Exercise: Balancing the Male and the Female Summary: Learning to Embrace Your Dual Nature as Soul For Quick Access to This Exercise: To get to the parts of this exercise you are most interested in viewing, click on the link below to go there. For best results, read through the entire exercise at least once. Background on This Exercise
The most common and most overlooked impact of past lives on the present
is in the area of gender identification. Past lives contribute the most
to an individual "feeling like" a man or a woman "on the inside".
This exercise is for those who identify with the gender energy opposite
to that of the body in which they are now incarnated. This is an outgrowth
of that person having incarnations that are predominantly of one gender.
Careful preparation is the key to the successful completion of this exercise.
1> Take some deep, refreshing breaths until you are
totally relaxed and comfortable in whatever position you have chosen (it
should take you no more than 3 minutes to get comfortable). It is best
to do this while sitting or lying down. 2> Close your eyes and envision a large mirror in the screen of your mind. Imagine yourself walking toward the mirror. You are completely alone: all you see is yourself and the magic mirror). 3> Look into the mirror and ask to be shown an image of yourself in past lives when you were your preferred gender. Ask that this image be as rich in sights and sounds as is needed to help you fully understand the exact qualities of that gender that you VALUE and that you are afraid will be LOST if you embrace your current gender. Know balancing yourself means KEEPING those qualities you most value in yourself now (regardless of which gender they "belong" to). 4> Look into the mirror and ask to be shown an image of yourself in past lives when you were the gender you are now. Ask that this image be as rich in sights and sounds as is needed to help you fully understand the exact qualities of that gender that you are RESISTING in your life now. Ask to be shown WHY you are resisting them now, specifically as to how you suffered in the past when you experienced them. Know that balancing yourself means being SAFE now and means becoming more of who you already are (regardless of gender). 5> Look into the mirror and ask these two images to be shown together standing side by side. Ask your preferred gender (who is stronger because you have consistently honored it) to embrace your current gender (who needs your love). To be truly joyful, you must accept every aspect of yourself - those which are known as "male" and "female" - and to center and balance those aspects within yourself. 6> Ask these twin aspects to step out of their embrace for a moment. Ask them to look one another in the eye and then to stop resisting one another. Ask each of them to forgive the other for fighting so hard against one another. Ask each of them to let go of the past. Any judgment, hate, anger, sadness, fear, resistance, or other negative emotions that are still between them must be released and resolved. If your inner male and female start to argue among themselves, hear them out. Address their concerns with one another. Come to an agreement that honors both. This may take some time to work through... but get them to come to peace. 7> Once each of them has let go of the past, ask them to start working together in HARMONY from this moment forward. Now ask your inner "male" and "female" to embrace one another once again. Feel the boundaries between your "male" and "female" energy lessening. Ask these energies to blend together inside you. Assure them that they will still retain their individual identities in this union. Feel this energy blending so deeply that you finally feel as if you are just one whole and complete being embracing yourself (with no need to favor one over the other). 8> Recognize that "male" and "female" energy within you - working in harmony - is allows you to become all of who you are in this life now. As you allow in BOTH aspects of your energy, this creates the ultimate, harmonious integration of your "male" and "female" energies: the ultimate inner balance. Remember that your "inner female" needs to be protected and honored by your "inner male" nature so it can continue to lead you to the fulfillment of your heart's desire. Your "inner male" needs to be nurtured and support so you can take action towards the achievement of your "inner female's" desire. This creates inner harmony. For
example, in my case, having been a General in many lifetimes,
my incarnations have been mostly male. Although
I am a female now
and embrace this gender, if given a
"free" choice, I would choose to be male. I would choose
that simply because it is more comfortable for me as an
expression of my life path.
Credits: from channeled information. |
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