Short Description:
Kleine-Levin Syndrome
Kleine-Levin Syndrome (KLS) is a rare sleep disorder where sufferers
sometime sleep for days, weeks, or months at a time before this
"mysteriously" ends.
Kleine-Levin Syndrome is a disorder of the evolved Soul. These old
Souls choose to come back into a human body WELL before their energy
field is healed enough from their last previous life to support a
new existence.
As they grow, their new body just cannot support changes from the
growth process along with healing overwhelming toxic resonances
from past lives... and so it does the only thing it can do... sleep!
The prolonged periods of sleep become the physical equivalent of the
"rest-healing period" that most opt to undertake in the inner worlds
after their last life has ended (instead of sleeping it out down here).
How much sleep the person will require is directly dependent on the
degree of repair that their energy field requires. The more damaged
it is, the longer the individual will need to "sleep it off". That
could well take a lifetime (although it should improve over time
after the individual stops growing).
Concerned parents should note that doctors are very reluctant to
diagnose children as having this syndrome. They are concerned that
children will use this as a dodge to avoid school. They tend only
to give this diagnosis on the high end (if the child has slept
uncontrollably through a month).
Yet, if the child is on the low end (they sleep for days and weeks
at a time), parents should push to get this diagnosis so the child
gets the sleep that they need. If the child routinely sleeps for
12+ (more than 12 hours a day) on weekdays and most of the weekend,
just to remain functional, they are on the low end of KLS.
Here are the signs of Kleine-Levin Syndrome (KLS):
1) Waking up after a long period of sleeping feeling exhausted like
you had been awake the whole time.
2) Sneaking in sleep breaks just to keep going (in bathrooms, in
parked cars, in cubicles, etc).
3) Sleeping through an alarm - literally not hearing it go off or
keeping on ringing - when totally exhausted.
4) Sleep through weekends and any spare time during the week just
to feel normal and not brain dead.
5) Falling asleep in public at work, parties, social outings, or
public transportation when you do not want to.
6) Feeling groggy to the extent that you must nap during the day
(preferring more sleep to eating).
7) Lying about your sleep habits to conceal the terrible truth
about your sleeping from others.
8) Able to fall asleep instantly and get immediate benefit from as
little as 10 minutes of sleeping.
9) Able to appear awake, to converse briefly, and to do low level
repetitive tasks while registering as asleep.
After Effects:
By age 25, the individual should experience a significant reduction
in the number of hours that they sleep. By age 35, the individual
will "bottom out" meaning that there will be no further reduction in
the number of hours that they need to sleep... for the rest of their
lifetime. This "bottoming out" assumes that the individual does not
take active steps to heal their body-mind from their KLS.
Loved ones can help to "speed up" the healing process by performing
Reiki on the KLS sufferer while they are sleeping. There are brain
healing tools which the KLS sufferer can use while awake to help them
to sleep more soundly in less hours (I have used them to reduce my
hours sleeping). Unfortunately, especially while the sufferer is
still growing, "sleeping it off" over time is truly the best cure
for Kleine-Levin Syndrome.
Case History:
Looking back, I know have suffered from KLS all of my life. When I
was younger, there was no name for this disorder. Luckily for me,
I was on the low end... and I was sick enough with other identifiable
and legitimate illnesses, that no one really questioned my non-stop
sleeping... when I was ill.
KLS started causing me problems... when the other illnesses went away.
Then people around me started questioning my sleeping. Since I was
on the low end, I lived in a permanent state of grogginess always
seeking opportunities to get even a few precious minutes of sleeping in.
It is one of the hardest things in the world to know that you are NOT
lazy and that - for whatever reason - you have a seemingly unending
need for sleep... and to know that others just cannot understand. It
is very isolating to feeling horrible while awake but not be able to
admit it because others feel that - since you sleep so much - that you
should have nothing to complain about when awake.
So be kind to these
sufferers for they are truly fighting a hard and lonely battle.