Rules #19a: Smoke & Mirrors Top10 Myths Against Past Life Exploration
Ask any past life worker... there is a very strong prejudice in society (even ones with belief systems that support the twin concepts of karma and reincarnation) against doing past life exploration. The myths and legends about past life exploration are hard wired into the human consciousness for a reason. The reason is that this Earth is a giant schoolhouse and we are all here to learn lessons that we "got wrong" in past lives. All that really matters is where we are now and what we are learning now. Being free from the knowledge of our past lives relieves us from the baggage of our past mistakes as well as from "cheat codes" that could advance us more quickly. So we agree to "forget" and we agree to resist the knowledge and the freedom past life exploration could bring us. So here are the "Top Ten Myths AGAINST Past Life Exploration"... 1> "WHAT I DON'T KNOW CAN'T HURT ME" This belief - "what I don't know can't hurt me" - is the single most powerful force that keeps an individual riding along the "train tracks of karma". If one has chosen a path of heavy karmic atonement, maybe the best strategy is to cover one's eyes, grit one's teeth, and hope for the best. Yet, just like the person, who ignores the unexplainable lump in their body, does not stop the cancer from growing inside them, those ignoring their karma do not stop it from working. In fact, the only thing that provides "relief" from karma is to understand how it works, to confront and resolve the issues it raises, and to live going forward in harmony with it. The terrible truth is the only thing that CAN hurt you is what "you do not see coming" and what you take no steps to "prevent". 2> "THAT WAS IN THE PAST: NOT RELEVANT TO MY LIFE NOW" If the above statement keeps you riding along the train tracks of karma, this statement is the safety belt that keeps you fastened firmly to your seat. For the most relevant thing to your life today is that past life karma that you are presently working off. The hardest thing to accept about life is that you are completely responsible for it - past, present, and future. As you have sown, so shall you reap. What you have done to others, you have - are - will have done to you. That is the law of the universe. It is a law of perfect justice and complete accountability. It is the only explanation of how a loving God could permit each of His beloved children to be so vastly different in health, wealth, and happiness in any one life. 3> "IT WILL BE TOO SCARY -- I'M WAY TOO AFRAID TO LOOK" The above statement was made by a person who had lived through the horror of the Nazi Holocaust. This person had "lived" in a concentration camp for nearly four years when death put an end to that lifetime of suffering. If they could endure the horror of that life living it 7 days a week 24 hours a day for 1,400+ days, then hearing about snippets of it for an hour or so is surely mild by comparison. In fact, it is what is not known that is ALWAYS more frightening than what is (ask any master of the horror film). Time after time, when the darkness of a past life is brought to light, the person involved invariably remarks "that was not so bad" and feels instantly lighter. The truth is that you have already done the hard part: you lived through it and came back to hear the tale. 4> "IT WILL DESTROY MY PERFECT PICTURE OF MYSELF" Many times, the fear associated with past life exploration is that it will "destroy the picture that I have of myself now by making me think worse of myself". In fact, 99 times out of 100, when a person looks back on themselves in past lives they instantly connect with the emotional reality of who they had been. This invariably makes them feel better about themselves - not worse. For they learn about their own power, about how they turned tragedy to triumph, and/or about the special gifts they have inside themselves just waiting to be discovered. And yes, people do learn about "bad" lifetimes. For example, in one of my lives as an avenging, brutal medieval warlord, I did many "bad" things, killing some with little cause and inflicting horrible suffering on many others. And yet, from that life, I developed unmatched strength, resourcefulness, cleverness, and many other skills I have today while the mills of karma have ground the "Death Knight's" brutality out of me... and my self image is no worse for it. 5> "A PAST LIFE IS A STORY... THAT DOES NOT RELATE TO ME" Often when someone makes a statement like this, it is because they fear that it's opposite is the truth. The client, who first raised this as an objection to me, was stunned by the truths that were revealed to them about their life now that had originated in a past life (in fact, those truths hit a little too close to home). More often, I hear things like "so it looks like I have been growing herbs for centuries now" (in a past life, this person had been a nun who grew herbs for her convent). Or "how did you know that I love to go around barefoot - you're scaring me!" (in a past life, this person had been a shoeless gypsy). Or "how did you know that I cannot stand to wear anything around my neck" (in a past life, this person was strangled to death). The truth of our past always emerges to us in ways that just cannot be denied.... always. 6> "IT'S AGAINST MY RELIGION TO BELIEVE IN PAST LIVES" I have respect for all religious paths... for in my stream of past incarnations, I have experienced all of the major religions of the Earth. And in fact, almost all paths recognize the validity of the concepts of karma and reincarnation (see the Quotes on Karma and Reincarnation for instances of this in world scripture). The scripture of most religions always contains the seeds of these truths. Often, the seeds of reincarnation and karma have been systematically ripped out by the various interpreters of religions in an effort to promote the organization of the church at the expense of the original teachings. Ultimately, it comes down to you and your experience... for experience teaches you what is true or false. If you are healed by past life work, if your life is made better by it, does it matter what religion says? Consider that religion is supposed to be about helping you... where it fails you, is it worth it? Only you can decide! 7> "I JUST DON'T BELIEVE IN PAST LIVES - PERIOD!" That's fine. Two centuries ago, people did not believe in germs ("how could something so much smaller than me that I cannot even see hurt me?") and went right on dying from diseases caused by lethal germs. Today, people suffer needlessly from karma that could be transmuted if only they believed it possible. It is not my job to convince you one way or the other. Again, it comes down to your experience. People can be - and have been - healed by past lives without totally believing in them (see the Testimonials for how Past Life Healing works). 8> "THERE IS NO PROOF OF PAST LIVES... I NEED PROOF!" One of the benefits of "our fast moving computer age" is that evidence proving the case for reincarnation is piling up all the time. Consult "Evidence of Past Lives in Everyday Life", "Evidence for the Continuation of Life After Death", and Legal Quality of Past Life Evidence for full details... and decide for yourself. 9> "MY KARMA IS SO BURDENSOME... WHY TRY TO FIX IT?" This is the same type of thinking as "you are just going to get dirty every day so why bother taking a bath?" The sad truth is that some people just love to wallow in the mud of their own problems. Yet that is how the wheel of karma works: people like this will just come back again and again and again until they are "sick and tired of being sick and tired". Sometimes people who believe too much in past lives are the least motivated to do something about them. They go around whining "It's my karma". My answer to them is "as long as you have that attitude, it will be!" 10> "I AM FREE OF MY PAST LIVES & BEYOND KARMA" If you are on the Earth, you are not free of karma EVER. Perhaps that karma has transmuted into dharma (the way of service) but you are still bound by the laws of karma. Even if you are Christ or Buddha or an ascended master, if you are here, you have something to work out that originated in past lives. Even if that something is to refine your skills, you are doing so while on the path of karma. Beware the person who claims to be free of karma "for they know not what they do!" Credits: from channeled information. |
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