Rules #26b: "You'll Be Back": How Reincarnation Works - Overview
While on Earth, you are living in the worlds of karma and reincarnation. Believe it or not, both karma and reincarnation begin and end with love. "The World Goes 'Round in Circles": As Soul, you experience a constant cycle of births and deaths into a series of bodies (better known as reincarnation) until you have learned all the spiritual lessons that the totality of all experiences have to teach you. Until you have learned all that you need to know, you will find "the wheels of reincarnation" will continue to spin around you. The Overview of How Reincarnation Works Spreading the Truth: How Reincarnation Does Work
Reincarnation is the ultimate "world wide web" that encompasses the entire universe. Life is so closely and so intimately connected that all the people you spend significant time with have been with you in past lives. The goal of reincarnation is to open you to greater levels of love. This becomes both easier and harder when you reincarnate with the same group of people over time. This is easier when you meet those you already love and harder when you meet those we already hate. Reincarnation continues until you can love all and hate none.
The driving force behind reincarnation is karma. Karma is the Sanskrit word for action. When individuals are born into the universe, they must take action to sustain their life. Each action is a choice which is a cause which creates an effect. What you have done to others (cause) then determines what will be done to you (effect). When the effects of one lifetime cannot be settled during its span, this causes future live(s).
When it comes to reincarnation is karma, there is one great "Golden Rule": "what you bring into the lives of others comes back into your own". So do unto others as you would do unto the person you loved most in the world. When you can treat others with true compassion, gentleness, and kindness... you work through karma more quickly and you can lighten and shorten your cycle of reincarnation.
An integral part of your cycle of reincarnation is the Inter-Life, the existence between two physical lives. This is the "time" between when you leave your last life and enter your next one. In the Inter-Life, you focus on your development as Soul into greater states of love. As a result, you are confined to the areas in the inner worlds which you will use to help you prepare to live again in another physical body.
When you die, if, for whatever reason, you find it hard to let go of that life, you will receive "Dream After Dying"... to gently detach you from it. As soon as you can handle it - after you have left your last life - you will receive a "Life Review". In a timeless manner, you will relive each moment of your life. You will examine your motivations (why you did what you did) and their impacts (how you and others were effected). You will face the ultimate truth about yourself without excuses.
After spending some time in the inner worlds, you will meet with your guides to discuss these topics about a new life. What are your most pressing life lessons? Who are your top karmic partners (those who most want to balance past life karma)? What are you (as Soul) most wanting to do? How can you become more loving? How can you become better at creating? What is the best way you can learn? How can you grow in awareness? When you have fully evaluated the requirements for a new life, it is time for a contract.
The first phase of the Life Contract entirely focuses on YOU by taking into account what you must do, what would be nice to have, and what would be extra credit. It takes into account your "Soul Level" (your current state of Soul evolution) as well as your "Past Life Load" (how much karma from how many past lives) you wish to balance. The second phase of the Life Contract is meshing your requirements with those of your Karmic Partners so that the final end-to-end Life Contract can be coordinated between all parties involved.
A matrix is a group of souls formed by shared past life karma. This matrix can contain members of your Soul Group or Karmic Partners.
The same individual souls are attracted to the same set of karmic matrices over time where they are constantly swapping roles.
The formation of Karmic Matrices work like much like a court docket. The specific matrix of past life karma to be resolved are scheduled well in advance. As the time for manifesting the inner karma into outer bodies draws near, there are extensive negotiations between the Higher Selves of the individuals involved as to how best to create the Karmic Matrix for the resolution of past life karma. These are "finalized" by the creation of end to end Life Contracts which "formalize" the agreements between all the parties involved.
The gathering of souls to form the Karmic Matrix is a complicated scheduling process. Many times a Karmic Matrix is long delayed until all of the individuals required for its formation are available. Once they are all present, then families are formed, whether through biology or adoption, to set the stage for the resolution of karma. Arrangements are made to ensure significant meetings happen. Situations arise where there are many paths open to each individual to exercise their free will by making choices. These choices either resolve karma or add to it.
The purpose of the Karmic Matrix is to bring more love into the situation. Sometimes this is only "mathematically possible" (in other words, the individuals could choose love but, based on their past life track record, it is extremely unlikely). Often it is very realistic because you and your significant others are only given what you all can handle and what is best for you all to help you move forward in love, joy, and awareness. Remember karma is about teaching not punishing. Credits: from channeled information. |
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