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Quotes #3: Diamonds in the Sand: Famous Quotes on Past Life Healing

Are You Harmed by Past Lives?

Past life healing is often the modality of last resort. When someone has tried all other avenues of traditional and alternative medicine to address their present condition, they may look to their past lives for the cause.

Why Heal Your Past Lives?

The goal of past life work is to heal blocks from your past lives that are interfering with your present day physical, mental, emotional, or spiritual well being. Just as people carry the pain they suffered earlier in their current life to their later years, people carry unresolved pain with them from one life to another.

REMEMBER: If the problem does lie in the past, it can often be remarkably resistant to present life cures. This is because life is trying to force you to remember what you need to know now by facing the wounds of the past.

Everything You Always Wanted to Know About Past Life Healing:

Doctors On the Effectiveness of Past Life Healing
How Your Past Lives Effect Your Present Life
Before You Undertake Past Life Healing (README first)

The Experience of Glimpsing Your Past Lives
To Benefit from PL Healing, Have Faith in Your Truth
Putting the Past Into Perspective

Doctors and Healers Speak About the Effectiveness of Past Life Healing

"Our wounds become our gifts."
Elsie Kerns (Wellness Works)

"Throughout history, humankind has been resistant to change and to the acceptance of new ideas… When Galileo discovered the moons of Jupiter, the astronomers of that time refused to accept or even to look at these satellites because the existence of these moons conflicted with their accepted beliefs. So it is now with psychiatrists and other therapists, who refuse to examine and evaluate the considerable evidence being gathered about survival after bodily death and about past life memories. Their eyes are tightly shut."
Brian Weiss MD ("Many Lives, Many Masters") (Amen, brother -EM)

"…past life therapy offer(s) a rapid method of treating psychiatric symptoms, symptoms that had previously taken many months or years of costly therapy to alleviate… Many were able to rid themselves chronic lifelong symptoms, such as specific phobias, panic attacks, recurrent nightmares, unexplained fears, obesity, repeated destructive relationships, physical pain and illness, and so on. This is not a placebo effect… these are not people who are gullible or suggestible. They remember - names, dates, geography, details. And after they remember… they become cured. Perhaps even more important than the curing of specific physical and emotional symptoms is the knowledge that we do not die when our bodies do. We are immortal."
Brain Weiss MD ("Through Time Into Healing")

"My hope is that you keep your mind open. It is not hypnotherapists who heal, it is you who have the ultimate responsibility. Past life regression and progression into future lives allow you to expand and explore your awareness and eliminate fear, anxiety, depression, and other negative tendencies, as well as the fear of death. Hypnotherapy is neither magic or a panacea. It is a way to help shape the future. By creating your own reality with the knowledge from your subconscious and superconscious minds, you can positively effect your present and future lives."
Dr. Bruce Goldberg ("Past Lives, Future Lives")

"If someone's phobia is eliminated instantly and permanently by the remembrance of an event from the past, it seems to make logical sense that that event must have happened."
Dr. Edith Fiore ("The Unquiet Dead")

Past life healing "experiences, for reasons that I cannot explain, almost always lead to rapid improvements in the patients' lives."
Dr Gerald Edelstein

"To give the reader some idea of the remarkable range of human problems that have responded to past life regression in my psychotherapy practice, here is a list of the more common issues I have treated… Insecurity and fear of abandonment; depression and low energy; phobias and irrational fears; sadomasochistic behavior patterns; guilt and martyr complexes; material insecurity and eating disorders; accidents, violence, and physical brutality; family struggles; sexual difficulties and abuse; marital problems; and chronic physical ailments."
Roger Woolger PhD ("Other Lives, Other Selves")

"Past lives therapy allows you to stop doing things to people because you have to and to start doing things with people because you want to."
Dr. Morris Netherton ("Past Lives Therapy")

"Children who remember their past lives offer the most compelling evidence yet for reincarnation... when adults listen-really listen-to what the children are trying to say, their own understanding of spirit and of children are changed forever."
Carol Bowman ("Children's Past Lives")

"For too long the healing of bodies and the healing of minds have been considered as separate disciplines. The emergence of past life therapy, however, indicates that the holistic approach will again be granted the (respected) status it once enjoyed."
Joel L. Whitton MD PhD ("Life Between Life")

"Current medicine has turned its back on wisdom as (it) was understood by the great sages and philosophers, who saw things not from a… scientific or religious aspect but as a whole. All one asks is that we accept the inevitable truths of existence be permitted to lighten the shady colonnades of contemporary medicine."
Dr. Arthur Guirdham ("The Psyche in Medicine")

