be one of the most powerful experiences that an individual has in any given lifetime. For the physical, emotional, mental, and spiritual problems which have been "plaguing" an individual for many incarnations can be released "in the blink of an eye"... for those willing to follow the rules of past life healing (see our Past Life Case Histories for examples of such releases). We live in a loving, compassionate universe. God wants us all to know the joy that is our birthright. All we need to do is let ourselves out of the prisons we have created for ourselves in the past. Here's how Past Life Healing Works... #1: PAST LIFE HEALING IS DONE "BY PERMISSION ONLY" Whether past life healing is done by
or by
regression, it
is always only done by permission only. Your
Higher Self,
the Lords of Karma, your guides, and your angels decide just how much
or little past life healing you will receive. In regression, the ego function of the human unconscious mind will shut down, block, or distort the past life information that the individual is receiving if it is threatening to derail their life path. #2: PAST LIFE HEALING IS THE TRANSFORMING OF KARMA
Past life healing
can alternatively be described as the
clearing of karma,
healing of karma,
and the
transformation of karma to dharma.
It can NEVER be described as the
escaping of karma.
If you are on the Earth, you are subject to
the laws of
You can be free of karma in the sense that
if you obey it's laws and live your contract, you can exist in
peace. #3: PAST LIFE HEALING IS A PROCESS OF EVOLUTION Enforcing the evolution of each individual
into Soul awareness is what the rules of
are all about. Those rules work to ensure
that you stay on your path so that you meet your life contract.
Past Life Healing works to expand and enrich your path so that you
can accelerate in Soul awareness if you choose to do so (see
"Hallmarks of the
Spiritually Advanced").
#4: HEALING THE PRESENT IS WHY WE MUST HEAL THE PAST Past life healing comes down to this...
The point of all power is in the present
moment because this NOW moment is the only one you ever
experience. The Now that was present yesterday we call the past.If you cannot be at peace with a particular Now moment in the past - whether from a past life or from a past event in the present life - you need to heal that moment. For what is unhealed from the past can keep you from being all you want to be now - physically, emotionally, mentally, or spiritually. And what is unhealed from the past will continue to negatively influence your present until it is resolved. #5: THE ONLY WAY PAST YOUR PAIN IS THROUGH IT The simple truth is the only way past your
pain and problems is going through them. For "what is forgotten,
'unknown' and unhealed is always more frightening than what is
remembered, 'known', and healed." It is this fear that attaches the
painful past to you like a magnet.
Pushing through the fear, the problems, and
the pain is what resolves them... avoiding them only increases their
"magnetic" pull until they become so unbearable that they must be
faced. #6: THE POINT OF THE PAIN IS TO FORCE YOU TO REMEMBER When we experience pain, we invariably ask
the question of "WHY?"
"Why am I having this pain?"
"What is the point of it?"
"When will it ever stop?"
"You are having the pain because you are forgetting, ignoring, or misunderstanding something very important that you need to remember about yourself." #7: IF PAST LIFE PAIN RETURNS, YOU HAVE ATTRACTED IT Often just facing past life pain is
sufficient to release it for good. If you really have let the pain
of the past go it will not return to you. Yet sometimes an individual
is so "invested" in their pain that it returns to them as inevitably
as a boomerang. #8: THE PAST LIFE HEALING OF PHYSICAL PROBLEMS The healing of physical problems is the most
popular use of past life healing because it gives people the most
immediate and obvious results. Often they have a specific problem -
most often chronic pain - that conventional medical treatments or
other alternative healing cannot address.
The results are immediate in that the problem will cease altogether anywhere between the time the person makes a firm intention to keep their appointment to a month after the session is completed.The good news is that physical problems do not have to be a life sentence for those willing to look deep inside themselves to heal their pain. #9: THE PAST LIFE HEALING OF MENTAL PROBLEMS Closely linked to our emotional patterns are
our mental ones: otherwise known as attitudes, beliefs, thoughts, and
behaviors. Since these were formed through trial and error during the
totality of all our experiences in many incarnations, they are often
the most "treatable" by past life healing.
#10: THE PAST LIFE HEALING OF EMOTIONAL PROBLEMS Past life healing of emotional problems is particularly effective precisely because they force someone to look deep inside themselves for answers. To understand this, look at the word emotion. It comes from the phrase "Energy in Motion". Everyone's emotions originate inside themselves as energy seeking expression. This energy is sent by our Higher Selves for our learning and unfoldment as Soul and drives us to take action and make choices. Our choices then either "work off" or "make more" karma for ourselves. [Example]Past life healing gives us a unique opportunity to examine the karmic patterns which underlie these emotions. For once we see the emotional patterns that drive us we are free to transcend them and make different, more empowering choices. #11: THE PAST LIFE HEALING OF SPIRITUAL PROBLEMS Of all the past life problems out there,
spiritual ones are often the most difficult to heal. This happens
because as we all make our solitary journey back home to God, most
people become firmly attached to one particular religious path.
Spiritual problems arise when we are asked to step beyond a path
that no longer is advancing our learning or our unfoldment as Soul.
#12: ON THE JOURNEY & DESTINATION OF PAST LIFE HEALING If the process of past life healing could be
summed up in a single phrase, it would be this one.
"Those who do not learn from the lessons of the
past are condemned to repeat them." (Santayana)
Our failure to learn the laws of life in the Universe, to grow in Soul
awareness, to expand in our ability to Love is what propels us along
the journey through the worlds of
reincarnation. To learn more about how Past Life Healing works through time, consult the FAQ on Past Life Healing to see how healing flows "back" through time. Credits: from channeled information. |
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