Exercise: Recognizing the Positive Aspects of Your Life Experience
For Quick Access to This Exercise: To get to the parts of this exercise you are most interested in viewing, click on the link below to go there. For best results, read through the entire exercise at least once. Background on This Exercise Background: The administration of karma is "governed" by your "Life Contract". This "Life Contract" ensures you do what it is you came here to do. Most individuals spend their entire lives trying to complete the first section of their Life Contract ("Must Dos"). This is what the individual has signed to do in their life, like: the people they have to meet and interact with, the careers/jobs that they must take, and the life experiences they have chosen to undertake (accidents, illnesses, poverty, failed relationships, etc) to work off their past life karma. Goal: This exercise will enable you to see your current life experience the same way that karma sees it. Every experience - no matter how painful or negative it seems - has a greater and a POSITIVE learning for you. Karma strives to teach you through these experiences (although it can seem more like punishment). The goal is to help you heal the past so that you can create the future you desire. Careful preparation is the key to the success of this exercise. 1> Ask and you shall receive. You are a Divine spiritual being, a spark of God come to Earth to have a human experience. Inside yourself, you have and know everything you need to. While you are doing this exercise, try to look your experience as if you were an outsider who knew that what was happening to you was for the best: for your highest good and for your greatest growth. 2> Constant Comments. Think back on all the comments that others have consistently made about your situation. Consider - for a moment - that there is some merit in what they have told you. Think back on the explanations your mind came up with in the past that you rejected. Consider - for a moment - that this was inner wisdom trying to help you. Life is always trying to impart its wisdom to you. To receive it, all you have to do is to be open, pay attention, and listen closely. Remember: "A pessimist sees the difficulty in every opportunity; an optimist sees the opportunity in every difficulty." (Winston Churchill)
3> Being comfortable is the key. To
get the best results, you must have an uninterrupted time
to do this exercise. While doing it, you need to feel
fully relaxed and comfortable. So be sure to do it in a
quiet, safe space. 1> Current Event: Briefly describe this event. There is no need to go into detail about all of the facts. You know them better than anyone else. 2> Negative Aspects: Go into DETAIL about what you do not like about this event. List (at least) your top ten thoughts and feelings about it. Be honest and lean into your negativity. Write them out until you feel "emptied" of the negativity. 3> Positive Aspects: For each negative thought and each negative feeling, write down what you can do to turn this situation around. Ask yourself: "What can I do to think more positively about this event?" "What can I do to feel better about this event?" "What is the positive learning flowing from it?" 4> Karmic Lesson: Look at this situation as if you were karma. Ask yourself: "What is karma trying to teach me here?" "What can I learn from this event?" "How can I learn this lesson?" Your mind will give you an answer! Remember that - karmically - life is about GAINS! Even the most painful experience comes with gifts in its hands. This exercise is about recognizing them!
This exercise is better understood by "real life" examples:
Credits: from channeled information. |
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