"The question sometimes arises about how long it will take to get relief (from past life regression) or why it is that some people seem to 'get it' in one session while others may require several. There are many reasons for the difference… the motivation of the client, the complexity of the problem, the general mental health of the client… The client… not (being) interested in therapy but in information… the problem (being) more than the client wants to deal with… Individuals remaining attached to their problems, no matter how painful… Clients already convinced of what they will find or with rigid expectations of the way things are to be done… or that the karma to be fulfilled by the current problem may not be complete. The course of past life therapy can be as individual as the clients and therapists themselves. Yet, among these differences can be found reliable sources of hope, understanding, and relief for present and past difficulties - if we are willing to face that paradox of our inner experience. "
Dr. Karl Schlotterbeck ("Living Your Past Lives")

"My greatest joy comes from knowing how a regression session can change a person's life. Sometimes the feedback comes years after a session took place, but usually there is an instant feeling of lightness and a sense of relief. Doing a regression session is not a magic cure, but it is a first step to take in beginning to create a new life. After such a review, it becomes clear that we are the masters of our own destiny and that we have choices to make every step of the way along the road of life. We can understand how… negative reactions can create future problems for ourselves… or can return in the present to knock us down again."
Jeanne Avery ("Past Lives, Present Loves")

"Karma means balance and the supreme potential of balance is harmony… According to Newtonian physics, 'for each and every action, there is an equal and opposite reaction.' In Biblical terms… 'as you sow, so shall you reap'. In today's slang, it is 'what goes around, comes around'. I personally prefer 'cause and effect'… Every choice we make is creating our future… 'You are what you think, having become what you thought'. Cause and effect begin with your thoughts, which are expressed as words and actions. All karma is self imposed testing to see if you have learned to respond to life (properly)."
Richard Sutphen ("Pre-Destined Love")

"Past life therapy works! Past life therapy is a valuable tool for helping people achieve their goals and overcome barriers such as phobias, habits, and non-productive relationships…"
International Association of Past Life Therapists

On the Limitations of Science - Why it is an "Insufficient" Religion…
Or "There are none so blind as those that see and choose to say nothing…"(-EM)
"I have talked to almost every NDE (Near Death Experience) researcher in the world about his or her work. I know that most of them believe in their hearts that NDEs are a glimpse of life after life. But, as scientists and people of medicine, they still haven't come up with 'scientific' proof that a part of us goes on living after our physical being is dead. This lack of proof keeps them from going public with their true feelings… (So) they keep trying to answer in a scientific way that perplexing question: 'What happens when we die?' I don't think science can ever answer that question…. Even if the near death experience were duplicated in a laboratory setting… Science would only hear more about a journey that it couldn't see…"
Raymond A. Moody, Jr MD ("The Light Beyond")

How Your Past Lives Effect Your Present Life

"There's nothing wrong with you that reincarnation won't cure."
Jack E. Leonard

"The unborn child, awaiting their new life, is profoundly affected by prenatal awareness. With no conscious mind to discern or interpret, the unconscious plays back any past life incidents triggered by events in the mother's life. These incidents shape the behavior patterns of the child. At birth, the infant will begin a life of trying to resolve those past life events without ever knowing what they are."
Dr. Morris Netherton
(this is what I refer to as the "past life debt consolidation repayment" plan -EM)

"You have learn to fight adversity and to solve (problems). If you do not solve them in this lifetime, they appear again and again in different forms and situations in the same life, and in other ones, until you learn to master them in the right way."
Dr. Varvara Ivanova

"There is no disease the cause of which is entirely determined in what is called his own lifetime."
Dr. Arthur Guirdham

"Most people do not benefit from psychoanalysis because the trauma lies not in this life but in a past life."
Dr. Alexander Cannon

"Unfinished business… a mission in one life cut short by tragic circumstances and could not be accomplished… can range almost the entire width of human experiences… (and causes) an overriding compulsion, a driving force to do certain things, to be in certain places, to seek out certain individuals or situations that cannot be explained on the basis of the current incarnation. As a matter of fact, in many instances, it goes counter to the current inclination…. This applies to places and occupations as well (as people)… Skills acquired in one incarnation may be remembered… in the next one… (accounting) for amazing situations where individuals possess talents… for which there is no basis in their present."
Dr. Hans Holzer ("Life Beyond Life")

