Quotes #13: The Whispers of God: Famous Quotes on Angels
The word 'angel' means messenger in Hebrew and Greek. Angels are defined in the Catholic Encyclopedia (the only place I found them defined) as any "any agent God sends forth to execute his purposes" and to carry "on his government of the world." The ever efficient angels helped me put together this page of quotes and so I will let them speak for themselves. Everything You Always Wanted to Know About Angels: Angels: Who They Are, Where They Come From Angels Among Us: Who They Are, Where They Come From "the universe is under the control
of a loving purpose, and that in the struggle for
righteousness man has cosmic companionship (angels).
Behind the harsh appearance of the world there is a
benign power." "Be not forgetful to entertain
strangers, for thereby some have entertained angels
unawares." "How shall we tell an angel from
another guest? "Angels are spirits, but it is not
because they are spirits that they are angels. They
become angels when they are sent. For the name angel
refers to their office, not their nature. You ask the
name of this nature, it is spirit; you ask its office, it
is that of an Angel, which is a messenger." "An angel is a spiritual creature
created by God for the service of Christendom and the
church." "We are like children, who stand
in need of masters to enlighten us and direct us; God has
provided for this, by appointing his angels to be our
teachers and guides." "There are nine orders of angels,
to wit: angels, archangels, virtues, powers,
principalities, dominions, thrones, cherubim, and
seraphim." "The three Divine are in this
hierarchy, First the Dominions, and the Virtues next; "The angels are as perfect in form
as they are in spirit." "Myself, and all the Angelic Host,
that stand in the sight of God enthroned, our happy state
hold, as you yours, while our obedience hold. On other
surety none: freely we serve, because we freely
love." "Make yourself familiar with the
angels, and behold them frequently in spirit; for without
being seen, they are present with you." Angels as Guides and Inspiration - the "Whispers of God" "Let us be silent that we may hear
the whisper of God." "As for man, his days are as
grass: as a flower of the field, so he flourisheth But
the mercy of the Lord is from everlasting to everlasting
and his righteousness unto children's children. To such
as keep his covenant, and to those that remember his
commandments to do them. The Lord hath prepared his
throne in the heavens; and his kingdom ruleth over all.
Bless the Lord, ye his angels, that excel in strength,
that do his commandments, hearkening unto the voice of
his word. Bless ye the Lord, all ye his hosts; ye his
ministers, that do his pleasure. Bless the Lord, all his
works in all places of his dominion: bless the Lord, O my
soul." "Are not angels all ministering
spirits, sent forth to minister for them who shall be
heirs of salvation?" "[Angels] guide us to become
spiritual people for the pleasure of it
because the
spiritual life itself has a great deal of beauty and real
satisfaction, even pleasure. And this is what the soul
needs." "An angel can illume the thought
and mind of man by strengthening the power of vision, and
by bringing within his reach some truth which the angel
himself contemplates." "For every force charged by God,
may He be exalted, with some business is an angel put in
charge..." "Think, in mounting higher, the
angels would press on us, and aspire to drop some golden
orb of perfect song into our deep, dear silence." "Since God often sends us
inspirations by means of His angels, we should frequently
return our aspirations to him by means of the same
messengers." "I saw the tracks of angels in the
earth: the beauty of heaven walking by itself on the
world." "And the angel said- 'I have
learned that every man lives not through care of himself,
but by love'..." "Reputation is what men and women
think of us. Character is what God and the angels know of
us." "God always has an angel of help
for those who are willing to do their duty." "I die for speaking the language
of the angels." "Every blade of grass has an angel
that bends over it and whispers, 'Grow! Grow!'..." Angels of Prophecy and Good Fortune "Every man contemplates an angel
in his future self." Let triumph "the better angels of
our nature" "But men must know that in this
theater of life, it is reserved for only God and angels
to be lookers on." "Lo, the angel of the Lord came
upon them, and the glory of the Lord shone round about
them And the angel said unto them, 'Fear not: for,
behold, I bring you good tidings of great joy, which
shall be to all people. For unto you is born this day in
the city of David a Saviour, which is Christ the Lord.
