FAQ: How do I know that the channeled past life is really mine? Since they are reliving their own past life, there is no question that the information is true and it relates to them. Yet in a Past Life Channeling session, the information comes through the past life channeler and so this verification is not as immediate for the person being read. However, during the channeling session, information invariably comes out which is highly personal in nature. Many times these are small details which the past life channeler would have no way of knowing or finding out about. [Example] Sometimes these are facts which person has not shared with anyone else. Often, they are "indirectly" related to the case at hand. Yet, since we are all connected at the highest levels of spirit, this knowledge is always available to the channel. ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Example: Hidden truth: A client was struggling with her weight. She had been a belly dancer in a past life. Her unconscious mind had trained all her female bodies to require large amounts of food which were worked off in the dance. This client had been thinking of taking dancing lessons for years (and had told no one) but was deathly afraid of doing so (she died tragically in that past life). Healing and integrating the issues arising from that former life freed her to pursue the dance. |
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