Rules #44: Becoming a CoWorker With God: "Why We Are Here" "For one human being to love another… that is perhaps the most difficult of all our tasks, the ultimate, the last test and proof, the work for which all other work is but preparation." (Rainer Maria Rilke)
For most of our human lives, we are primarily
concerned with gaining experience in the worlds of
Becoming Who You Already Really Are For at the beginning, in the end, and all throughout our personal trek the reason behind everything we have learned, endured, suffered, and triumphed becomes clear. No matter where we are, no matter what we are doing, being, or becoming, we are growing in our ability to love so that we can become an ever better CoWorker with God as we serve in the unfolding majesty of His/Her Creation. So how does one become a CoWorker with God?… by being the following: 1> SELF JUDGMENT: FOR THE HIGHEST GOOD OF ALL "Believe in no other God than the one who insists on justice and equality for all." (George Sand) All religion, philosophy, and spirituality
can be summed up this way: "Only love is real. All we have is this
moment now. Choose love at every moment." That is easy to teach but
hard to live. Therefore most of these systems go for the opposite:
something easy to live (to attract and retain followers) and something
hard to teach (to keep the "shamans" - the ones who know the system -
employed). 2> SELF MOTIVATION: ALWAYS LENDING A HELPING HAND "'Let me help'… we'll recommend those three words even over 'I love you'." (Classic Star Trek) "I love you" is perhaps the most overused and
misused phrase in any language. It is so easy to say those words and
often so hard to mean them. That is because meaning them generally
requires us to take action to give those words meaning. The actions that
we choose to take as well as those we avoid taking are usually the
truest measures of our love. It is our actions that reveal our hearts:
when we say "let me help" and we do it, that shows our love far more
than any telling can do.
3> SELF INTEGRITY: HONESTY & TRUTH ABOVE ALL "This above all: be true, be true, be true." (Nathaniel Hawthorne) Unshakable honesty and personal integrity is
the very essence of being a Coworker with God. Our journey of life is
all about developing this capacity for discernment: learning what works
and what does not by direct personal experience with the laws of karma
through many incarnations. For it is only upon the rock of truth that
we can stand as CoWorkers with God. In the universe, our every thought,
belief, intention, and action is known by God more precisely than we
can ever know.
4> SELF DISCRETION: BALANCING SPEECH & SILENCE "Language is the blood of the soul into which thoughts run and out of which they grow." (Oliver Wendell Holmes) Words are the vital connection between actions
and truth for "as we believe, so shall we do". Nothing manifests into
the universe without thoughts. And thoughts cannot be communicated into
action without the words expressing the ideas. 5> SELF CONFIDENCE: BEING BRAVE VOYAGERS "I am endued with such qualities that if I were turned out of the realm in my petticoat, I were able to live any place in Christendom." (Queen Elizabeth I) Courage is the fuel that gives us strength to make our journey through the universe as we explore the worlds of karma and reincarnation. If you feel you are lacking in courage, know that coming to Earth to have a spiritual experience was in and of itself a great act of bravery. Aristotle said that "courage is the first among human qualities because it guarantees the others". Courage is the golden thread that draws us ever higher into the inner realms and helps us be better CoWorkers with God. 6> SELF BALANCE: SERVING AS HUMBLE INSTRUMENTS "We are all but humble instruments in the service of God." (Thomas Jackson) All Souls are created equally and are equally loved by God. God does not value Mother Theresa more and Adolf Hitler less. Both are Divine creations and are equal in God's eyes. It is only humans who make value judgments about the merit of individual lives labeling them saint or sinner, great or small, good or evil. The spinning wheel of karma works to reverse fortunes until we are brought to the place of loving service as humble instruments working with God to cocreate the universe. 7> SELF IMPROVEMENT: BECOMING STATE OF THE ART "As long as you live, keep learning how to live." (Seneca) The universe is always unfolding so we will always find ourselves in a state of change. In any life, we grow, then we age. We live, we learn, we contribute to the evolution of consciousness. During our personal journey, we work ourselves from darkness to light, from negative to positive, from karma to dharma. We do it again in life after life until we transition into the inner worlds where we continue to unfold… for there is always more to becoming "state of the art" in coworkership. 8> SELF RELIANCE: BEING COMPLETE WITHIN THE SELF "The great lesson that nature seems to teach us at all ages is self-dependence, self-protection, self-support." (Elizabeth Cady Stanton) The most terrible truth that anyone will learn is… they agreed to experience all that has, is, and will happen to them. The universe operates under this simple rule: "all that happens is by prior agreement". These agreements are made with one simple purpose: to teach the individual to become whole and complete within themselves as they unfold along with the constantly changing universe. For the more complete we become within ourselves, the better we become as CoWorkers with God. 9> SELFLESS COMPASSION: ALL ARE CONNECTED "I have seen the face of the enemy and I find that we are they." (Anonymous) Our journey of reincarnation is driven by our need to take responsibility for our actions (personal karma) and our duty to all life (group karma). Since we are individual sparks of God, we each must learn in our own way (individuation). Yet since we are part of the "one song" of the uni-verse, we learn from our connection to others (divination). Compassion springs from realizing that all of us are on the same journey and will ultimately arrive at the same destination. That journey is through the worlds of karma and that destination is love, the heart of God Itself. 10> SELF RESPECT: HONORING OURS & OTHER'S CHOICES "Life is a succession of lessons which must be lived to be understood." All roads lead back to God... but all roads
are not the same nor do individuals travel along the roads in the same
way. Whether we realize it or not, all of us are seekers after truth
and each will come to truth in the way that is best for them.
11> SELFLESS EMPOWERMENT: BEING ALL YOU CAN BE "Every creature is a word of God." (Meister Eckhart) One of the greatest acts of love we can do for
another is to show them how to be complete within themselves. As the
old adage goes: "catch a fish for a person and you feed them for a day…
teach them to fish and you feed them for a lifetime."
12> SELF DISCIPLINE: SERVICE FIRST, LAST, AND ALWAYS "I shall do good, I shall do His work; I shall be an angel of peace, a preacher of truth in my own place… if I do but keep His commandments and serve Him in my calling." (John Henry Newman) It is one of the great ironies of human existence
that humans seek to maximize love and to minimize service. Yet one of the
easiest ways of getting more love is by giving more loving service. For
as we give from sincere service from our hearts, they naturally open. As
they open, we become ever more receptive to the flow of love which, by it's
very nature, is a circle of giving and receiving. Credits: from channeled information. |
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