"Genuine recollections almost invariably explain oneself to oneself. Suppose, for example, that you feel an instinctive aversion to some particular kind of wine. Try as you will, you can find no reason for it. Suppose when you explore a previous incarnation, you remember you died by a poisoned administered in a wine of that kind, your aversion is explained by the proverb: 'A burnt child dreads the fire.'"
Aleister Crowley

"One's entire life - his mental state, his health, his relationships, the material gains that he may or may not make - are all effects which have been set in motion by causes to be found somewhere in one's background, in this life or previous ones."
Brad Steiger ("You Will Live Again")

"The bitterest tears shed over graves are for words left unsaid, deeds left undone."
Harriet Beecher Stowe
(this is what carries past life charges into your present -EM)

"They smiled in their pains and laughed to scorn those who inflicted torments on them, resigned up their souls with great alacrity, expecting to receive them again."
(it is this intensity of hate - or love - that chains one to the cycle of rebirth -EM)

"I suppose what makes me most glad is that we all recognize each other in this metaphysical space of silence and happening, and get some sense, for a moment, that we are full of paradise without knowing it."
Thomas Merton (instant likes/dislikes, love at first sight, etc- EM)

Before You Undertake Past Life Healing (The is the README first file)

"It is only in proportion as we inherit our immortality, and consciously rise above the barriers of time, that we can possibly inherit the memory of our past."
Charles Johnson

"Man is spiritual being -- a soul, in other words -- and that this soul takes on different bodies from life to life on earth to order at last to arrive at such perfect knowledge, through repeated experience, as to enable one to assume a body fit to be the dwelling-place of a Mahatma or perfected soul. Then, they say, that particular soul becomes a spiritual helper to mankind."
H. P. Blavatsky

"True healing must come first at the Soul level… prayer aligns our souls with God… By aligning ourselves with God - this highest possible state of unconditional love, joy, and wholeness - we can overcome anything, be healed of all afflictions."
Rosemary Ellen Guiley ("Prayers for Comfort and Healing")

"Until mankind can extend the circle of his compassion to include all living things, he will never, himself, know peace."
Albert Schweitzer (or come to terms with his past lives -EM)

"Within myself I discover this: indeed, I shall never die, I shall never disappear.
There where there is no death, there where death is overcome, let me go there.
Indeed, I shall never die, indeed, I shall never disappear."

"Do not feel sorrowful because I am leaving you… I was told by the one who takes care of me I shall not stay away long, I shall come back to you, O friends!"
Ts'esquane (on his deathbed)

"Man did not weave the web of life; he is merely a strand in it.
Whatever he does to the web, he does to himself."

"You gave me health that I might serve you; and so often I failed to use my good health in your service. Now you send me sickness in order to correct me… Grant that, having ignored the things of spirit when my body was vigorous, I may now enjoy spiritual sweetness while my body groans with pain."
Blaise Pascal

"Grant, O Lord, that the life which thous hast saved may be more entirely devoted to thy service, and we may learn to love Thee, and trust in Thee more and more."

"Cutting adrift, however temporarily, from the particular position in time and space which we call the present moment sounds exciting, and is exciting. However, it is no more suitable for the spiritually unstable than crossing the Atlantic Ocean in a fishing boat is the right kind of adventure for the physically timorous."
Colin Bennett

"If your doctor has warned you to avoid excitement, do not turn to exploring your past lives as a soothing and sedentary occupation..."
J. H. Brennan
(This means is that past life exploration is serious healing so take it seriously - EM)

The Experience of Glimpsing Your Past Lives

"Because you are obsessed with the idea of past, present, and future, you are forced to think of reincarnations as strung out one before the other. Indeed we speak of past lives because you are used to the time sequence concept… You have dominant egos, all part of an inner identity, dominant in various existences. But the separate existences exist simultaneously. Only the egos involved make the time distinction… a thousand years in your past or in your future - all exist now."
Jane Roberts ("Seth")

"The past is the future, the future is the past… It all gives me a headache!"
"Captain Kathryn Janeway" ("Star Trek: Voyager")

"The listeners got some such insights into their past lives, as one gets into the darker parts of the woods, when a stray gleam of sunshine finds its way down to the roots of the trees."
James Fenimore Cooper

"At the back of my life's horizon, where the dreamings of past lives crowd."
D. H. Lawrence

"Example is the school of mankind, and they will learn at no other."
Edmund Burke

"Help me to understand, Lord, that this earth is only the place where Thou are sending me to school. By and by graduating time will come and I shall hear Thee say 'Well done.' I shall know that the work was not very well done. Only a heart of infinite love could call it that - as a mother might say tender words over a child's imperfect attempts. But Thou wilt say it, even to me."
Lucy Rider Meyer

"All that we ought to have thought and have not thought,
......said and have not said, done and have not done.
All that we ought not to have thought and yet have thought,
......said and yet have said, done and yet have done.
For thoughts, words, and works, pray we, O God, for forgiveness."
Persian Prayer

"Every man is guilty of all the good he did not do."
Francois Voltaire

"It is not only for what we do that we are held responsible, but also for what we do not do."

