KARMIC DICTIONARY: Past Life Causes of Present Life Disorders
Hypnagogic Release
Short Description
Short Description:
Hypnagogic Release
Hypnagogic Release is a special gift in recognition of present balancing
of past life actions through greater love and awareness:
Symptoms: When you are falling asleep and moving from the waking to the dreaming state, you are temporarily in the hypnagogic state. It is quite common for past life karma to be worked off in the dream state. It is less common (although not unheard of) for past life karma to be worked off during the brief, transitional hypnagogic state. Whichever method is chosen by your Higher Self to release your past life karma, it is done to promote your spiritual growth and unfoldment. After Effects: The problem - whether physical, mental, or emotional - will be permanently released. By permanent, the release is effective - literally - from the moment it happens to the end of an individual's cycle of reincarnation. Advice: Past life exploration can always provide an explanation to why they received this release. Often, when the release happens while the individual is falling asleep (alpha brain wave state), the related past life will be revisited while in the deep dream state (delta brain wave state). More often than not, the individual receiving the Hypnagogic Release will be able to carry that information back into their waking life (beta brain wave state) by having a clear memory of this process. Case History: From a client: "While I was falling asleep, I felt as if my leg was being cut off. It seemed so real because I knew that I was still awake. The cut was just below the knee where I suffered a sports injury as a child. When I woke up the next day, the chronic pain I felt since that injury was gone and has not come back. What happened to me?" The answer is: "This was a Hypnagogic Release of a past life where your leg was amputated after being wounded in war. This past life was released when your [present actions] resolved the related issues!" Before using any of this advice, click here for a "Word of Caution" Credits: from channeled information. |
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