Short Description:
"Chimerism" (from the Greek "chimera" meaning monster -or- creature
composed from parts of various animals) is a condition where the
DNA (genetic makeup) of children does not match the DNA of their parents.
Chimerism raises an important point about how past lives influence the
creation of present life DNA. From the standpoint of karma, children
are attracted to parents with the same unresolved issues. Therefore,
most children usually can be "constructed" directly from their parent's
genetics. This is most noticeable with physically based illnesses that
"run" in the family. Since illnesses raise issues, the same illnesses
raise the same issues. So the child "inherits" their illness from the
parents through genetics. Notice that it is the unresolved issues which
drive the acquisition of genetics and not the other way around (as modern
science teaches).
Yet if past life karma needs to bring parent and child together BUT their
issues are so radically different so that alternative genetic patterns are
required, nature will find a way. This "way" is Chimerism: where a child
is "constructed" from the parent's genetic material in such a way that there
seems to be no DNA connection. The child's body is perfectly formed for
their life path -AND- if it's DNA does not match that of either of its
parents, karmically that is not a consideration. Only in the modern era
would such an discrepancy in DNA be noticed. So the next time that science
claims that there is 100% certainty, remember this story of fallible DNA.
Fallible DNA? DNA tests are considered infallible. Ask any lawyer,
DNA evidence is the "gold standard" in court because DNA has solved
crimes and gotten convictions time and again. So could it be possible
for a woman to give birth to her children and NOT match their DNA?
The answer is YES!
Chimerism has happened. Search the "New England Journal of
Medicine" for the story on Karen Keegan of Boston, MA. Or better yet
search ABC News for the story on Lydia Fairchild of Washington State.
Both these women's DNA when tested showed that their genetic makeup
did not match that of their children.
After Effects:
Due to the modern belief that DNA is infallible, it creates a breeding
ground for karma. Mothers and fathers whose DNA does not match those
of their children encounter immediate problems with the state.
Since their DNA does not match, child protective agencies suspect
foul play and take action to separate parents from their children. Those
suffering from Chimerism have to take the extreme measures of taping the
birth of their children, getting on the spot DNA tests, and having doctors
and nurses testify to the fact that they have witnessed that parent giving
birth to their own child. Such is the power of the belief in the
infallibility of DNA... even when DNA's fallibility is caught on tape.
Modern science theorizes that Chimerism is the result of an individual
being their own twin. In other words, inside the womb, twins are
conceived. One dies, one stays alive. The living twin somehow
absorbs the DNA of the dead twin and this process somehow skews the
DNA of the living so that it does not resemble the DNA of its parents.
"Somehow" is not explained. If this sounds like a science fiction novel
gone wrong, reconsider the past life explanation.
How, for example, was Leonardo DaVinci, one of the world's greatest
geniuses, conceived? His mother was by all accounts an "ignorant
serving girl" who was impregnated by a moderately successful but
not especially intelligent business man. Clearly, DaVinci's gene
pool was pretty thin but out of it emerged genius.
DaVinci's genius was developed over the course of many past lives.
When he reincarnated as DaVinci, the genes of his parents were scraped
together to form his body. Yet, it is likely, because his intelligence
was at such a higher level that that of his parents, that DaVinci's
DNA would not have matched theirs!
Chimerism shows that nothing in nature is as perfect and as simple
scientific theories would have you believe. It is also shows that
when science fails right before people - as in DNA failing to match
between mother and child - science (like the church before it)
stubbornly clings to its belief in DNA. The scientific community
would rather believe that DNA is completely infallible and discard
any evidence to the contrary... than to admit the possibility of
fallible DNA.