"The only real voyage of discovery consists not in seeking new landscapes but in having new eyes."
Marcel Proust

"To look backward for a while is to refresh the eye, to restore it, and to render it more fit for its prime function of looking forward."
Margaret Fairless Barber

"My (past life) story… (was) of a very crude peasant-turned-mercenary soldier… in the papal army raised by the King of France to exterminate heresy… The most painful recognition of how that soldier still lived in me was remembering one fight I had gotten into at school around 12 years of age. I had become so wild with rage at a boy… that four other boys had to drag me off him. I had been ready to kill: I vowed never to lose my temper again; a part of me recognized how easily I could kill. (It was) a painful past life memory."
Roger Woolger PhD ("Other Lives, Other Selves")

To Benefit from Past Life Healing, Have Faith in Your Own Truth

"Every man must do two things alone; his own believing and his own dying."
Martin Luther

"Truth is the daughter of Time."
English Proverb

"Light is good from whatever lamp it shines."

"They that will not be counseled, cannot be helped.
If you do not hear reason, she will rap you on the knuckles."
Benjamin Franklin

"When you are deluded and full of doubt, even a thousand books of scripture are not enough. When you have realized understanding, even one word is too much."

"We occasionally stumble over the truth, but most of us pick ourselves up and hurry on as if nothing happened."

"If you do not tell the truth about yourself you cannot tell it about other people."
Virginia Woolf

"With all your science can you tell me how it is, and whence it is, that light comes into the soul."
Henry David Thoreau

"Faith is the substance of things hoped for, the evidence of things not seen."
Bible: Hebrews (11:1)

"Faith is the 'YES' of the heart, a conviction on which one stakes one's life. Whatever your heart clings to and confides in, that is really your God."
Martin Luther

"I shall be the Emperor's shield and die cleanly with… my friends. I wish that I could be reborn seven times, each time to smite the enemy."
Matsuo Isao

"You can kill a man but you can't kill an idea."
Medgar Evers

"You can't kill an idea: that's ancient knowledge."
"Captain Benjamin Lafayette Sisko" ("Star Trek: Deep Space Nine")

"Anything which throws light upon the Universe, anything which reveals us to ourselves, should be welcome in this world of riddles."
Aleister Crowley

"I do not want the peace that passeth understanding. I want the understanding which bringeth peace."
Helen Keller

Putting the Past Into Perspective

"Now is the dwelling place of God himself."
Thomas R. Kelly

"Each today, well-lived, makes yesterday a dream of happiness, each tomorrow a vision of hope. Look, therefore, to this one day, for it and it alone is life."
Sanskrit Credo

"Yesterday is history. Tomorrow is a mystery. Today is a gift.
That's why it's called the present. Cherish it."
Spencer Johnson MD ("The Precious Present")

Tradition: "how the vitality of the past enriches the life of the present."
T. S. Elliot

"Tradition is a wonderful servant and a terrible master."
Field Marshall Slim

"The past is a guidepost, not a hitching post."
Thomas Holcroft

"If you want to know the past, look at your present. If you want to know the future, look at your present."
Gautama Buddha

"Study the past if you would divine the future."

"To look back to antiquity is one thing, to go back to it is another."
Charles Caleb Colton

"We don't receive wisdom; we must discover it for ourselves after a journey that no one can take for us."
Marcel Proust

"Nothing is a waste of time if you use the experience wisely."
Auguste Rodin

"Explore the River of the Soul; whence or in what order you have come..."

"Some are so studious of learning what was done by the ancients they know not how to live with moderns."
William Penn

"We know it matters not what we have been but this: what we shall be."
Angelina Weld Grimké

"Be kind, for everyone you meet is fighting a hard battle."

"Within the heart of every man/woman is the all-consuming desire for happiness."
Dr. Adrian Finkelstein ("Your Past Lives: the Healing Process")
That is what drives us on to heal and resolve the pain of the past. -EM)



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