"If you weigh well the
strengths of our armies, you will see that in this battle
we must conquer or die.
This is a warrior's resolve. As for the rest (who choose not to
fight), they may live or be slaves as the gods
decide." -
Queen Boadicea of Britain
(upon being outnumbered by Romans)
Battle of My Body:
Queen Boadaceia
could well have been describing the long battle that I
fought to gain health. I say gain and not regain because
I was never in a state of good health in this lifetime.
From the moment I was born I was "afflicted"
with a host of health problems that I have spent most of
my life solving.
Fighting the
"Battle of the Body"
was not unlike warfare... except
the enemies were disease, depression, despair, and
disconnection from all things spiritual. My last
previous life was in the Holocaust... and it left me
broken in body, mind, and spirit. Incarnating into
this life I had the same three choices as the ancient
Britons. Either conquer my afflictions, live as a
slave to them, or die. Like Boadaceia, slavery was
not an option so I resolved to conquer them or die
trying to.
Physician Heal Thyself:
Not only did
I survive but along the way developed the ability to heal
others. I was surprised to learn along the way that most
healers came to their work by resolving on their own
problems first (as I did). I was more surprised to find
that they continue their healing process by healing
themselves in others (I can attest to the fact that I do
heal as I heal others). The most surprising thing I
discovered was most healers would agree that "to be
a true healer, one must be a living example of their own
work" (as I am).
Digging Out from the Past:
I am
the best living example I know of the power of past
life healing. Developing my past life abilities was
obviously God's way of keeping me from going bankrupt
as I unwound my own wounds. I have yet to meet
someone "more screwed up" by past lives
than I used to be.
If you think you have problems too
numerous to be overcome, read this...
Worst of the 7th Chakra-
Sleep Apnea/Insomnia:
I have come to learn that the
"quality of your life is the quality of your
sleep". My sleep apnea was a carryover from three
previous past lives. For most of this lifetime, I used to
spend much of my waking hours thinking about the next
time I could get some sleep. There were many times I was
so exhausted that it was a miracle that I got through the
day but now I sleep soundly (Thank God!).
Worst of the 6th Chakra-
Off the Chart Myopia:
My near sightedness was so severe
that is was "off the charts". My right eye was
so out of synch with my left eye that it was adversely
impacting my ability to work. My doctors advised me that
surgery to shut down my right eye was my best
alternative. That was unacceptable to one as independent
as I... so now I see perfectly without my glasses... mainly
due to past life healing!
Worst of the 5th Chakra-
Neck/Back Pain:
The worst chronic pain was in my neck, shoulders,
and upper and lower back. Although the chronic pain in my
legs, ankles, and calves was really bad as well. Not to
mention recurring problems with my wrists for which
carpal tunnel surgery was advised. After 40, when my past
life healing was well underway, I had my first pain free
day. Now free of my past, I am free of this pain - for good.
Worst of the 4th Chakra-
In 14 years of school, I lost a total
of 20 months to bronchitis and/or pneumonia. At one point, I
was hospitalized for it. Over my 20 year working career, I
have lost a total of 6 months to those disorders, even
once having to go on short term disability. It has been 2
years since my last bout with acute bronchitis. The new
millenium marked the first winter ever where I was
Worst of the 3rd Chakra -
Gastric Ulcer:
Since my solar plexus is my strongest
chakra (the "bull headed" General), this area has
been the least damaged. Basically, I quit my ulcer when I quit
the "karmic" job that caused it. Ironically, loved
that job and thought I was a major failure by being
forced to leave it. Yet, in the perfectly unfolding
universe, things worked out for the best... and now I
have found the work that I truly enjoy.
Worst of the 2nd Chakra-
Chronic fatigue disorders like
are never cured - they can
always come back at any time. Yet
I have beaten the odds so very many times - as in
surviving a usually fatal birth defect - that I consider
no condition to be absolutely incurable (although I do
agree there is a point of no return). Even though I have
technically been in remission... I consider
myself free of Fibromyalgia. I have had NO symptoms
since 1996 when I started doing channeling.
Worst of the 1st Chakra-
Menstrual Dysfunction:
The stress of all these illnesses suppressed
my menstrual cycles. When I was "well enough", I
got cycles so intense as to be completely incapacitating
as to cause me to miss both school and work. Now I am
totally free of "female pain" due to past life
healing. Since I have been a man more often than a woman
in past lives, I was only truly healed when I fully
embraced my life as a woman now.
There are other things - maybe some others would
consider worse - but these are what I am comfortable
sharing. They give you an idea of the power of past life
healing. So maybe it's time for you to...
get the key to your future.