And this shall be a sign unto you; Ye shall find the babe
wrapped in swaddling clothes, lying in a manger'" And the angel "saith unto them,
'Be not affrighted: Ye seek Jesus of Nazareth, which was
crucified: he is risen; he is not here: behold the place
where they laid him. But go your way, tell his disciples
and Peter that he goeth before you into Galilee: there
shall ye see him, as he said unto you'." God "spake unto me, and swore unto
me, saying, 'Unto thy seed will I give this land'. He
shall send his angel before thee, and thou shalt take a
wife unto my son from thence." "Both angels and demons are
ignorant of the future, yet they make predictions. The
angels do so when God reveals the future to them and
commands them to prophesy, and what they prophesy comes
to pass. Demons also make predictions, but these are only
guesses based on what they see from afar." "For, as it is written in the book
of the Prophets: 'And the angel that spoke in me, said to
me...' He does not say, 'Spoke to me' but 'Spoke in
me'..." "I will not wish thee riches, nor
the glow of greatness, but that wherever thou go some
weary heart shall gladden at thy smile, or shadowed life
know sunshine for a while. And so thy path shall be a
track of light, like angels' footsteps passing through
the night." "Who can know what tales are told
in the whispers of an angel, "All arrangements that are carried
out between heaven and earth are carried out through
angels." "As to prophecy and good fortune:
angels can only speak of it - only humans can manifest
it." Angels as Messengers of Hope and Glory "If you seek an angel with an open
heart... You shall always find one." "Peace is the first thing the
angels sang." "Angels are sent to bring us
messages from God's heart." "Suddenly there was with the angel
a multitude of the heavenly host praising God, and
saying, 'Glory to God in the highest, and on earth peace,
good will toward men.' And it came to..." "And the angel of the Lord
appeared unto him Joash the Abiezrite, and said unto him,
'The Lord is with thee, thou mighty man of
" "And it came to pass, when the
angel of the Lord spake these words unto all the children
of Israel, that the people lifted up their voice, and
wept." "O welcome pure-eyed Faith, white
handed Hope, Thou hovering angel girt with golden
wings." "A person is disposed to an act of
choice by an angel ... in two ways. Sometimes, a man's
understanding is enlightened by an angel to know what is
good, but it is not instructed as to the reason why ...
But sometimes he is instructed by angelic illumination,
both that this act is good and as to the reason why it is
good." "We not only live among men, but
there are airy hosts, blessed spectators, sympathetic
lookers-on, that see and know and appreciate our thoughts
and feelings and acts." "Every breath of air and ray of
light and heat, every beautiful prospect, is, as it were,
the skirts of the (angel's) garments, the waving robes of
those whose faces see God." "If we could perceive our angels
for just a single day, this world would never be the same
again, nor would it ever wish to be." "Live among others as if God
beheld you; speak to God as if others were
listening." "Stone walls do not a prison make,
nor iron bars a cage. "That's all an angel is....an idea
of God." Angels as Ambassadors of Forgiveness and Mercy "When hearts listen, angels
sing." "A man does not always choose what
his guardian angel intends." "...joy shall be in heaven over
one sinner that repenteth, more than over ninety and nine
just persons, which need no repentance there is joy in
the presence of the angels of God over one sinner that
repenteth." "How many an angel in the heaven!
