KARMIC DICTIONARY: Past Life Causes of Present Life Disorders
Munchausen Hero Homicide
Short Description
Short Description:
Munchausen Hero Homicide
The syndrome was named after Baron Münchhausen (Karl Friedrich Hieronymus
Freiherr von Münchhausen, 1720-1797) who told many fantastical tales of
his life (published as "The Surprising Adventures of Baron Munchausen"
by Rudolf Raspe). Looking at the karma behind this disease, here is
what drives it:
Symptoms: Those suffering from Munchausen Hero Homicide (MHH) intentionally create dangerous situations for others (arson, overdoses, poison, stabbings, shootings, etc) where they can be the first responder and then come to their rescue. They do not intend to harm the others they put at risk, indeed their goal is to save and rescue those they have put in harm's way. By being the hero, they seek to elicit lots of attention, praise, and recognition from family and friends for the "great work" they are doing to heal and save others from harm. After Effects: Munchausen's Hero sufferers rarely stop themselves: their addiction to the high they get from rescuing others keeps them going. They are quite aware of the fact that they are committing crimes and that they are intentionally putting others in harm's way. Even the fact that they have permanently harmed or killed others is not enough to stop them. They almost always are stopped by others who have closely studied the patterns of their activities and so have determined that it is Munchausen's Hero Homicide Syndrome at work. Advice: For those suffering from Munchausen's, admit what you are doing to someone and have them get you help. For those who suspect Munchausen's in another, do whatever it takes learn the truth and act accordingly. For more on this kind of destructive behavior, see also Munchausen Moms. Case History: These Munchausen "Angels of Death" (all healthcare workers) were serial killers for years who murdered under the cover of their jobs without anything being done to stop them: Beverly Allitt, Charles Cullen, Vickie Dawn Jackson, Kristen Gilbert, Maria Gruber, Genene Jones, Donald Harvey, Irene Leidorf, Christine Malevre, Orville Lynn Majors, Stephanija Meyer, Elfren Salvidar, Harold Shipman, and Waltraud Wagner. Before using any of this advice, click here for a "Word of Caution" Credits: from channeled information. |
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