Rules Summary: The 12 Laws of Reincarnation "I am a traveller, alone and afraid, of the world in my ignorance that I have made." (Anonymous) "Ignorance of the law is no excuse" whether the laws are man-made or universal. To stop being afraid and to start being empowered in the worlds of karma and reincarnation, here is what you need to know about reincarnation... The Twelve Laws of Reincarnation:
These laws of reincarnation follow the laws of karma. Since the universe is a vast and complicated creation of God, it takes many lifetimes to comprehend so an individual can become a CoWorker with God in the majesty of creation. Karma is the great teacher of what is like and not like love. Reincarnation over many lifetimes is required by karma for you to master life's lessons in their totality.
Karma teaches love through experiencing life from every point of view. "What you bring hate into, you reincarnate into!" Each individual must experience both genders, all races, all nationalities, all religions, well/ill, rich/poor, success/failure, etc. This allows you to see the beauty, value, and worthiness of all ways of life. This gives you the 360° viewpoint on the universe necessary for a CoWorker with God.
Karma teaches you love through action. How you learn is through experiencing cause and effect by interacting with a community of other individuals that you constantly reincarnate with assuming varying roles in each new life. Your Soul group helps to teach you what is like and not like love through the resolution of interwoven past life karma.
Karma teaches you responsibility through reciprocity. What you have done to others in the past, will be done back to you in the future. You will continue to reincarnate with significant others until you have paid off your karmic debts to them. Reincarnation will work to balance the scales fairly between all concerned so that love and justice prevail.
Karma teaches you through tough assignments of adversity. Everyone must experience the worst of life to better appreciate the best of it. Over the course of their cycle of reincarnation, all Souls will endure pandemics, fire, earthquakes, hurricanes, tsunamis, famines, drought, etc... but in different lifetimes to ease the burden of suffering.
Karma teaches you through your body by requiring you to manifest the abundance sufficient to provide for its' material needs. As you age, the challenges continue as you must learn to provide for others as well as your own retirement. Creation through manifestation is an essential skill to become a fully capable of CoWorker with God and it can only be mastered with practice over many cycles of reincarnation.
Karma teaches you through your mind by requiring you to learn the discipline (daily duties), the discernment (good judgment), as well as the detachment (ceasing to cherish opinions or hold expectations) needed to become truly resourceful in life. These are very complex learnings that can only be mastered over many cycles of reincarnation.
Karma teaches you through your emotions by requiring you to master the energy in motion caused by the actions of others as well as your reactions to them. Karma helps you to learn calmness, control, and compassion needed to become truly resourceful in life. This are simple learnings that are difficult to apply given the pressures of daily life and so need many cycles of reincarnation to get under control.
Karma tests you time and again by allowing you to bring forward your talents, traits, and tendencies from life to life. You are a work in progress. In one life, you will focus on developing your intellectual abilities while in another you will work on your emotional control. When you can reliably be counted on to act in loving way no matter what life brings to you, the certainty of your choices accelerates your karma and brings you closer to the end of your cycle of reincarnation.
Karma is designed to teach you unconditional love by helping you to develop compassion, tolerance, and forgiveness. You have learned deep compassion when you can care for others with the same deep kindness as you care for yourself. You have learned tolerance when you can see the beauty in all paths. You have learned forgiveness when you can let go of wrongs done in the past and live in harmony.
Karma is designed to evolve you into being your best you, your Higher Self. Your best you is your character: the unique note you bring to the universal song. Like the sculptor frees the perfected statue from raw stone, karma frees you from the imperfections inherent in the human consciousness. Karma carves you into a being of greater love, joy, and awareness so you can become a CoWorker with God.
Reincarnation comes to an end when you have substantially complied with balancing past karma by having learned unconditional love. If every last past misdeed/sin had to be balanced, rebirths would never end. It is the sign of a loving and compassionate universe that mercy and justice are the driving forces behind the laws of reincarnation. Credits: from channeled information. |
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