KARMIC DICTIONARY: Past Life Causes of Present Life Disorders
Near Death Experience - NDE
Short Description
Short Description:
Near Death Experience NDE Causes: "Sometimes it takes a thing as great as death to teach us about life" (Svarctic Sage). The primary purpose of the Near Death Experience (NDE) is to give the individual a "necessary mid-life course correction". This is a "last resort" to get a person's life "back on the track" of their life contract. The NDE propels the individual in full consciousness into the inner worlds of God to review the "progress of their life to date". They receive an intensive "karmic counseling" session with their guides during the span of the NDE experience after which they must decide whether or not to return to their body and "mend their ways".
As the Near Death Experience (NDE) is such a "widespread" phenomena and
is massively documented by scientific evidence, it has received much
study. Much of it in an effort to undermine or disprove the validity of
such inner experiences. Nevertheless, there is substantial agreement as
to the common elements of the NDE which are typically found in most cases.
These are:
After Effects:
The after effects of the NDE vary widely among individuals. Some
remember the experience with perfect clarity while others realize that
"something" happened without fully understanding it. Advice: The best thing you can do is to embrace the experience for what it has to teach you. The worst thing you can do is to pretend it was a fantasy induced by physical impairment. Whether you can believe or accept it, your Near Death Experience (NDE) was a "wake-up call" from your Soul. Pay attention to it and your life now and in your karma-created future will be better… spiritually. Ignore it and the problems that you think you are avoiding will just become compounded… as always, as with everything in life, the choice is yours.
Case History:
"I was in doubt about my ministry. I thought I was listening to God
and following His way for me. Yet others scorned and mocked me. I was
always desperately short of money. Even those I thought I was helping
did not seem at times to be helped at all. I was in total despair when
I was viciously beaten and left for dead by a gang of thugs sent to stop
my mission. Before using any of this advice, click here for a "Word of Caution" Credits: from channeled information and from "Martin's" life story. |
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