Exercise: Running the Gauntlet to Find the Enemy Within
For Quick Access to This Exercise: To get to the parts of this exercise you are most interested in viewing, click on the link below to go there. For best results, read through the entire exercise at least once. Background on This Exercise Background: "Get busy living or get busy dying" (Shawshank Redemption): that is what life is about. At every moment, we are choosing either life or death. We choose life when we honor ourselves by making empowering choices, by having life affirming emotions, and by seeing ourselves "positively". When we do not, we are - in essence - choosing death. By our choices in life, we can be our own best friend or worst enemy. It begins inside with the beliefs and thoughts we choose. Goal: The goal of this exercise is to determine if a "revolution from within" is needed. This is achieved by "running the gauntlet" of common experiences and emotions to see how you "measure up" to life's challenges. You cannot choose life-love and death-fear at the same time. To make better choices, you need to know where you are right now. If you are filled with negative thoughts and beliefs, you need to know that so that you can unlearn them. For only when you can think and act from a place of love, can you be at peace with yourself, with others, and with God. Preparation: All you need is a blank piece of paper, a pen or pencil, and a quiet place and time to do this exercise. DO it quickly: Take the FIRST answer you get! 1> Rate yourself as to the "self images" you hold and "emotions" you experience:
2> Rate yourself as to the "personal statements" that you feel apply to you now:
3> Calculate the TOTAL Score by filling in your results below.
Note: the "negative" statements are counted as TWO TIMES the value of the "positive" statements. 4> Compare your GRAND TOTAL score to the ranges below to see where you ended up after "running the gauntlet" of your beliefs. The goal of doing this exercise quickly was to access the unconscious part of your mind that always tells you the truth about yourself. Remember: that for things to change, you must change. To effect lasting change, you must change your beliefs for they create your reality. For Scores 819 to 318: Empowerment Range: You are the type that says "life is fabulous". You only have teeny, tiny, minor "blemishes" of negativity to clear away to make your wonderful life even more magnificent. For Scores 317 to 0: Achievement Range: You are the type that says "life is good". It is good but it could be better because you have "blotches" of negativity you need to eliminate. You can tell what they are by looking at your results. You have enough self confidence to handle them on your own. For Scores 0 to -585: Existence Range: You are the type that says "life is OK". It is only adequate because your negative beliefs, thoughts, and emotions have made it that way. You have several areas where negativity has taken root. You may need help from counselors to overcome these blocks. For Scores -586 to -1287: Struggle Range: You are the type that says "life is hard". It is hard because your negative thoughts have manifested struggle for you everywhere in your life. You definitely need help from counselors. For Scores -1288 to -1989: Disempowerment Range: You are the type that says "life is terrible". You are a virtual prisoner of your negative beliefs. For you "not feeling bad" would be a step up. You absolutely need to stop everything you are doing right now and get some counseling help!!!
"It is your thinking that will change
your life. Feelings come from thoughts. Start today to change
your negative beliefs. You deserve it. Be good to
yourself. Start being your best friend and stop being
your worst enemy. Remember: Love makes all things new and
the truth will set you free". Credits: adapted from "Alcoholics Anonymous: 12 Step Program" - www.12steps.org |
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