Rules Summary: ABCs of Karma
Karmic Keys to Your... Ask and it is given... Knock and all doors will be opened to you... You are the divine creator of your life. Bring forth the gifts which are within you... and that is what will save and prosper your journey through life. Clean hands, pure hearts, just causes... having these are what creates a harmonious, karma free life. Defer not in doing any good to your fellow living beings... for you will not pass their way again. Experience is the truest, best, and only real teacher: reincarnation ensures you will get a 360° view of life. Forgive everyone everything now: forgiving is not condoning or forgetting but a letting go of your pain. Give generously at all times: for what you give out now is what you will receive back from life in the future. Healing your wounds allows you to find your gifts... using those gifts always leads you to your highest joy. Instruct others by living your life the best way you can... your example will speak louder than your words. Judge not, lest ye be judged... better to let karma take care of administering justice for it is always fair. Karma is not about punishing, it is about teaching: the quicker you learn love, the happier you will be. Love all, harm none, friendly to all, enemy to none... will bring good karma always flowing your way. Mindful, heartful, joyful, and loving... this is how karma is perfecting you to become a CoWorker with God. Noises of joy are most pleasing to God's ear... how to know love, joy, and awareness is what karma teaches. Open minded, kind hearted, thoughtful in word and deed... this is the perfected karmic state of being. Pain is optional: joy is your natural state as a child of God and reincarnation is always guiding you toward it. Quicker to listen than to speak is the sign of those who put the Will of God before their own small desires. Random acts of loving kindness transmute karma into dharma and create a joyful, conscious life experience. Seek the truth and find the love in all your solutions to life's problems and this will improve your karma. True, necessary, and kind: these are the rules to guide all your thinking, speaking, doing, and being. Use your God given gifts to heal and encourage others: help them to become the best they can be. Victory over hardships and adversities are designed to help you grow in love, joy, and awareness. Walk humbly and lightly through life so that your footprints will inspire and uplift the paths of others. X factor in transmuting karma: life is a choice, choose love at every moment, and all will be well. You are a spiritual being having a human experience: remember your Soul exists because God loves you. Zeal for creating the greater good always has and always will change the world's karma for the better. Credits: from channeled information. |
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