KARMIC DICTIONARY: Past Life Causes of Present Life Disorders
Munchausen (Mom) Syndrome - Munchausen's by Proxy
Short Description
Short Description:
Munchausen (Mom) Syndrome
The syndrome was named after Baron Münchhausen (Karl Friedrich Hieronymus
Freiherr von Münchhausen, 1720-1797) who told many fantastical tales of his
life (published as "The Surprising Adventures of Baron Munchausen" by Rudolf
Raspe). Looking at the karma behind this disease, here is what drives it:
Symptoms: Those suffering from Munchausen Syndrome both create and exaggerate symptoms of illnesses in themselves or others (by proxy) to get medical personnel to investigate and treat them/others as well as to elicit lots of attention, sympathy, and comfort from family and friends. Often they are knowledgeable about medicine and/or have performed extensive research on illnesses to make them appear to be caused naturally. Munchausen's is NOT hypochondria because hypochondriacs want to get well while MS sufferers do not. After Effects: Munchausen's sufferers rarely stop themselves: their addiction to the high they get from fooling others keeps them going. They are quite aware of either how they are exaggerating their condition or how they are intentionally keeping others (usually their own children) sick. Even the risk of permanently harming or killing themselves or others is not enough to stop them. They almost always are stopped by others who have closely studied the patterns of their or others illnesses and have determined that it is Munchausens at work. Advice: For those suffering from Munchausen's, admit what you are doing to someone and have them get you help. For those who suspect Munchausen's in another, do whatever it takes learn the truth and act accordingly. For more on this kind of destructive behavior, see also Munchausen Hero Homicide. Case History: One of the worst cases of Munchausen Syndrome by Proxy, took place between 1949 and 1968, when eight of the ten children in the Noe family died of mysterious causes which were at first attributed to Sudden Infant Death Syndrome. Later the mother Noe admitted to suffocating all eight of her children. Before using any of this advice, click here for a "Word of Caution" Credits: from channeled information. |
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