Rules #33a: "Let Everything Be Your Signature": Doing God's Work
The Spiritual Principles of Work & Web Sites #1: SIGNATURE WORK HONORS WHO IT SERVES The World Wide Web is the electronic
embodiment of the fact that everyone everywhere is very intimately
connected. Whether you like it or not, or believe it or not, you are
part of the vast collective consciousness of the universe. What you do -
every action, every thought, every feeling - effects others just as
they effect you.
#2: SIGNATURE WORK COMES FROM DOING WHAT YOU LOVE The greatest tragedy of modern society is
that most view work as a chore and not as a joy. And yet who are the
highest paid, happiest people on Earth? Those who do what they love
and love what they do. Take the Oscars: every year without fail someone
will say "I cannot believe that I am getting paid so much money to do
what I love!" The truth is their love for their work paid off and
attracted the money! #3: SIGNATURE WORK IS VALUABLE AND NOT FOR FREE Nothing is free. Take healing: it starts as
a gift but to continue along this path, the healing gift must be nurtured
by training and practice. Take websites: they offer free information
and resources but they too must be maintained by the payment of hosting
fees and technical support costs. And yet the same people who benefit
from the free information are the first to complain about sites that
contain commercial advertising and the last to be courteous and
sign a
more: teams of
people usually accomplish more than individuals do. Quite simply,
strength comes from shared power. #5: SIGNATURE WORK COMES FROM PURE INTENTIONS It is a fact of life that what you get out of it is what you put into it. The real reasons that you do what you do is really what drives your success or assures your failure. Take the case of Meta Tags, those "hidden" words on a web page that are used by "robots" and "spiders" of search engines to classify and rank your page. Many use tips and tricks to try and bend the robots and spiders to their will but the search engines are not fooled and neither is the universe… tricksters only fool themselves. #6: SIGNATURE WORK PROVIDES VALUE FOR MONEY SPENT People spend money for many reasons most of
which boil down to one. They perceive - rightly or wrongly - that
what they are receiving is more valuable than the money they are
spending. Where no value is perceived, no money will be spent. #7: SIGNATURE WORK PROVIDES VALUE FOR TIME SPENT Believe it or not, people are more ready to
spend money than time. Take web surfers: most will look at the home
page of website and decide in 30 seconds or less if they want to "waste
any of their valuable time" on it. #8: SIGNATURE WORK IS WELL ORGANIZED The first way to provide value to your customers is to make sure that whatever you do - your work or your website - it well organized. Taking the time to set things up so that people can find what they are looking for quickly and easily shows you are respecting the gift of the time and attention they are giving you. #9: SIGNATURE WORK HAS ACCURATE CONTENT The second way to provide value to your customers is to make sure that the content of your work is as accurate as you can make it. Of course, there will be mistakes… and when others point them out, be gracious about it and correct them as quickly as you can. For your site is only as good as the information it spreads! #10: SIGNATURE WORK HAS QUALITY CONTENT The third way to provide value to your customers is to make sure that "quality goes in before the name goes on." Quality content is meant to help others to solve a problem or just feel good. The universe does not need another "buy my book, worship me" website… it needs more sites with "love, sweet love"! #11: SIGNATURE WORK HAS A GOOD APPEARANCE The fourth way to provide value to your customers is to make sure that "you put your best foot forward" at all times. Fix those typos, clean up those graphics, and remove those words that do not show love. #12: SIGNATURE WORK EXPRESSES PERSONAL PRIDE The best way to provide value to your customers is to show the world your heart. There is no one like you in the universe! Be proud of that and show us all how we can share in and celebrate your uniqueness! Credits: inspired by Jim Harmon's "Spiritual Healing" and from channeled information. |
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