Exercise: Creating Your Ideal Future: Installing Positive Emotions
For Quick Access to This Exercise: To get to the parts of this exercise you are most interested in viewing, click on the link below to go there. For best results, read through the entire exercise at least once. Background on This Exercise
Your situation in life (health, finances, relationships)
is a net result of your karma as expressed by your thoughts, beliefs,
emotions, and actions. To improve any situation, you need to start from
the inside out ("as above, so below").
Goal: The purpose of this exercise is to install positive emotions into your energy field to drive your beliefs and your actions in the direction you want them to go. Past lives have left us all with deep seated emotions and beliefs that our conscious mind might know does not serve us... but that we still cling to unconsciously. EFT can help us to install new resonances into our system quickly so that we become free to make different choices. This version of EFT helps you to install wanted POSITIVE emotions which support your conscious desires and goals. Preparation: To achieve "Emotional Freedom", here is what must happen first: 1>
You must be clear on what you DO want:
Usually people are more focused on what they do no want. If you cannot
decide on what you DO want, then you should do the NEGATIVE releasing
process first (click
here) before continuing.
Be sure to ask for POSITIVE intentions that are worded positively, such as:
2> You must be honest with yourself and answer this question: "Do you really want what you have asked for?" So often our problems become so deeply ingrained in us that they come to define us. Be careful of what you decide to install because you will get what you have asked for. Only clarity of intention built on a foundation of personal integrity is the key to the success of this exercise. 3> Ask and you shall receive. You are a Divine spiritual being, a spark of God come to Earth to have a human experience. Inside yourself, you have and know everything you need to. All you need to do is become who you already are. 4> Listen and be open to what you will learn. If your life on Earth is perfect, then there is nothing more for you to do. Enjoy and do not waste another moment fixing what is not broken. If your life on Earth is not what you want it to be, then be open to the help that is about to be given to you through this exercise. 5> Being comfortable is essential. Do this exercise in a quiet place where you will be undisturbed for the entire session. This should last at least an hour. 6>
Learn the EFT Finger Position:
Here is how to position your fingers: 7> Learn the PRIMARY EFT Points: Here are the primary EFT points for this exercise. Notice that, in this positive exercise, there are much fewer EFT points than in the negative exercise. It is harder to remove negativity than to install positivity (assuming that the negative emotions have been released previously).
2> Close your eyes and thinking about the intention you want to install, in this case, "I love myself unconditionally". Say that statement aloud you have a clear picture of that goal in your mind. Rate the intensity of your emotions on a scale of 0 to 10, with 0 as feeling nothing and 10 as feeling the emotions with the greatest intensity. The good news is that the more intensely you are feeling the emotions about your intentions, the faster the new belief will be installed. 3> Begin with the KARMA Point. At a moderate pace, tap firmly at least 12 times on this point with your index and middle finger while saying "Even though I have created my karma, I now choose to deeply and completely love myself unconditionally." 4> Be open to letting spirit guide you. If you feel that it is not time to move on from working this point, repeat the statement about your intention while continuing to tap. Usually you should only need to repeat the phrase 3 or 4 times while tapping on the point with your index and middle finger before moving on to the next one. 5> Continue with the BROW Point. At a moderate pace, tap firmly at least 12 times on this point with your index and middle finger while saying "I now decide to deeply and completely love myself unconditionally." Repeat this until you will ready to continue. 6> Continue with the HEART Point. At a moderate pace, tap firmly at least 12 times on this point with your index and middle finger while saying "It is now safe to deeply and completely love myself unconditionally." Repeat this until you will ready to continue. 7> Breathe out to release your desires into the universe. Take a moment to think about how great it would feel to be living your intentions as if they were already manifested into your reality. Example: A whole new you! Give it a try! Credits: adapted from Gary Craig's Emotional Freedom Technique. |
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