Their intercession avails not at all, save after God has
given permission to whomsoever He will and is pleased
with!" "I will mention the praises of the
Lord, according to all that the Lord hath bestowed on us
according to his mercies, and to the multitude of his
loving kindnesses. For He said, 'Surely they are my
people' and He was their Saviour In all their affliction
he was afflicted, and the angel of his presence saved
them: in his love and in his pity he redeemed them; and
he bare them, and carried them all the days of old." "It is not because angels are
holier than men or devils that makes them angels, but
because they do not expect holiness from one another, but
from God alone." "My future will not copy my fair
past, I wrote that once. And, thinking at my side my
ministering life-angel justified the word by his
appealing look upcast to the white throne of God." "So when that Angel of the darker
Drink, at last shall find you by the river-brink, "There is a land, where the roses
are without thorns, where the flowers are not mixed with
brambles. In that land, there is eternal spring, and
light without any cloud. The tree of life groweth in the
midst thereof; rivers of pleasures are there, and flowers
that never fade. Myriads of happy spirits are there, and
surround the throne of God with a perpetual hymn. The
angels with their golden harps sing praises continually,
and the cherubim fly on wings of fire! This country is
Heaven..." "Angels can fly because they take
themselves lightly..." "Ambition first sprung from your
blest abodes: the glorious fault of angels and of
gods." "Angels appreciate things about
you that you thought no one else ever noticed." "Angels don't worry about you...
They believe in you." Angels Coming to the Rescue Against all Harms "The Angel which redeemed me from
all evil." "But if these beings guard you,
they do so because they have been summoned by your
prayers." "Angels are speaking to all of
us... some of us are only listening better." "And God heard the voice of the
lad; and the angel of God called to Hagar out of heaven,
and said unto her, 'What aileth thee, Hagar? fear not;
for God hath heard the voice of the lad where he
is'." "Because thou hast made the Lord,
which is my refuge, "He shall give his angels charge
over thee, to keep thee: And in their hands they shall
bear thee up, lest at any time thou dash thy foot against
a stone." "For the good angel will keep him
company, and his journey shall be prosperous, and he
shall return safe." "No clouds gathered in the skies
and the polluted streams became clear, whilst celestial
music rang through the air and the angels rejoiced with
gladness. With no selfish or partial joy but for the sake
of the law they rejoiced, for creation engulfed in the
ocean of pain was now to obtain release." "You should be certain that angels
are protecting you when you go to sleep. Yea, that they
are protecting you also in all your business, whether you
enter or leave your home." "I believe in angels- that they're
always hovering near, whispering encouragement whenever
clouds appear, protecting us from danger and showing us
the way. Performing little miracles within our lives each
day." "Holy Angels, our advocates, our
brothers, our counselors, our defenders, our
enlighteners, our friends, our guides, our helpers, our
intercessors - Pray for us." "An angel of Paradise, no less, is
always beside me, wrapped in everlasting ecstasy on his
Lord. So I am ever under the gaze of an angel who
protects and prays for me." "To err is human: to forgive,
divine, Dream Angel: Will You Be Mine? Will You Love Me For All Time? "Angel of God, my guardian dear to
whom God's love commits me here; Ever this day be at my
side, to light and guard, to rule and guide." "And the angel of God spake unto
me in a dream, saying, 'Jacob'. And I said, 'Here am
I'." "The golden moments in the stream
of life rush past us and we see nothing but sand; the
angels come to visit us, and we only know them when they
are gone." "The Angel that presided o'er my
birth Said, 'Little creature, formed of joy and mirth, Go
love without the help of any thing on earth'..." "Every redeemed one will
understand the ministry of angels in their life. The
angel who was their guardian from their earliest moment.
