KARMIC DICTIONARY: Past Life Causes of Present Life Disorders
Body Identity Integrity Disorder
Short Description
Short Description:
Body Identity Integrity Disorder
(alternatively Body Integrity Identity Disorder)
BIID is free will that is driven by karma: they voluntarily do to
themselves in this life what they have done to others (usually many
others) in past lives.
Symptoms: Consider the astonishing statistic that many who are afflicted with BIID are successful in obtaining their desire. Not even in the most desperately poor parts of the world can they find a doctor who would willingly amputate healthy limbs... so they have to force the issue. These sufferers pack the offending parts of their body in dry ice for at least six hours to induce frostbite severe enough to leave doctors with no option but to amputate. Anyone who has ever had severe frostbite knows how horribly painful it is to freeze off a limb. This is not like the movie "Saw" where a third party forces them to do this... they do it of their own free will. After Effects: When BIID is treated with traditional cognitive treatments -AND- the person continues to exhibit the same thoughts, attitudes, and behaviors which caused them to come into agreement with BIID in the first place, BIID will resurface. Only when the individual shifts into greater levels of love and compassion for others will they shift into greater love for themselves... and the desire to harm themselves will be karmically released... from mind and body forever. Advice: Going back to the past via past life healing can free those "afflicted" from repeating the lessons associated with BIID in future and, more importantly, from reincarnating with this disorder. When the BIID sufferer understands why they came into agreement with this disorder and what they are meant to learn by having it, they can become free of the compulsion underlying BIID. When the life lesson associated with BIID is "absorbed" into the person's body-mind-emotions, the "disempowering" trait or behavior will fall away over time. Case History: is included in the above descriptions of BIID syndromes. Before using any of this advice, click here for a "Word of Caution" Credits: from channeled information. |
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