Past Forward, Fun Life Company
FROM CRITICAL MASS: "Hello Ellen, Congratulations!!......Your site definitely qualifies for the 'Critical Mass Award'. A very nice site, good design, clever graphics, great artwork, and your content is informative, entertaining, presented well and easy to access. A worthy enterprise and a positive contribution to the Web. Thanks for helping make the Web a more interesting, useful and attractive place to visit. I really enjoyed my visit to your site and will return again when time permits :) Your site is on the "Winners List". Cheers, Bill Darling." ABOUT CRITICAL MASS AWARD: In their own words: "So many strive for greatness, so few achieve it. Do you consider your site "Critical" to the "Mass" of the World Wide Web? If so send me your Home Page URL and I'll visit your site and see if you qualify for the "Critical Mass Award". I'm looking for sites that have useful content, good design and presentation and are easy to navigate." This was an Award Site Level 4.0 Rated Award!" ABOUT CRITICAL MASS: In their own words: Critical Mass "is a binary buffet of electronic enlightenment" offering links to the best sites on the Internet around the world. In this buffet, Critical Mass says "I know not how I seem to others, but to myself I am but a small child wandering upon the vast shores of knowledge, every now and then finding a small bright pebble to content myself with while the vast ocean of undiscovered truth lays before me." |
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Past & Now Forward Holistic Counseling, |