Rules #6b: Spiritually Advanced: How Spiritual Unfoldment Works
So how do we go from our undeveloped Soul to our totally evolved Higher Self? The answer is "Unfoldment!" So How Does Spiritual Unfoldment Work?
To understand the process of "Unfoldment", imagine a tablecloth that is folded up. Only a small part of the cloth is visible. As we come to know ourselves better, it is like we are unfolding that tablecloth so we can see more and more of it. With each life, that tablecloth is unfolded a little more. Finally, when we have gained enough experience, the tablecloth is totally revealed… and we see ourselves in total detail.
From the beginning, we, like the tablecloth, are already whole and complete as a perfect creation of God. Yet we cannot understand our divinity until we get to know ourselves better. The best way to do that is to understand ourselves by getting to know each part of us over the course of a single lifetime. So we unfold our tablecloth slowly until we have achieved total Self-Realization and then God-Realization.
Self-Realization means that we understand the unique note that we bring to the universal song. The word "universe" translates into "one song" that we all sing together as we co-create in our lives over our cycles of reincarnation. When we have unfolded "enough", we have come to understand our strengths. Some strengths were a natural part of our character. Other strengths we had to develop and grow by working with karma to correct our natural weaknesses.
God-Realization means that we have evolved into a full fledged CoWorker with God into the unfolding majesty of His/Her creation. The whole point of experiencing lives- past, present, and future - is to know more love, feel more joy, and to grow in Soul awareness. Karma is our teacher and reincarnation ensures that we get as many chances as we need to become the perfect being that we already are.
Unfoldment means that we shall never cease from our exploration, even when we have achieved the God Realized state. Unfoldment means that when we return to a place that we have been before, we will know it better because we know ourselves better. Unfoldment means we understand why the end is in the beginning. What is the Process of Spiritual Unfoldment?
Our journey through the universe is a paradox. At all times, we are whole, complete, and fully realized at the core of our Soul being within our Higher Self. Yet, as we live our day to day life as a human beings, the greater part of ourselves is like a submerged iceberg... present but unseen. Like the tablecloth, we see only the part that is showing... the rest is there waiting to be unfolded and used... only when we make the effort to unfold it by tough life experience.
For a time, during our journey as Soul, we are falsely confident of our knowledge. We are like the mountain climber who sees a towering peak before them. We think that once we climb to the top of the mountain, we have conquered all there is to be mastered. With each step, our excitement grows because we anticipate all we will gain once we have reached the summit of all knowledge. This excitement powers our learning, growth, and desire for spiritual unfoldment.
Eventually, the terrible moment arrives: we arrive at the summit of the mountain... and we see other, higher mountain ranges stretching out before us. All at once the weight of our true ignorance hits us with full force. Not only are there higher mountains to conquer but we can see a vast field of stars just visible behind the clouds. Only then are we humbled into understanding that - no matter how much we know - there is so much more to learn to properly comprehend the universe.
The paradox of unfoldment is that we must learn more to understand how truly ignorant we are. That is why "a little knowledge really is a dangerous thing"... Only those who are ignorant can be fooled into thinking that the little they know is everything there is. The wise, with a broader understanding of the universe, realize that its vast totality prevents them from knowing all... especially in the span of one life.
Understanding the vast totality of the universe requires many lifetimes of knowledge and experience... this is why we reincarnate. Knowing how to navigate the vast totality of the universe requires extensive lessons in love, joy, and awareness... this is what karma is always working to teach us and what we are striving to learn. Credits: from channeled information. |
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