Rules #28c: Who is The I That is Me? - Truth About Famous Past Lives #1
Want to Be Famous? Or Were You? When it comes to past lives, most people want to know the same thing. "Was I ever famous?" they will ask. Yet what is fame anyway? It is when one person is known by many they have never met for what they have accomplished in life. That's it! "So Who Really Is The ' I ' That is ' Me '?" When we come into greater awareness of our
past lives, we understand that we are more than our current personality.
We see that we are infinite beings and we connect with the truth about
the totality of our existence. We ask ourselves
"who really is the I that is me?"
From time to time, the answer to this question
leads us to a famous past life (what I like to call "historical
personalities"). #1: FAME DOES NOT MAKE YOU BETTER People ask about having been famous in past lives because there is a common belief that when a person is famous, their life is perfect, they have no problems, and that they have infinite amounts of time and money to do whatever they want to do. While money and celebrity gives them greater freedom to promote their causes, it also makes their daily life (especially travel) difficult and complicated. The truth is that famous people are not better than everyone else, they are just better known for both their accomplishments and their failings. #2: PAST LIFE FAME=PRESENT LIFE BURDEN People would desire a famous past life less, if they understood the present life energetic burden it carries. So many people putting so much attention on your past life personality means that energy flows to you in the present. For example, one year there was a year-long celebration of the life of one of my recent past life historical personalities. It was a past life I had not healed. All this undue attention literally made me sick until the festivities were over. #3: HISTORICAL VS ACTUAL PERSON The key word in history is story. The stories are created by writers who wish to promote a polished, glorious image of the raw, ignoble past. These stories build up legends about an historical personality that are mainly lies (compared to how the person actually was). Try to tell the truth about who that person actually was and what they actually did and you find people prefer the legend to the truth. They will be downright nasty when the truth tarnishes the legend's story. #4: MYTHS, LIES, & DOWNRIGHT STUPIDITY Especially when you die before you have had a chance to write your own account of important events, you reincarnate to find what others have written about you is just plain untrue. Writers put words in your mouth that you never said. They attribute actions to you that you never did. Worse, they draw conclusions about you that are just downright stupid, unkind, and unfair. All you can do is just read it and comfort yourself with that fact that at least you know the truth. #5: YOUR EVIDENCE NO GOOD HERE If you "uncase" your past and proclaim that you are the reincarnation of a "famous" past life historical personality, others will instantly reject your claim. Interestingly enough, if you claim to be a nobody in past lives, others will not reject you, they will just think less of you. The truth is there is NO evidence of your past lives that others will find convincing. For example, in 1953, Harry Martindale saw a column of Roman soldiers marching through the basement of York Minister Cathedral. Since what Martindale saw about the soldier's uniforms did not accord with the historical knowledge at the time, his account was dismissed. In the 1960s, excavations confirmed every last detail of Martindale's vision... and still he was dismissed. If artifacts cannot convince others of the reality of past lives, you have NO chance. #6: WHAT YOU WERE, YOU ARE NOT NOW For those who would be inclined to believe your claim about having had a famous past life, they would still be skeptical unless you looked, spoke, and acted as like that particular past life personality. They would expect you to exactly replicate your past life successes in the present... and, if you failed to do so, they would dismiss your claim. The problem is that a new life means new choices about body, mind, and emotions, about families and resources, and about life purpose and karmic goals. When the present life circumstances are NOT the same as past life ones, it is impossible to create the same results. #7: LOOKING DEEPLY INTO THE UGLY MIRROR The hardest thing about having famous past lives is that it is like looking deeply into the mirror and seeing a mulitude of ugly faces there. When you read the long list of your character failings in several history books and you know them to be true, it is both a humbling and a humiliating experience. When you read about what you should have done in a certain situation and realize perhaps you could have done that, you feel deep remorse and regret. When you realize you did the best you could but were blocked from doing more for reasons lost to history, you feel bitter and disrespected. History is never accurate. #8: AVOID THE TRAP OF SELF DENIAL When you first discover that you had a famous past life, your initial reaction is bound to be denial. You think, "I am so ordinary, how could I have been/done that?"You resist the urge to research your past lives... yet you feel the inner pull to do so. You know that no one else will believe you... but that is nothing when you start out by not believing yourself. You doubt yourself. You try to forget but are forced to remember. No matter how much you deny, dismiss, or distance yourself from your famous past life... it is your constant companion until you choose to heal its issues haunting you today. #9: THE MORE FAMOUS, THE MORE CLAIMANTS As hard as it is to own a famous past life, it is made more complicated by the fact that others also claim it as their own. The more famous your past life personality, the more people will claim it as their own. That should not concern you because, like it or not, you are still stuck with the past life karma from your famous person. Worse, the more your famous past life personality did that was karmically unloving, the harder you had to work in other lives and in this one to balance it. #10: REMEMBER EVERYTHING IS ALWAYS ALL INSIDE YOU The one thing that others cannot take from you is your knowledge and your experience. When you have done extraordinary things in the past, you retain the ability to do great things now. Whether or not you choose to draw on the gifts from the past, what you do now always is your choice. You can draw on all the books of past life wisdom inside you at any time. There is no rush or obligation: just be yourself now. #11: YOU WILL BE ABUSED BY OTHERS Admit to someone that you are the reincarnation of a famous person from the past and you WILL be abused. Some will say you are just trying to "show off" by claiming to have been someone "better" than you are now. Others will say you are crazy (because reincarnation is total garbage) or that you are a liar (because you are too ordinary now to have been extraordinary). A few (with no mental health qualifications) will diagnose you with all sorts of dire disorders for believing in the "whacky" proposition of reincarnation (while they believe in such things as virgin births and bread/fish from thin air). If others cannot accept you as you are, do not give them any attention. #12: YOU MUST BE TRUE TO YOURSELF In the end, you must make peace with all of your past life selves, especially with your famous, historical ones. After you have done your best to heal and balance the karma from all your past incarnations, you should learn from your failures and successes. Take the best from the past to make the present better. Forgive the worst from the past because there is no future in constantly beating yourself up about it. If all you learn from your famous past lives is to "go away and sin no more", then you are bound only to create great karma going forward. Credits: from channeled information. |
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