The angel who watched their steps and covered their head
in the day of peril. The angel who was with them in the
valley of the shadow of death, who marked their resting
place, who was the first to greet them in the
resurrection morning. What will it be to converse with
them, and to learn the history of divine interposition in
the individual life, of heavenly cooperation in every
work for humanity!" "When my time to die comes an
angel will be there to comfort me. He will give me peace
and joy even at that most critical hour, and usher me
into the presence of God, and I will dwell with the Lord
forever. Thank God for the ministry of His blessed
angels." "When someone dies, an angel is
there to meet them at the gates of Heaven to let them
know that their life has just begun." "Sleep, my child, and peace attend
thee all through the night. "Hush, my dear, lie still and
slumber! Holy angels guard thy bed! "Lord, keep us safe this night,
secure from all our fears: "The Angels are the dispensers and
administrators of the Divine beneficence toward us. They
regard our safety, undertake our defense, direct our
ways, and exercise a constant solicitude that no evil
befall us." "Angels are unsatisfiable in their
longing to do by all means all manner of good unto all
the creatures, . . . especially the children of
men." Where There is Light, There Must Also Be Darkness "Every man hath a good and a bad
angel attending on him, all his life long." "The sin, both of men and of
angels, was rendered possible by the fact that God gave
them free will." "We pray, That God, by his grace,
would make us able and willing to know, obey, and submit
to his will in all things, as the angels do in
heaven." "For the son of man shall come in
the glory of His Father, with His angels; and then shall
He reward every man according to his works." "Man is his own star, and the soul
that can, render an honest and a perfect man, "I am a little world made
cunningly of elements, and an angelic sprite." "If there is anything that keeps
the mind open to angel visits, and repels
evil, it
is pure human love." "For such are false apostles,
deceitful workers, transforming themselves into the
apostles of Christ. And no marvel; for Satan himself is
transformed into an angel of light. Therefore it is no
great thing if his ministers also be transformed as the
ministers of righteousness; whose end shall be according
to their works." "Christians should never fail to
sense the operation of an angelic glory. It forever
eclipses the world of demonic powers, as the sun does a
candle's light." "If a man is not rising upward to
be an angel, depend on it, he is sinking downward to be a
devil." "Angels and ministers of grace
defend us! "The desire of power in excess
caused angels to fall. The desire of knowledge in excess
caused man to fall. But in love and charity there is no
excess, neither can man or angels come into danger by
it." "A man on the street is pointing
up to the sky. 'Look, An Angel!' he yells. Passersby
laugh. 'You fool, That is only a cloud'. How wonderful it
would be to see angels where there are only clouds. How
sad it would be to see only clouds where there are
angels." We are All Angels to One Another "We are each of us angels with
only one wing and we can only fly by embracing each
other." "We can all be angels to one
another. We can choose to obey the still small stirring
within, the little whisper that says, Go. Ask. Reach out.
Be an answer to some one's plea. You have a part to play.
Have faith. We can decide to risk that He is indeed
there, watching, caring, cherishing us as we love and
accept love. The world will be a better place for it. And
wherever they are, the angels will dance." "To love for the sake of being
loved is human, but to love for the sake of loving is
angelic." "No other virtue makes man more
equal to the angels, than the imitation of their way of
life." "This is the highest point of
philosophy, to be simple & wise; this is the angelic
life." "Give me a healthy body, Lord:
with sense to keep it at it's best. Give me a healthy
mind, good Lord: to keep the good and pure in sight.
Which seeing sin is not appalled - but finds a way to set
it right
Give me a sense of humor, Lord. To get
some happiness from life and pass it on to other
folk." "An angel is someone you feel like
you've known forever... even though you've just
met." "Mother Teresa tells a story of
walking past an open drain and catching a glimpse of
something moving in it. She investigated and found a
dying man whom she took back to a home where he could die
in love and peace. 'I live like an animal in the
streets,' the man told her. 'Now I will die like an
angel'..." "It can in no sense be said that
heaven is outside of any one; it is within ... and a man,
also, so far as he receives heaven, is a recipient, a
heaven, and an angel." "If we ever wish to know angels
for what they truly are... perhaps it is we who must
first learn to fly." "If instead of a jewel, or even a
flower, we could cast the gift of a lovely thought into
the heart of another, that would be giving as the angels
must give." "I knew that my wife was a special
angel put on the earth, just for me." "We shall find peace. We shall
hear the angels, we shall see the sky sparkling with
diamonds." "Love is how you earn your
wings." |
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