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Exercise: The Window of Your Soul: Seeing Yourself Clearly

Summary: Looking Yourself in the Eye to Get Inside Your Issues

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Background on This Exercise
Goal of This Exercise
Preparation for This Exercise
How to Do This Exercise
Example of Exercise Results

Background: "Eyes are the windows of the soul." After you do this exercise, you will know how true this is. The bottom line is that until you can truly love and accept yourself, honor the place that you have in the universe, and receive God's love for you, your life will abound with problems. So if you want to change your world - like the song says - "you've got to start with the person in the mirror."

Goal: This exercise will help you to get to the core issues deep inside you that lay beneath your "perceived" problems. Often the issues we think we have in our lives are merely symptoms of some other larger problem which we cannot even see. It is this "larger problem" which often is the root cause of our issues. Like a root, this "larger problem" keeps feeding our issues, causing them to return like the grass we think we have mowed down but we still see growing all around us.


To see yourself as you truly are, here is what must happen first:

1> Be honest with yourself and answer this question: "Do you really want to move forward in your life?" Only clarity of intention built on a foundation of personal integrity is the key to unlock the door of knowing yourself as you truly are.

2> "Ask and you shall receive. Knock and it shall be opened unto you." You are a Divine spiritual being, a spark of God come to earth to have a human experience. Inside yourself, you have and know everything you need to.

3> Listen and be open to what you will learn. If your life on Earth is exactly perfect, then there is nothing more for you to do. Enjoy yourself and do not waste another moment fixing what is not broken. If your life on Earth is less than great, then be open to the help that is about to be given to you.

4> Being comfortable is the key. You can lie down (recommended) or sit up. If you opt to sit up, you must be supported and feel fully relaxed and comfortable.
......For more on "Relaxation Processes & Techniques",
click here.

5> Do this exercise in a quiet place where you will be completely undisturbed for the entire session. This should last NO longer than 15 minutes. Set an alarm or timer to alert you should the session run longer.

How to Do This Exercise:

1> Take some deep, refreshing breaths until you are totally comfortable and relaxed in whatever position you have chosen (it should take you no more than 3 minutes to get comfortable).

2> Look into the mirror and look deeply into your own eyes. Out loud, say your name and "I love and accept you exactly as you are right at this moment."

3> Look into the mirror and look deeply into your own eyes. Out loud, say your name and "I love and accept your place in the universe right at this moment."

4> Look into the mirror and look deeply into your own eyes. Out loud, say your name and "I love and accept you because you are a child of God and are deeply loved by Him. I know that the Kingdom of God is within you."

5> Repeat this over and over again while looking at yourself in the mirror. Do it for 15 minutes in the morning every day for 60 days.

Example: This exercise was adapted from Louise Hay's Mirror Exercise. She has summed up the best what often happens when people do this exercise.

"This is SO difficult for many people. Seldom do I get a calm reaction, let alone enjoyment from this exercise. Some cry or are close to tears, some get angry, some belittle their features or qualities, some insist they CAN'T do it. This simple exercise shows me so much." After years of experience, I agree with her.

Credits: adapted from Louise Hay's book "You Can Heal Your Life"



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