"It's been a long road getting from
there to here. I've got faith of the heart. I'm going
where my heart will take me. I've got faith to believe I
can do anything. I've got strength of the soul and no one's
gonna bend or break me. I can reach any star. I've got
faith...faith of the heart."
- "Faith of the Heart"
(lyrics from "Star Trek: Enterprise")
This website would not be
possible without the freedom that we enjoy in the United
States of America. Having lived under the weight of tyranny in
many past lives, we love living in "the land of the
free and the home of the brave" today.
Since the events of
September 11th,
America has joined the world of karma and reincarnation "already in
Progress is what these
"tragic events"
were really about. Like it or not,
the "times that try the Soul", are always about one very
simple choice:
at every moment, whether we
shall choose love or fear.
We all know that the "right answer" is to choose
love... easier said than done. Choosing love becomes difficult
when we have lost loved ones to this tragedy or expect that
we may lose loved ones to it's aftermath. Choosing love becomes
difficult when we fear daily tasks, like opening
our mail. Choosing love becomes difficult when we fear
what the future may bring to ourselves and our children.
And yet if we do not choose love we become
like those whose hate began this chain of events.
It makes us give into fear which leads to hate and death.
Only love can lead us back to the peace we want so much.
Consider these words spoken about the needless brutality
which was a fact of daily life in the last millenium:
"We are barbarians: how clear we make it!
We are the origins of war, not history's
forces nor the times nor justice nor the lack of it nor
causes nor religions nor ideas nor governments nor
any other thing. We are the killers. We breed wars. We
carry it like syphillis inside us. Dead bodies rot in field
and stream because the living ones are rotten. For the
love of God, can't we love one another just a little? That
is how peace begins. We have so much to love each other for.
We have such possibilities. We could change the world."
- "Eleanor of Aquitaine"
(in the movie "Lion in Winter")
We can change the world if only we will try
"to love one another just a little". Trying starts with
believing that with love all things are possible. Loving starts
loving the self
more and more each and every day. Consider that
if those hijackers had loved themselves more they could not have
sustained the hate that allowed them to cause so much damage. For the
true damage was not to buildings or to the handful of people lost.
The true damage was to the ability and the willingness
of the rest of us - everywhere in the world - to choose love over fear.
Do NOT let the terrorists win by giving into fear.
If you do, all those who sacrificed themselves on
September 11th, to give the world the choice of choosing love over fear...
will have died in vain. Please make a conscious effort to be kind to
yourself and others. Do this by replacing negativity with a positive
outlook, worry with confidence that "all is well", and anticipation
of disaster with faith in the future.
You CAN do this because you are the creator of your own universe.
Regardless of what happens in the outside world, fill your inside world with
peace, love, and joy. Affirm:
"All is well in my universe, I am safe and protected
at all times. Out of every situation, only good will come to me.
So be it: it is so!"
As this candle is carried from one site to another, the flame of
spiritual love and healing continues to light the way for those
who seek to know the true self. Take this light with you that it
may light the way to love and healing. Watch as it travels and
in so doing it embraces our world with hope.
For my friend, Richard, who was lost in New York,
my love is with you always.