Rules #41: 12 Sacred Rights: "We Hold These Truths to be Self Evident" "I tell you the truth, whatever you did for one of the least of these brothers of mine, you did for me." (Matthew 25:40)
These basic human rights are yours as a
Divine Spark of God. They are yours regardless of whatever culture,
religion, government, or other social group that you have incarnated
into. If those groups cannot support your basic human rights, then
they should be resisted.
"Resistance to tyranny is obedience to God".
1> YOUR BODY IS HOLY GROUND Your body is the temple of your spirit and as such is holy ground. Given that your body is holy, no one has the right to violate it. Violations include harming it in any way. Active harm includes such "crimes against the body" as beatings, stabbings, strangulation, poisoning, violent interrogation, and other acts carrying criminal penalties. It also includes "invasive procedures" and/or "cutting edge cures" which claim to cure the body by harming it (different from the temporary inconvenience, permanent gain involved in healing). Passive harm includes acts resulting in depriving a body of sleep, food, drink, love, air, protection from nature, etc. You should completely resist anyone who harms your body actively or passively. 2> YOUR MIND IS HOLY GROUND Your mind is the guardian of your spirit and as such is holy ground. Given that your mind is holy, no one has the right to violate it. Violations include harming it in any way. Active harm includes feeding it mind altering drugs, forcibly reprogramming it, exposing it to unwanted subliminals, using domination type interrogation techniques, and other acts carrying criminal penalties. Passive harm includes subtle manipulation used to detach someone from core beliefs, thoughts, and attitudes, constantly subjecting them to barrages of negative statements, convincing them that they are worthless or anything less than a Divine Spark of God. You should completely resist anyone who harms your mind actively or passively. 3> YOUR EMOTIONS ARE SACRED Your emotions are sent from your Higher Self to propel you along your life's path and as such are sacred. Emotions should always be honored but not always acted upon. Emotions act like pain in your body and suspicion in your mind as a signal for you to take action that is in your own best interests. When another suggests, asks, insists, or forces you to act against your emotions, they are invading your sacred space. You have an inalienable right to your emotions and to feel the way that you do. Often if you just listen to your heart and what it feels, you will be led to the right path. You should completely resist anyone who tries to get you to deny, repress, minimize, convert, project, or dissociate from your emotions. 4> YOUR SPIRIT IS SACRED Your spirit is the most sacred and holy part of you. Bodies can be killed. Minds can be shattered. Emotions can lead to the path of tangled karma. Yet in your Soul, you are always free, always safe, always loved. It is your Divine Core Essence: it is eternal and indestructible. As you unfold into greater awareness of your Soul, you will explore many paths of religion, philosophy, and spirituality. Each of these paths will enrich your total life experience and so you should be left to explore them in peace at your own pace. You should not allow anyone to convince or convert you to their way of thinking, believing, and being. What you think, believe, and have chosen is perfect for you right now… honor that and keep your Soul sacred. 5>
YOUR BASIC RIGHT: YOUR LIFE Once you are born into this Earth plane, you
have a right to be here for as long as your body-mind can sustain your
life. This is true provided that you do not deprive another of their
rights while you are here. An integral part of the dynamic of abuse
and torture is a belief on the part of a torturer that you do not have
the your God given right to the life. This belief comes from the
mistaken idea that the tortured are somehow inferior to the torturer.
And so because the tortured are "children of a lesser God" they do not
deserve to enjoy the same right to life as their "superiors". 6>
YOUR BASIC RIGHT: YOUR LIBERTY Those who live in "unfree" areas of the world
can attest that freedom is an essential component of happiness. In "free"
societies, an individual's liberty is only restricted by their inability
to interfere with the rights of others. In "unfree" societies, the
individual spends a majority of their time laboring against restrictions
that are imposed by the society, religion, or culture they have incarnated
into. 7>
YOUR BASIC RIGHT: YOUR HAPPINESS What lies at the end of the trail of karma is
happiness. For karma leads one to their true freedom of living in a
continual state of joy, love, and awareness (the primary attributes of God).
Historically speaking, the "pursuit of happiness" is a new goal. For
most of human history, existence on Earth has been a grim and desperate
struggle for survival… and in many areas on Earth, this - unfortunately
- is still true. 8>
YOUR BASIC RIGHT: YOUR EQUALITY All Souls are created equally and are equally
loved by God. God does not value Mother Theresa more and Adolf Hitler
less. Both are Divine creations and as such are equal in God's eyes. It
is a truly loving God who creates a universe vast enough to give everyone
infinite chances to spin through cycles of karma and reincarnation
experiencing life from every viewpoint until they become love, joy, and
awareness. 9>
YOUR BASIC RIGHT: YOUR CONNECTEDNESS Our journey through the cycles of reincarnation
is propelled by our need to take responsibility for our actions
(personal karma) and our duty to all life (group karma). Since we are
individual sparks of God, we each must learn in our own way (better
known as individuation). Yet since we are all part of the "one song"
of the uni-verse, we learn from our connection to others (better known
as divination in sense that we are all CoWorkers with God). We are
like stalactites in a cave. We are all joined together at the roof
of the cave (our divination) but we hang down from the roof all in
unique formations like the stalactites (our individuals). 10>
YOUR BASIC RIGHT: YOUR WORTHINESS Saint and sinner are value judgments placed
on the "worthiness" of an individual life by humans and their institutions.
As such, these value judgments have no bearing on the unfoldment of
these individuals' karma. Saints have no more a free ticket to eternal
bliss than sinners do to endless damnation. The philosopher Epictetus
said it best: "After a theatrical performance nobody says: this actor
played the king, what a good actor, this one played the beggar so I
don't applaud him." 11>
YOUR BASIC RIGHT: YOUR BELIEFS It is a maxim of psychology that every belief
that you have comes from somewhere in your experience. And, at one
time, every thought, belief, attitude, and behavior you have made
perfect sense to you… even if they do not make perfect sense to you
now. Only in the context of past lives can the truth of this maxim
be seen. 12>
YOUR BASIC RIGHT: YOUR EXPERIENCES The Earth is a big schoolhouse where we come
to learn and grow in love, joy, and awareness. When our learning does
not go the way we expect, we count it as a mistake. Yet, "making
mistakes" is value judgment that we place on the process of unfolding
into Soul awareness. As we "correct mistakes", we learn ways of
thinking, doing, and being that are more in harmony with how the
universe works. The light of Human Rights can only be understood in the darkness of the Four Levels of Torture... Defend your rights! Credits: from channeled information and in memory of the heroes of September 11, 2001. |
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