Rules #8a: "As Above So Below": "Spirit" vs "Ego-based" Guidance
In most cases, those seeking "Divine Guidance" usually go through the process of learning to discern the difference between "Spirit based" and "Ego-based" guidance. In other words, when you get guidance, is it coming from "God" or the "devil"? To understand what this means, you must first understand the types of guidance as well as how it may be communicated to you. Types of Guidance: There are 3 types of guidance. The first 2 present you with truths - neither are false in that sense. The first 2 offer guidance in your own best interests - neither truly wish to harm you (which is not the case with the 3rd). "Spirit-based" Guidance comes direct from God and/or His Servants of the Universe and is grounded in love and abundance. Means of Receiving Guidance: There are various ways to receive guidance. Each way has it's own advantages or disadvantages: one is not inherently better than the other. They are just different. These means include being: Clairvoyant
("clear seeing")
- seeing images, still or moving, in your
mind's eye. 1> SPIRIT ALWAYS ACTS FROM LOVE IN YOUR BEST INTEREST Both "Spirit" and "Ego-based" guidance act from love in your best interests. Both wish to protect and serve you. How they go about it is what differentiates them. "Ego-based" guidance shows it's love to you by keeping you on the path of the "tried-and-true" where you are safe and protected. "Ego-based" messages are full of reasons why you cannot, should not, and must not do things. "Spirit-based" guidance encourages you to step off the path of the "tried-and-true" so that you can walk down another road that in the end will be far better for you than the "safe" way. "Spirit-based" contact is always intensely loving - it always leaves you feeling very energized and uplifted. 2> SPIRIT ALWAYS LEADS YOU TO GREATER LEVELS OF JOY "Ego-based" guidance will always trade joy for safety. "Ego" wants you to have joy later (the "pie-in-the-sky-when-you-die" syndrome). "Spirit-based" guidance always wants to lead you to where you can get greater joy right now. It recognizes that there may have to be some "temporary inconvenience" for "permanent gain". Yet Spirit works with you to minimize the inconvenience, to maximize the gain, and get you joyful right away. 3> SPIRIT ACTS FROM INTEGRITY, ALWAYS TELLS THE TRUTH Your ego can be extremely crafty and manipulative. If you stray from the path of safety, your ego will put out half truths, bogus arguments, and consistently paint pictures of the worst case scenarios to get you back to "safety". Spirit knows that all fears are nothing more than False Evidence Appearing Real. Spirit only needs to tell the truth because "it is the truth that will set you free". It always acts from the highest levels of truth which you inherently feel is "right". 4> SPIRIT ONLY OFFERS "RIGHT THOUGHTS, WORDS, DEEDS" When you get to the point in your existence where you are interested in receiving guidance, it is because you have already learned "to tell right from wrong". Instinctively, you know when guidance is encouraging you to "think right thoughts", to "speak right words", and to "do right deeds". "Spirit-based" guidance will NEVER ask you to the do the "wrong thing". "Ego-based" guidance may suggest that you not do the right thing. "Evil" guidance will insist you do the "wrong thing". 5> SPIRIT FOCUSES ON WHAT YOU "CAN DO" RIGHT NOW "Spirit-based" guidance will always encourage you to make the courageous and abundant choice. "Spirit-based" guidance is from beings who know that the universe offers you all possibilities - if you are open to receiving. Spirit is not limited, frightened, or mistrustful - these are the qualities of ego. Spirit knows what you "can do, right now" while ego believes in what you "can't do now or later". 6> SPIRIT IS ALWAYS VALIDATED BY SUBSEQUENT EVENTS One of the main objectives of "Spirit-based" guidance is to make you feel good about the contact. This way you will grow more comfortable over time with the guidance as your trust level grows. The best way for Spirit to build trust with you is to establish a "track record" of success which flows from good guidance. Ego is not concerned with success - only with safety. It has been said that "God "writes straight with crooked lines". It is when you follow those crooked lines over an extended period of time and see that they were for the best - that is when you truly learn to trust in the hand of Spirit guiding you. 7> SPIRIT ALWAYS SEEKS TO EMPOWER YOU & ALL OTHERS "Spirit" always suggests actions that empower you and all others concerned in any situation. "Spirit" works to enable you to win and others to win at the same time. "Ego" tends to advance your interests at the expense of others. "Ego" lets you win and will allow others to lose. "Evil" almost always involves a "lose, lose" strategy: harming others and thereby harming yourself with bad karma. 8> SPIRIT ALWAYS FOCUSES ON BLESSINGS & GRATITUDE "Spirit" is constantly in the process of bringing you the gifts of the universe. The purpose is to show God's love to you in form and to instill the attitude of gratitude within you. It is the state of thankfulness which attracts all the good into your life. "Ego" always focuses on what you do not have and moans about the "lack" in your life. While "evil" tries to trick you into believing that the only way abundance will flow to you is to snatch blessings given to others for yourself. 9> SPIRIT IS ALWAYS COMMUNICATED GENTLY AND SIMPLY "Spirit-based" guidance is always communicated in a clear, easy-to-understand manner while "ego" and "evil" seeks to "confuse you with the facts" so that it can achieve it's own agenda. "Spirit-based" guidance is always gentle: it acts as if it were your best friend. While "ego" and "evil" based guidance tends to act toward you like lecturing parents or demanding and jealous gods. 10> SPIRIT ALWAYS HONORS AND RESPECTS WHO YOU ARE "Spirit-based" guidance is always supportive. It motivates you to achieve your dreams and to connect with your greatest joy. It supports you by encouraging you to honor your uniqueness, your special purpose, and the needs of your body-mind. "Ego" and "evil" are strictly concerned with serving their own agendas. 11> SPIRIT HELPS YOU FULFILL YOUR PURPOSE IN LIFE "Spirit's" main mission is to help you to fulfill your purpose in life. To do this, it is always consistent: repeating the same clear, loving advice so that your feet stay firmly planted on your path. "Ego" and "evil" want you to fulfill their purpose. 12> SPIRIT DEVELOPS YOU INTO A CO-WORKER WITH GOD "Spirit" shows you how you are equal and one with others: not better ("ego") or worse ("evil"). Spirit develops you into a co-worker with God. Credits: inspired by "Divine Guidance: How to Have a Dialog with God" by Doreen Virtue and channeled information. |
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