How the Karmic Brain Healing Tool Has Helped
Me... & Can Help You: "If you cannot explain it simply... then you simply cannot explain it..." The manufacturer's explanation of how the program works is not simple... "beta-alpha-theta-delta brain waves", "neurotechnology", "brain synchronization", "cathartic", etc are not concepts most people are familiar with. Nor do they explain - clearly, simply, and effectively - how the Karmic Brain Healing Tool works in ways that most people can understand easily... and simply.Explanations that are physical-matter-mechanistically oriented tend to be very complex... while spiritual-energy-holistic ones are simplicity itself. So here is the simple energetic explanation of why this program works... To begin, here is a very simplified explanation of the rules of energy... Energy Rule #1:
Everything in the universe is energy.
Energy Rule #2:
The human energy field is an intelligent one...
it self-regulating and self-healing. All healing comes from creating
states of vibrational harmony. When it
comes to healing of the mental-emotional aspects of the brain, our
thoughts-feelings are a result of how we have made sense of our
experiences in past lives and in our past in this life to create our
"internal map of reality".
Energy Rule #3:
The human energy field is constantly changing
and interacting with the environment around it.
When it comes to healing of the mental-emotional
aspects of the brain, the environment consists of the combination of our
mental thoughts-beliefs-attitudes and emotional feelings-reactions.
Energy Rule #4:
The human energy field is always seeking to
heal itself and will use anything from its environment to accomplish
that goal. It is especially sensitive to whatever is continuously
present in its field. When it comes to
healing of the mental-emotional aspects of the brain, the balance of
opportunities-threats is unconsciously created by past lives and by
past experiences in this life.
Energy Rule #5: Where the level of threats is higher than the level of opportunities, the human energy field will become blocked. When it comes to healing of the mental-emotional aspects of the brain, this manifests as a "negative" outlook and a stressed approach to life. The longer the threats persist in the field, the more energy is devoted to fighting the threat, the more damage it takes (ie. like being constantly angry, depressed, or stressed). When threats are higher (a "threat poor" energy field), the person has low energy, poor vitality, and mental-emotional disharmony as a result. Energy Rule #6:
Where the level of opportunities is higher
than the level of threats, the human energy field will become enhanced.
When it comes to healing of the mental-emotional
aspects of the brain, this manifests as a "positive" outlook and a
harmonius approach to life.
Where the Karmic Brain Healer comes in... is that work to dissolve long standing mental-emotional "threats" and so that more "opportunities" can become available to you mentally and emotionally which strengthen you physically. If the threats in your field exceed your opportunities, the program starts working off the past-present life baggage in your field (a name for this is "resonances"). As these threats are resolved (as the brain heals itself), they become more easily handled. This frees up much more mental and emotional energy for your use (instead of being diverted to handling threats - like feeling depressed or anxious and like thinking negatively, etc).The more"threat poor" your energy field is, the less energy is freed up (initially), and the less you will notice the effect of the program (until the threats diminish). If the opportunities in your field exceed your threats, the program takes the opportunities to a higher level that is instantly noticeable. Quite simply, all the opportunities the program adds become available for your immediate use (as none is diverted elsewhere). This frees up much more mental and emotional energy for your use that you can believe possible.The more "opportunity rich" your field is, the more energy is stimulated (continuously), and the more you notice the effect of the Karmic Brain Healing. That is why - all other things being equal -
those with "opportunity rich" energy
fields seeking personal improvement should
get a result sooner and more easily than those with "threat poor" energy
Now... this spiritual-energy-holistic explanation is lots easier to understand, isn't it? If you prefer complex explanations... then the official manufacturer's site is just for you! "Karmic Brain Healing Tool: Deep Zen-like Meditation & Relaxation"
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