Rules #14: A Prison Without Walls - Your Body, Free Will, & Karma
As you grow in spiritual awareness, you will come across a contradiction between the concepts of free will and karma. It goes like this "If all is a working out of karma and agreed to in advance, then how do I have free will?" but "If all is free will then I can do what I want but then why are my past lives holding me back?" And the Answer is Your physical body is - literally - a prison without walls. You are free to do whatever it is your body will or will not allow or compel you to do. Here is How Your Body is an Agent of Free Will & Karma: 1> YOUR PHYSICAL BODY IS RUN BY YOUR INNER BODIES Annie Besant explained it best: You get the karmic body "you have prepared for yourself" directly from "agents of the Lords of Karma." This "inner double" karmic body is "built according to the elements you yourself have provided." These elements include your character strengths and weaknesses, your skills and abilities, your desires and dreams "after which is shaped your physical body." In "very truth, you are self created, responsible for all that you are." Your inner bodies "condition the exercise of your faculties." They shape your beliefs and thoughts which governs your choices and creates your reality. 2> MOST PEOPLE RUN ON THE "TRAIN TRACKS" OF KARMA Often most people cannot even notice that their lives are running along the "train tracks" of karma laid out by their inner bodies. They never try to test the limits of their "self made prisons" to see if they can be something more. They merely accept that their life "is the way it is" and that "some things will never change". It is this type of limiting thinking that keeps most safely inside the box of karma that their body-mind has become. They use their free will only to the extent that they are "thinking inside the box". Thus their karma and their free will coexist: never interfering or contradicting one another. 3> YOUR HEREDITY CREATES THE "TRACKS" OF YOUR KARMA The genetic coding of any individual physical body is formed by it's past life pre-dispositions and is stored as cellular memory (see Rules of Cellular Memory). It gives the individual the potential to contract any number of physical ailments and to undergo any number of different life experiences as a result. Whether or not someone manifests a particular condition or encounters certain life experiences is totally dependent upon the choices individual has made using their free will. These choices can be made consciously (you are aware of them) or unconsciously (your Higher Self sends them as a vehicle for your learning lessons). 4> YOUR ENVIRONMENT SETS THE ROUTE OF THE "TRACKS" Each individual carries into this life the potential for manifesting recurrence of past life condition(s). This potential results from conflicts created and left unresolved in past lifetimes. When an individual encounters similar situations in the environment of this lifetime, they get the opportunity to complete that issue. They complete an issue when they address the deep seated causes of the problem. If the person is successful in solving the problem, their environment transforms to move them along to the next set of problems. If not, their life is "switched" back to a similar situation, so they can try again to resolve it. 5> YOUR EMOTIONS FUEL YOUR RIDE ALONG THE "TRACKS" Emotions are literally "energy in motion". Highly charged emotions that are not ever expressed and released will have adverse - if not life threatening - effects on an individual's physical and mental condition. To heal, it is not necessary to express such emotions directly to the person(s) involved in a given life situation. All that is really needed is for the individual to acknowledge the truth of their emotions, honor them, and develop unconditional self love. What makes your ride on the tracks of karma bearable is the love, compassion, and forgiveness you develop for yourself and others along the way. 6> HEREDITY + ENVIRONMENT + FREE WILL=RESOLVE KARMA So the life of most people on Earth today can be summed up by the above formula. The heredity (which they chose before they came), their environment (which they inherit but are driven to change), and their free will (the Life Contract they agreed to before birth and the actions they "choose" based on emotions) create their life. If you look at the mass of humanity, you will find that most people usually do not transcend the circumstances of their birth and their upbringing. Heredity and environment become the blinders that keep them plodding faithfully along their track of karma. If these life conditions are "bad enough", they also become the motivation for an individual to exercise their free will and work toward overcoming "the crummy 'karma' cards they have been dealt". 7> TAKE ACTION TO TRANSCEND HEREDITY/ENVIRONMENT For every action there is a reaction, for every cause, an effect: this is the basic principle of karma. Free will is involved in the selection of the action taken. Karma is involved in creating the circumstances that make selecting an action necessary. Evolution and spiritual growth in joy, love, and awareness are the end results of the karmic process. When you recognize that your physical body is merely one of the garments your Soul wears to gain experience, you can understand how to transcend your circumstances. In essence, you can begin to exert your free will to break out of the box of karma... and expand the prison without walls. 8> TRANSCEND HEREDITY=HANDLE SPIRITUAL CAUSES Every problem contains the solution within it. Although there is a "point of no return", all physical, mental, or emotional conditions experienced within this lifetime can be healed. They can only be transcended once the spiritual causes which created them are resolved (see How Your Body, Mind, Emotions, Spirit Work, Rules for Healing, Rules of Illness, and Rules of Recovery). The spiritual causes are those you "inherited" from past lives - the major karmic issues you are resolving. 9> TRANSCEND ENVIRONMENT=HANDLE SPIRITUAL EFFECTS All physical, mental, or emotional environments experienced within this lifetime can also be transcended. The media is full of stories about how people have overcome incredible odds. They can only be transcended once the spiritual effects which created them are resolved (see How Your Body, Mind, Emotions, Spirit Work, Rules of Healing, Rules of Illness, and Rules of Recovery). The spiritual effects are those you "created" in this life - the karma created by how you react now. 10> TRANSCEND EMOTIONS=SETTLE CAUSE & EFFECT Your karma functions like a fence: it sets up the boundaries within which you use your free will to work on the "problems" caused by heredity and environment. To climb over the "fence" of karma, you need to transcend both your heredity and environment. Doing so, necessarily involves working on your emotions. It is your emotions that drive you to take action to resolve the causes and effects of your heredity and environment. Emotions can only be "settled" when the causes and effects from your heredity and environment are "settled". 11> TRANSCEND KARMA=HANDLE FREE WILL RESPONSIBLY Karma works to develop your ability to handle free will responsibly. Karma perates impersonally, giving you the opportunity at every moment to become open to greater levels of love and compassion. The goal is to give you needed experiences so you evolve into greater levels of awareness and responsibility. 12> IN COWORKERSHIP, KARMA&FREE WILL BECOME ONE All you do at every moment is your choice. Once you accept total responsibility for who you are, for what you have done or will do, and for all your choices, life straightens out. You become what you are and you see yourself as Soul. Once you do, you are able to become a fully realized co-worker with God. For evidence of how the "train tracks of karma" are readily visible in the universe, see "Astrology, Karma, and the Arts of Divination". Credits: from "Karma" by Annie Besant and channeled information. |
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