Vibrational Healing
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For Quick Access to This Service: Short Description Short Description: Using the Bounty of the Earth to Heal You Naturally Type: Alternative Healing Modality Performed: Remotely Background: "Love is in the Earth": it was put there by God in the form of rocks (gems, stones, and minerals) and plants (herbs, flower essences, essential oils, etc). Vibrational healing uses the properties of rocks and plants to healing you naturally. How it works is that the vibrations of the rocks and plants harmonize with your energy field to help your body restore it's natural balance. For the best "Quick Reference to Vibrational Healing" available on the planet... click here! Helpful Information: What you need to know about rocks and plants ! "Rock Healing": I strongly recommend using rocks to assist any other healing because when used as a secondary treatment, rock healing can be miraculous. a> Rocks work gradually on your energy field which in turn effects your physicality. They are experts at giving you just what you need, just when you need it. They start automatically when your body needs their healing power. Better still, they shut down automatically when your body has absorbed enough of their vibrational essence. b> Rocks can be used safely over a long period of time. They lend their qualities to your energy field so that you can acquire new qualities and control how you are changing. c> Rocks work with one another and assist with other healing treatments in a gentle and cooperative manner. There is no such thing as a "rock" overdose or side effect. "Plant based Healing": Plants (herbs, etc) and substances extracted from plants (flower essences, essential oils, etc) work like food. When you take in plants by ingestion (eating) or inhalation (smelling), your body digests them and passes their vibrational essence into your system. Therefore any "food like" substance, like plants, are powerful medicine. Plants are often used to treat a variety of conditions but plants are better used as a supplement than a primary treatment. a > Since plants are "food", there is no such thing as a "fatal food interaction". No one has died from a "plant" overdose when plants were properly prepared as "herbals" for ingestion. Tips for Rocks: Wearing them in your energy field: they work well when worn on rings, bracelets, and necklaces or when concealed inside pockets. Cautions for Rocks: Never use rock healing as a primary treatment for any condition. It is always meant as a supplement because, by itself, rock healing is too slow to achieve desirable results. Yet, it is ideal to speed up other treatments. Rock healing is best when used as part of an overall program of wellness and preventative maintenance for your body, mind, and spirit. Tips for Plants: Make sure to follow the instructions on the use of the plants as provided by the manufacturer. See the above "Helpful Information on Plants. Cautions for Plants: Never use plant healing as a primary treatment for any condition. It is always meant as a supplement because, by itself, plant healing is too slow to achieve desirable results. Yet, it is ideal to speed up other treatments. Plant healing is best when used as part of an overall program of wellness and preventative maintenance for your body, mind, and spirit. |
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