Quotes #5: Twin Impostors: Famous Quotes on Success & Failure
On our journey home, back to God, we inevitably meet those two impostors: success and failure. We all must deal with them as they help us develop our spiritual muscles and unfold along our path. Rudyard Kipling said it all: "If you can keep your head when all about you are losing theirs and blaming it on you. If you can meet with Triumph and Disaster and treat those two Impostors just the same; Yours is the Earth and everything that's in it." Everything You Always Wanted to Know About Success & Failure: The Definition of Success "Success is a journey not a
destination." "Success is not a place at which
one arrives, but rather... the spirit with which one
undertakes and continues the journey." "Success is to be measured - not
so much by the position that we have reached in life - as
by the obstacles that we have overcome while trying to
succeed." "Success is all about sustaining
the focus of your attention on your goal. Winners focus,
losers spray." "The future belongs to those who
believe in the beauty of their dreams." "Failure is impossible." "Each failure brings you one step
closer to success." "I have not failed. I've just
found 10,000 ways that won't work." "Failure? I never encountered it.
All I ever met were temporary setbacks." "We are not retreating - we are
advancing in another direction." "A winner loses more often than
losers." "Even if you are on the right
track, you'll get run over if you are just standing
still." "Little minds are subdued by
misfortunes; but great minds rise above them." "The jealous are troublesome to others,
but torment to themselves." "Any man will usually get from other
men just what he is expecting of them. If he is looking for
friendship he will likely receive it. If his attitude is that
of indifference, it will beget indifference. And if a man
is looking for a fight, he will in all likelihood be
accommodated in that." "We have a thousand reasons for
failure but not a single excuse." In a Perfect Universe, There are No Real Mistakes or Problems "Luck is when preparation
meets opportunity." "Those who are free of resentful
thoughts surely find peace." "Our life is what our thoughts make it." "We awaken in others the same attitude of
mind we hold in them." "There is no such thing as a
problem without a gift in its' hands." "When written in Chinese, the word
"crisis" is composed of two characters - one
represents danger and one represents opportunity." "A pessimist sees the difficulty
in every opportunity; an optimist sees the opportunity in
every difficulty." "What appear to be calamities are
often the sources of fortune." "Obstacles are those things you
see when you take your eyes off your goal." "I have had l lots of troubles in
my life, most of which never happened." "When you see ten troubles coming
down the road, nine will fall by the wayside before they
reach you." "Do not be too timid and squeamish
about your actions. All life is an experiment. The more
experiments you make the better. What if they are a
little coarse, and you may get your coat soiled or torn?
What if you do fail, and get fairly rolled in the dirt
once or twice. Up again, you shall never be so afraid of
a tumble." The Importance of Being Persistent & Taking Risks "Do something and if that does not
work do something else
Try, try again." "Nothing in the world can take the
place of persistence. Talent will not; nothing is more
common than unsuccessful men with talent. Genius will
not; unrewarded genius is almost a proverb. Education
will not; the world is full of educated derelicts.
Persistence and determination are omnipotent. The slogan
'press on' has solved and always will solve the problems
of the human race." "To live is to risk dying. To do
is to risk failure. "Risk: risk is our business." "For you to profit from your
mistakes, you have to get out and make some." "Those that say they never got a
chance never took one." "The galleries are full of
critics. They play no ball. They fight no fights. They
make no mistakes, because they attempt nothing. Down in
the arena are the doers. They make mistakes because they
attempt many things. The person who makes no mistakes
lacks boldness and the spirit of adventure. He is the one
who never, never tries anything new. He is the brake on
the wheel of progress. The very fact that he tries
nothing, takes no chances, does nothing except criticize
those who try is, perhaps, the biggest possible error in
a life-time." In the Day of Adversity, Remember... "Judge your success by what you had
to give up in order to achieve it." "You cannot appreciate the light
unless you have lived through the darkness." "I'm not afraid of storms, for
with them, I'm learning how to sail my ship." "It is circumstances which show
what men are. Therefore, when a difficulty falls upon
you, remember that God, like a trainer of wrestlers, has
matched you with a rough young man. For what purpose? you
might ask. So that you may become an Olympic Conqueror;
but it is not accomplished without sweat. ...no man has
had a more profitable difficulty than you have had, if
you choose to make use of it as an athlete would deal
with a young antagonist." "A smooth sea never made a
skillful mariner, neither do uninterrupted prosperity and
success qualify for usefulness and happiness. The storms
of adversity, like those of the ocean, rouse the
faculties, and excite the invention, prudence, skill and
fortitude or the voyager. The martyrs of ancient times,
in bracing their minds to outward calamities, acquired a
loftiness of purpose and a moral heroism worth a lifetime
of softness and security." "In the day of prosperity be
joyful, but in the day of adversity consider: God hath
set the one against the other, to the end that man should
find nothing after him." "Even though things do not go as
we have planned, they can still work out." "If we had no winter, the spring
would not be so pleasant; if we did not sometimes taste
of adversity, prosperity would not be so welcome." "... if you want the rainbow, you
gotta put up with the rain." Do Your Best: Trust God for the Rest "When you do your best, you are
expressing an attribute of God." "If a man does his best, what
else is there?" "Far away in the sunshine are my
highest aspirations. I may not reach them, but I can look
up and see their beauty, believe in them, and follow
where they lead." "No one can predict to what
heights you can soar. Even you will not know until you
spread your wings." "We never know how high we are
till we are called to rise; "Destiny is not a matter of
chance, it is a matter of choice; it is not to be waited
for, it is to be achieved." "Do what you can, with what you
have, where you are." "Love is doing small things with
great love." "Some people grin and bear it;
others smile and do it." "I never see what has been done; I
only see what remains to be done." "Common sense is seeing things as
they are; and doing things as they ought to be." "There is very little difference
in people - but that little difference makes a big
difference. The little difference is ATTITUDE. The big
difference is whether it is positive or negative." "Your living is determined not so
much by what life brings to you, but as the attitude you
bring to life." "If you weigh well the
strengths of our armies you will see that in this battle
we must conquer or die. This is a warrior's resolve. As
for the rest (who choose not to fight), they may live or
be slaves as the gods decide." "Reach for the stars and
do not be surprised when you catch one." "We are in the business of
exploring!" |
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