Rules #29a: "Finding Selves Unimaginably Mine": Rules of Soulmates
Bone of My Bone, Flesh of My Flesh "Losing through you what seemed myself, I
find selves unimaginably mine..." sums up how our Soulmates help us to
learn and grow in love, joy, and awareness. Here are the Types of Soulmates: 1> Partners in Hate: Believe it or not, those that you hate with all the intensity of your being are one group of your soulmates. Those we hate are our soulmates in the sense that they continually cross our soul's path life after life. For it is the hatred for one another that sticks you together like glue until you can understand and release the hate that binds you. Many times we hate in others what we really hate in ourselves. Those we hate actually help us to embrace those aspects of our character that we find it hard to love.2> Partners in Love: Those we love in even the smallest degree are another group of our soulmates. Again these become our soulmates because of the love binding us together. Our partners in love - and hate - most often come to us as parents, siblings, spouses, and children. They serve to remind us about those aspects of our character that we should love and cherish. For it is all too easy to "eliminate the positive, and accentuate the negative" while we are here on Earth. Those we love show us what we should love in ourselves. 3> The One and Only: When people commonly yearn for their Soulmate, what they are really yearning for is "the one and only" person who can make them complete. This is their "twin flame" or "Bashert" (the Hebrew word meaning one's predestined mate). When we are with our "Bashert", we realize that we are "two halves of the same person". Our "Bashert" gives us the opportunity to grow in love like no other person can. So when we speak of how "our soulmates can help us", we are referring to how our "Bashert" can help us grow as Soul. Here's Our Soulmate Helps Us Grow As Soul... #1: OUR SOULMATES HELP US TO BECOME DIVINE LOVE We learn to love in the same way we learn to
do anything else. We start with simple things and work our way to the
more advanced. In other words, we start by learning to love our
"Bashert" which is the easiest person in the universe to love. We
advance by learning to love "our partners in love". We graduate by
learning to love "our partners in hate". In the end, we learn to love
everyone as well as we love our "Bashert" because, in the larger
scheme of things, we are all one. #2: OUR SOULMATES HELP US TO FIND JOY IN EVERY MOMENT When we are with our "Bashert", our life is
better even if it does not change at all in any outward respect. We
find ourselves better able to bear things we would find unbearable on
our own. Jobs that we hate do not seem so burdensome. People who
bother us seem less annoying. Chronic health problems seem easier to
endure. Our "Bashert" makes us glad to come home and sorry to have
to leave. #3: OUR SOULMATES HELP US TO CONNECT WITH OUR TRUTH Often what some view as difficulties with
their "Bashert" is when they help us to our own truth. For they know
us so well that there is no room in this relationship for anything but
truth. The moment we deviate from our truth our "Bashert" is there to
catch us and gently tap us on the shoulder to remind us that we have
deviated. #4: OUR SOULMATES HELP US TO FIND OUR TRUE COURAGE Looking from the outside, others often believe that our destiny was so obvious as to be inevitable. Yet the truth is that destiny is seldom obvious and never inevitable. It takes courage for anyone to go out and claim it. Often, it is our "Bashert's" love, help, and support that gives us the power, the courage, and the ability to go out and claim our destiny. Their belief in us helps us to believe in ourselves especially when all others around us are discouraging and/or sabotaging us. Their love gives us the courage to "press on" when we find nothing else inside to keep us going. #5: OUR SOULMATES HELP US TO LEARN TO TRULY TRUST Beyond courage, trust is essential for us to
claim our destiny. For if we did not trust that it was at all possible
to turn our dreams into reality, we would never pursue them in the first
place. There is nothing so inspirational as to look deeply into the
eyes on one's "Bashert" and see there how you can do anything that you
have resolved to do. There is nothing so vital as to know that even if
you fall, you will land in the open arms of your "Bashert" and all will
be understood and accepted. #6: OUR SOULMATES HELP US TO LIVE OUR PURPOSE IN LIFE When each of us comes to the Earth, we come
with several purposes. We all come with general purposes to unwind our
karma, to come into closer relation with God (which is true even if we
choose the path of an atheist!), and to grow in love, joy, and awareness.
Yet we also come to fulfill a special purpose in life, one that we are
uniquely suited to fulfill, one that is our destiny. #7: OUR SOULMATES HELP US TO MANIFEST ABUNDANT LIVES Only when our lives are full of love are they truly abundant. For "money cannot buy happiness... it cannot even rent it", it can only fill one's life with experiences and possessions that are incomplete without another to share it with. The simple truth is that one can be happier living with their "Bashert" in a hovel than with royalty they do not love in a Palace (like Princess Diana). #8: OUR SOULMATES HELP US TO BECOME CLEAR CHANNELS As we pursue our destiny, seek our fortune, and walk our path, we gain the experience we need to become fully realized CoWorkers with God. When our "Bashert" loves, helps, and support us on our journey through life, they are actually helping to prepare us for this greater destiny. As they help us to see ourselves more clearly, they help us to see the world more clearly. In turn this makes us clearer channels in spreading the Divine Love God has for everyone to those around us. #9: OUR SOULMATES HELP US TO "KISS: KEEP IT SIMPLE" Particularly as we succeed along our path, we encounter temptations to "believe our own press" and to think that "we have become larger than life." Our "Basherts", knowing us all too well, help to keep us grounded and to "keep it real". In other words, to "KISS" us - to "keep it simple, stupid!" There is nothing like a "swift kick in the butt" from our "Bashert" to put us on the right track! #10: OUR SOULMATES HELP US TO BECOME GENTLER The Golden Rule would work so much better if it read this way: "Do unto others as you would do unto the person you loved most in the world, your 'Bashert'!" The overflowing love that we have for our "Bashert" is often what enables us to develop our own qualities of gentleness and compassion. Loving them as we do, we cannot help but be gentle and compassionate with our "Bashert". The more we learn to treat them with loving kindness, the more we can treat others with gentleness. #11: OUR SOULMATES HELP US TO LEARN GRATITUDE Once you have been reunited with your "Bashert", you cannot help but be daily grateful for the blessing of having them in your life. Being permitted to spend your life with your "Bashert" is the greatest gift that can be given to anyone in any given lifetime. If you are fortunate enough to be presently reunited with your "Bashert", stop now and give thanks for the miracle and the gifts they are giving you daily. If you are presently parted, stop now and express gratitude for knowing that such a person exists for you somewhere in the universe and for someday being reunited. #12: OUR SOULMATES HELP US TO ACHIEVE BALANCE Being balanced means becoming truly ourselves
- "finding the selves that are unimaginably mine" by becoming first
fully Self Realized and then fully God Realized. For that is the
greatest gift that our "Bashert" bring us: allowing us to see and
embrace the full totality of ourselves through their eyes. So what we are doing for our "Bashert" as they are doing all this for us? We are helping them in the same way... our love for them makes it easy and natural for us to do so. I know this is true... for these rules have sprung from the deep love my "Bashert" and I have shared through many lives. For that I thank you, my dearest! Notice the parallels between how our Soulmates help us to grow in love, joy, and awareness and the Hallmarks of the Spiritually Advanced. Click here for "Famous Quotes on Soulmates!" Credits: from channeled information and lifetimes of the love of my Beloved Darling. |
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