Rules #4a: Rules for Healing: If You Truly Want to Heal
Just in case you wondered if there are rules for healing there are... The truth is the healing rules listed below operate very impersonally just like any other physical phenomena. Follow these rules and you will heal. For these rules will put you on the road to recovery. Ignore them and you will continue to be ill. No one is free from them ever. So either you decide to work with these healing rules or you will constantly bang into them. The choice is yours. 1> YOU ARE THE ONLY ONE WHO EVER HEALS YOURSELF You heal for two reasons. One, you believe you deserve to heal and that belief manifests as your desire to be healed. Two, your desire to be healed manifests as action on your part to get healed. So many people delay, deny, and diffuse their healing because, at bottom, they do not want to live. The desire for healing is truly the desire for living. You will only heal if you really want to live. 2> TRUE HEALING COMES FROM WITHIN YOURSELF No one outside of you can take responsibility for your problems. This means that no one outside of you can really heal you. The truth is that healers are merely facilitators and vehicles for your healing. Healers can advise you, counsel you, and prescribe treatments for you but they cannot heal you. Only you can heal the spiritual cause ("as above") of your body-mind-emotions problem ("so below"). 3> YOU ARE TOTALLY RESPONSIBLE FOR YOUR HEALING When you go to see a healer, you go for a few hours a week at most (unless you are seriously ill). So do the math: the rest of the time your healing is totally up to you. It's your job to take the medicine the healer has prescribed. It's your job to do the things the healer has told you to do. It's your job to assess if the healer is helping you or if you should find another one. So if you are not getting the results you want from your healing, the first place to look for answers is in the mirror. 4> YOUR STATE OF WELLNESS IS YOUR STATE OF BEINGNESS Everything in the universe is energy. We may appear to be "solid" matter but looks can be deceiving. If you magnify your cells down to your atoms, you would see that you are made up of a subtle energy field and not matter. Your body-mind is constantly radiating, absorbing, and conducting this energy. Every action, every thought, every choice effects your energy field and therefore your well being. Dis-eases occur in the life due to imbalances and blockages in your energy field resulting from how much/little you have honored your needs, respected your path, and learned your lessons. In the long run, your state of wellness is the net result of your state of beingness: body, mind, emotions, and spirit. 5> YOUR BODY, MIND, EMOTIONS, AND SPIRIT ARE ONE BEING Looking back one hundred years
ago, we are amazed that anyone could believe that you
could heal the body without healing the mind and emotions.
6> YOU WILL NOT HEAL IF YOU DO NOT LEARN YOUR LESSONS The Earth is a big schoolhouse. You are here to learn lessons (if you have not already consulted the Rules for Being Human, please do so). There are many ways for you to learn your lessons. You can learn through pleasure or pain. The God Self within you, your Higher Self, is the one who sent you the problem to be healed to advance your learning. So the best way to heal your problems is to accept that you have lessons to learn and to do your best to master them. 7> YOU CAUSED THE PROBLEM AND ARE THE CURE Your life is always up to you: do not ever allow anyone to convince you otherwise. Too many people too often allow those in the healing professions to define their lives by accepting the life or death sentences the healers decree. Only God is perfect: any human healer can be wrong (even me). Case in point: if I had believed my doctors I would have died by 21, yet I have lived to be 50+. I lived because I accepted that I had caused my problems and the answers to them lay within me. I was born deeply wounded because I had wounded others but it was my wounds that led to my gifts. I healed because I forgave myself. I forgave myself because God loved and forgave me. 8> HEALING UNLEASHES YOUR NATURAL ABILITY TO HEAL Benjamin Franklin said "God does the work (of healing) and the physician takes the fee". And it's true. Your body-mind was designed to be a self-healing and self-regulating system, automatically correcting for the problems inevitable to your existence on Earth. In fact, the truth is that you are always sick because your body-mind is in a continual state of fighting off threats from your environment. You become ill when the body-mind-emotions are too overburdened by afflictions to go on functioning normally. Dis-eases and dis-orders result when long standing threats to the energy field go untreated for too long. Death is only inescapable when the energy field is so degraded that the physical matter cannot be supported. 9> CURES HEAL ONLY IF THEY CREATE ENERGY HARMONY The energy field that surrounds, penetrates, and binds your body-mind-emotions-spirit is in a perpetual state of activity. It is constantly in motion, continuously taking in and sending out vibrating energy waves. It processes signals of energy created by your actions, your thoughts, and your emotions as well as by your environment and life-style choices (see the four part Rules of Recovery). Medicine, drugs, or herbs work to heal you because the vibration they produce has the right harmonic relationship to the part of your being currently in a state of dis-ease or dis-order. These harmonic boosts serve as an aid to the natural self-healing and self-regulating mechanisms in eliminating the energetic imbalance that caused the dis-ease to begin with. For only a balanced field can supply the body-mind-emotions with sufficient energy to maintain a healthy state of matter. 10> GREATEST HEALING TOOLS YOU HAVE ARE LOVE AND JOY One of the best physicians there is has the sign saying "Laughter is the Best Medicine" prominently displayed in his office. That's just goes to prove that the best things in life are still free - even in a doctor's office! When people come to me for healing, I always know that those who can laugh about their ills and have a sense of humor about their problems will do the best. No matter what treatment you are on, it can always be improved by "a smile a day to keep the doctor away". 11> TO HEAL IS TO ACHIEVE A BALANCED STATE OF WELLNESS Simply defined, healing is achieving and maintaining a state of "wellness". Wellness flows from fully developing each dimension of body, mind, emotions, and spirit and finding an overall balance between them. Ultimately, this balance is achieved by honoring your spiritual path and your unique purpose in life. 12> HEALING IS NOT ONLY REPAIR BUT ENHANCEMENT Most view healing as a process of just "repairing" problems. Yet when all the repairs are completed, continuing the healing process takes you to the next level of your growth and enhancement. The universe is a continuously unfolding and expanding creation and there is always more to explore and to grow. Healing is the means to get you there: it becomes a journey and not just a destination. If you are not convinced that these rules are for real, see how they relate to the Top 10 Causes of Death... take a few minutes to save your life. If you want to clear, heal, and balance your karma, there are additional rules you will need to consult... the Rules of Past Life Healing. Credits: adapted from information provided by Barbara Brennan, Janet Koenig, and Victoria Pendragon and channeled information. |
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