Exercise: Reclaiming Your Heart (or Any Other Chakra) from Others
For Quick Access to This Exercise: To get to the parts of this exercise you are most interested in viewing, click on the link below to go there. For best results, read through the entire exercise at least once. Background on This Exercise Background: If you are constantly feeling that people are draining energy and life from you, maybe it is because they are. When one has reached a certain level of spiritual advancement, it is quite common to be severely out of balance relative to giving and receiving. Usually because receiving is easier, giving has to be taught and ingrained in the spirit (as in the old saying "it is better to give than to receive"). When you are out of balance relative to giving, how this manifests in your body is through inner cords flowing energy in one direction: from the giver to the takers. For optimum health and vitality, the energetic flow in all of your relationships should be in both directions. So you, as the giver, have two choices: to establish a two way flow with each one of the takers OR to cut the energetic cords between the two of you. When a two way flow is impossible, it is best to cut the cords. When you are cutting the cords, what this means (and does not mean) is: * You are NOT hurting anyone, not yourself or the other individual(s) involved, either physically or energetically. Goal: When you are unable to establish a healthy energetic flow with another person, this exercise allows you to clear the energetic space between you. This is achieved by you intentionally and deliberately cutting the one directional energy cord with the other person(s) who are draining you of life or joy. Careful preparation is the key to the success of this exercise. 1> There are two things you need to identify before you can begin: a> The people in your life from whom you need to reclaim your energy (usually these are the "difficult, problem" people and you know who they are!!). b> The energy chakra(s) in your body that are most effected by these people. Usually, you will have an instant knowingness about which energy chakra(s) is effected. If not, here are a few guidelines to help you determine which chakra is effected.
is effected when people attack your religious beliefs and
experiences. 2> Do this exercise at night after you have taken a bath but before you have gone to bed. It is best you do it when you will be able to sleep the next day. 3> Only cut cords with one individual per session. Do NOT cut cords with a group of people as this may be very overwhelming. Start with the least "difficult" person and work your way up to the most "difficult" person. Some individuals will take a few cutting sessions for the cord to be resolved.
4> When this exercise is complete, drink a full glass of water. Immediately cleanse yourself. Good cleansing will vary depending on if you are an:
"Air" person,
sweating in a sauna or steam room is good cleansing.
[MORE] 5> Be patient with yourself for a week or so. "Reclaiming your own energy" can be quite disorienting until the changes are fully integrated. It is VERY powerful and it takes time for the work that you have done on the inner bodies to be reflected in your outer body ("as above, so below"). If you are doing this process to effect a change, then you should be fully prepared to expect a change. You know the old saying: "Be careful what you wish for, you might get it!"
6> Being comfortable is the key. You
can lie down (recommended) or sit up. If you opt to sit
up, you must be supported and feel fully relaxed and
comfortable. 7> Do this exercise in a place where you will be completely quiet and undisturbed for the entire session. This should last NO longer than 30 minutes. Set an alarm or timer to snap you out of it should the session run longer. 1> Take some deep, refreshing breaths until you are totally comfortable and relaxed in whatever position you have chosen (it should take you no more than 3 minutes to get comfortable). 2> Focus on the chakra that you are trying to reclaim (for most people, it will be their heart). Close your eyes and see energy cords extending from the effected chakra to the "taking" person that is now "stealing" your energy. There may be more than one person: wait until you see all the people who are "corded" to you energetically and until you feel them pulling on your cords. 3> Form a vision in your mind of a cutting instrument that appeals to you (some people like golden scissors, others (like me) prefer swords). Give it as much reality as you can: see golden light gleaming off of it, hear it's sound as move it toward the cords, and feel the weight of it in your hand. 4> Visualizing yourself approaching the person at the end of the cord. Show them the cutting instrument you have chosen. Ask them to let go of the cord and tell them, if they refuse, that you are going to cut it anyway because you are the only one who should be owning your energy (they MUST let it go). 5> Depending upon the answer the taker(s) give you, either take back or cut the energy cord between you. This means that the full cord is comes out of their hands and goes back into yours. Remember that they HAVE to give your energy back. 6> Fold the energy cord back into yourself. See it as a stream of light that you add to your energy chakra. Once you have added it back, see your energy chakra shining with a brighter and more beautiful light than ever before. Feel the peace that comes with being fully in control of your own energy. 7> Wave to the person and say "Thank you for the lessons but I am complete with them. I reclaim my energy for myself. May you be peaceful, healthy, and joyful. For I shall be peaceful, healthy, and joyful forever." Use here whatever words you wish but convey the same ideas in a positive, healing way. 8> Repeat this process until all the cords held by all the "takers" have been folded back into you. You have reclaimed your energy and with it your own powerful uniqueness. Remember not to give it away (or you will have to reclaim it again) Example: Before I reclaimed my heart, I had trouble - from time to time - with my heart beating abnormally for no apparent reason. At those times, the people at the other end of the cords were pulling on mine pretty hard (as I realized later). I had so many one way energy cords to others and they were so strong I could not help but feel them physically. Once I cut the cords, I did not listen to the sensible advice given above (no rest, no cleansing, etc). About one week later, I had 15 minutes of major angina (fortunately, I was where I could rest). I thought I would die but it passed. Fortunately, I am strong and stubborn and there was no damage. But, after I cut the cords, I never had any more abnormal heartbeats! Here is a prayer "for all good things" that will also help you in the process of reclaiming your energy chakras: "Loving God, make my body healthy
and agile, my mind sharp and clear, my heart joyful and
contented, my soul faithful and loving
with me with others who share my devotion to You
Let me live in your presence, for with You all fear is
banished, and there is only harmony and peace. Let every
day combine the beauty of spring, the brightness of
summer, the abundance of autumn, and the repose of
Grant that I may come to see You and know
You in the fullness of Your Glory. Amen." May the
Blessings Be. Credits: adapted from an exercise developed by Ellen Mogensen and Sandra Skelly |
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