Rules #30a: "Towing the Iceberg": Rules of Past Life Resonance
"Row Well and Live" Do you often sense that you are weighted
down inside? Like you are dragging invisible baggage that you can
feel but cannot see? If you have had any or all of these feelings come up regularly in your life, then it is likely that the "weight you feel inside" are "past life resonances". * If your body is the "prison" (Your Body: Prison Without Walls) which compels to you work off your karma. So What Are Past Life Resonances... and Why Should You Care About Them? Past life resonances are simply "inherited patterns of being modified by experience". These patterns of being are the sum total of all the learning that you have inherited from past lives. This is how keep all that you have learned in past lives without being overwhelmed by all the details of your previous incarnations.These "patterns of being" are meant to be "modified by experience" as you live each lifetime. Most resonances are good: they are the sources of your strengths, skills, and talents. However, those resonances which keep you from being all you can be today - physically, mentally, emotionally, spiritually - need to be healed. So Why Do Resonances Cause Problems... and Why Must You Heal Them? "Problems" from the past - like most problems
- just get worse until they are resolved. Even worse, if these
problems come from the past they are remarkably resistant to present
day treatments. This is because our past live resonances operate much
like icebergs. Six-sevenths of the massof an iceberg is below the
sea surface and so it is always more massive and immovable than it
appears. So What Are the Sources of Past Life Resonances… and Do You Have Them? Beside each Past Life Resonance below is the internal dialog that goes with it. If you have heard any of these "lines of dialog" either playing in your head or running through your speaking, then you ARE being effected by such resonances. You will continue to be effected by them until you heal the problems in your past lives or in past events from your present life that caused them to become part of your being. Here are the Most Common Forms of Past Life Resonances: #1: ATTACHMENT: The hardest thing you will ever have to
accept about your life in the universe is that you have chosen to
be here. Almost always, the choice was made because there is something
that you "HAVE TO" do, be, or have. #2: VANITY: Each of us has within us the capability to be a "Mother Theresa" type Saint and an "Adolf Hitler" type of mass murderer. The truth is that each has a place in God's universe and each has a role to play. At one time, we have or will have all played all the roles. We come to learn that we are neither "so fantastic" or "so horrible" but that we are all servants of God. Past life resonances of both the "fantastic narcissist" and the "horrible masochist" will cry out for healing until they are resolved. #3: INTOLERANCE: Of all past life resonances, those involving
rigid, fanatical intolerance - "good-or-evil" beliefs, "we-or-they"
attitudes, "black-or-white" thinking - are among the hardest to heal.
What it takes are lifetimes of experiencing things from all viewpoints
to come to the ultimate truth of existence that
"we have looked into the face of the enemy and
find that we are they…"
#4: UNFORGIVENESS: Unforgiveness is the companion of intolerance:
for those we cannot tolerate, we can never forgive because our past
life resonances ensure that at a cellular level we always remember.
Since our bodies were designed to carry our learnings forward from
life to life, "never" and "always" can be quite a long time karmically
speaking. #5: HATE: If left unhealed for too long, intolerance
and unforgiveness manifest as the most extreme form of past life
resonance: hate. Hate is THE most difficult resonance of all to heal.
For hate is like fire: it can fuel itself indefinitely on everything
it finds around it. Since we are infinite beings, vowing to hate
forever is a command to the universe that - literally - can be carried
out for millenia. #6: PRIDE: Closely related to vanity is pride. Our
individual journey as Soul through the universe (karma) is "all about
me" and learning about oneself is necessary to become fully Self
Realized. At the same time, our journey is "all about others" as
we develop our continuous connection to the God Source (our
Higher Self)
and the collective consciousness so we can
become fully God Realized. #7: GLUTTONY: There are many things to love on this Earth:
food, sex, money, power, nature, challenge, adventure, discovery. And
the list goes on and on seemingly forever. That which you love down
here - that which you cannot get enough of... are past life resonances
that pull on you until you satisfy them. #8: ENVY: Envy is always caused by misplaced attention. You envy in others what you used to have in a past life or what you have yet to create in a future life. Since all time is now, resonances manifesting as envy in the present life are created when you catch glimpses of your past or future self in another's life experience. Envy is the failure to realize that, along our journey of Soul in the universe, we have been and will be all things. Like hate, envy is a poison that sickens us until it is purged. It gets purged when we connect with the totality of ourselves and know that all is within us now. #9: ANGER: Anger is the fuel that powers all the
"negative emotions" that we have, especially hate and envy. It often
seems to us that anger comes from outside ourselves
("they make me angry")
but the truth is that anger ALWAYS comes from
inside. #10: GREED: Greed is the fuel that powers gluttony.
Although we live in an abundant universe, it has taken us quite a
long time to create societies on the Earth that realize the promise
of abundance. So the fear of "lack" ("there will never be enough")
is deeply ingrained in our collective consciousness and it invariably
manifests as greed ("so I have to take all for me while I can because
I will lack someday"). The companion of greed is "cheapness" ("since
I cannot make more, I must spend less"). #11: SLOTH: From a karmic standpoint, laziness is the
central problem of human existence. The truth is most people are
not the actors in their life's drama but the reactors to the karmic
circumstances in their lives which require action to be taken. #12: LUST: Lust is the fuel that powers attachment and
completes the circle of "negative" human desires. As long as you
"want" something, you are being driven by past life resonances to
experience something else that you have not already explored in past
lives. All your wants become satisfied when you have finally
experienced and are complete with all the Earth has to offer. Notice the parallels to the problems that are purged during the Dark Night of Soul. For one of it's purposes is to purge the last of our Past Life Resonances from us. Credits: from channeled information. |
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