I've finally found a resource for what ails me! Your work is tremendous
and a blessing to all in need. Thank you from the bottom of my heart!
God bless!
Entry #262:
- New Zealand
Dear Ellen, Thank you So much for the
GREAT reading!!! In
one way it's heart breaking, but on the other way it's a good,
real explanation for what I've gone through all these years.
I really believe you, as that's what I'm feeling too for this
whole procedure throughout this period. I desperately need
freedom in my life!!! Thank you SO much for the GREAT insight
and encouraging words for the next step.
God bless you for a healthy long life!! Everyday I'm learning
from your site that, I can't express in words to say how much
I'm GRATEFUL to you! Thank you so much!! GOD BLESS YOU!!
Entry #263:
T. J.
A very deep, direct reading, full of insight into problems of the
past, and most importantly, those of the present, with techniques for resolving
those issues on your own, for free. Indispensable for those who wish
to evolve and shake free the shackles that bind them in this life. T Zero
Entry #264:
Thank you so much for the
Past Life Profile.
So much makes sense to me
now... the "odd" feelings, sounds and attractions and the emotional distress
I've experienced all my life. As disturbing as the news is about my most
recent past life, it makes more sense to me than any other explanations I've
been given. I've tried all the traditional remedies: psychotherapy,
medication, hospitalizations, 12 step programs and, while helpful, nothing
has given me the freedom for which I long. I will practice the
you suggested. Thank you for your gift and
your service. Blessings to you.
Entry #265:
- UK
Thanks for the Past Life Profile it tallies with much of what
I have learnt through meditation and I'm sure the exercises you
suggest will help. Best wishes!
Entry #266:
- Ireland
Thanks Ellen for your Past Life Profile. It has given me a great
insight to my past lives. Many thanks.
Entry #267:
- South Africa
Hi Ellen, Love your book
["Secrets of Creating Good
Luck"]. I truly
believe that all beauty and knowledge is within us and inspirational
books like yours provide people with certain keys to unlock the beauty
and wealth already within themselves. Thank you for all the keys you
gave me!!!!
Entry #268:
Thanks for all the great information. I have a lot to think about
and learn from these pages. I am happy I came across this, it was
at a time when I was ready for the information provided. It is
interesting how we could be told a million times but if your not
ready it won't sink in. That is where I am at now. Some of the
information I have had and some like your site I am just finding,
but it is now that it is starting to piece together and make sense.
I look forward to learning and healing with your help.
Entry #269:
Dearest Ellen: Thank you so very much for every-thing. Just wanted
to tell you what a fantastic website you have. I can't believe all
of the useful information! When I started reading your incredible
website, my spirits started to soar just to be alive. After my
phone session with you yesterday, the smile on my face will not
leave. You made me the happiest person on Earth. Your insights
into me were extremely accurate and informative. You made me feel
as though I was talking to a lifelong friend. I cannot thank you
enough for the bliss you have awaken within me. I wish you the
same happiness and joy you have given me.
Entry #270:
You have a very interesting website here. It provides loads of information
on past lives, karma, etc... very helpful spiritually. Thanks for putting
the time and energy into this. God Bless You.
Entry #271:
Hello, I have been sick with all kinds of problems for years now. I
am looking for answers and I am hoping to find some here. I am looking
forward to getting my issues figured out. Thanks so much...
Entry #272:
- UK
This is a truly amazing website, discovered in the depths of despair,
wondering if there really is any point to my life. Now I know deep
down there is.
Entry #273:
Wow, you have posted so much information here! Its a good thing
I have few days off, as I will be pouring through it all.
Thanks so much!
Entry #274:
- New Zealand
I found your website fascinating. I think it's good work, and
wonderful to see someone invest their time and energy into
helping others.
Entry #275:
My best friend told me about this site. How it has helped her
understand alot. I see the difference in her both mentally and
Entry #276:
- Canada
Your site is one of my favorites. It contains information that
is easy to understand with great exercises.
Keep up the good work...
Entry #277:
I love this site! I have spent alot of time here. I am still finding
alot of spiritual guidance here. Thank you for this wonderful site.
Entry #278:
- Canada
I appreciate the thought provoking information found on your site.
Entry #279:
- Africa
I am highly interested in this stuff. I will surely recommend this site
to all my friends and students.
Entry #280:
- South Africa
I believe we all have a talent, the problem is I do not know what
mine is. How can I find it?
[The "Past Life Talents" exercise can help you connect with
talents from past lives, just
click here! -EM]