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KARMIC DICTIONARY: Past Life Causes of Present Life Disorders

Sudden Infant Death Syndrome
    (Emotional - Parents' Karma)
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Short Description: Sudden Infant Death Syndrome
Sudden Infant Death Syndrome (SIDS) occurs when a healthy baby dies (usually just stops breathing) without any "medically explainable" cause of death.

Causes: An individual's birth circumstances, their marital partner, and their children are the primary means through which their karma unfolds. In the context of karma, Sudden Infant Death Syndrome (SIDS) is rarely "sudden" and has usually been planned in advance to stimulate the baby's parents' emotional growth and/or to administer specific types of karma directly to the baby, the parents, or both.

Although there is a "grace period" of six months after birth where the Soul entering the baby has the right to "opt out", if it is solely the choice of the "baby" events will be arranged so that their death is "no one's fault". What marks classic cases of "Karmic SIDS", is that "blame" - either real or imagined - will attach to one or both of the parents. This "blame" karma will assume different forms:

- "Blame Internalizers": are those individuals who act as if they are in total control of the universe such that if something goes wrong "it must be their fault". There is a fine line between accepting total responsibility for one's life (which is one's business) and accepting responsibility for the entire universe (which is God's business).
The spiritual purpose of living with the "terrible blame" of a child's death is designed to get the "Blame Internalizer" to look beyond themselves for the answers to why it happened as well as to realize that "some things" in the universe are just simply beyond their control.
- "Blame Externalizers": are those individuals who act as if nothing is ever their fault such that if something goes wrong "then it must be someone else's fault and not theirs". In such cases, the finger of blame rightly or wrongly" will be pointed at them by a spouse, friends, relatives, and possibly official "legal" authorities.
The spiritual purpose of accepting the "blame" for a child's death is designed to get the "Blame Externalizer" to accept responsibility for their lives. For their attempts to "shift the blame" or deny it will only magnify a shame that they will have to live with for the rest of their life.
- "Perfect Lifers": are those people who have "the perfect life" which always goes along just as they dictate. These people have children not because they want them but because they are expected to do so ("it's what people do, everyone does it").
Having a "perfect baby" die suddenly and unexpectedly is designed to shatter the illusion of their perfect life as well as uproot and overturn their "false values".

Symptoms: In cases of "karmic" Sudden Infant Death Syndrome, the baby usually just stops breathing while "one of the parents" is watching. Usually the parent will not notice that the baby is in trouble until they need to interact with the child. By then, it is usually too late. The more karma that is intended for the parent, the more that the circumstances will be arranged to "point the finger of blame" at them.

After Effects: Living with the aftermath of a sudden infant death is a life sentence. For the rest of their life, the parents will relive, explore, justify, or mourn the events surrounding their child's passing. Breaking unhealthy patterns of blame and perfectionism usually take one or more lifetimes to accomplish.

Advice: Usually those who are fully enmeshed in the above karmic traps would discount any attempts to show them how this situation is designed to free them of "lives long" unhealthy patterns of existence. This advice is for the spiritually advanced who have loved ones that have had the life changing experience of Sudden Infant Death Syndrome and need to understand it's greater purpose.

Case History: Historically speaking, Sudden Infant Death Syndrome is relatively new. Not too many generations ago, it was expected that half of all infant children would not live past the first six months. That is why baptisms were commonly delayed for that length of time: to see if the child would "thrive". Only with the advent of modern medicine were sudden infant deaths "finally" noticed.

Before using any of this advice, click here for a "Word of Caution"

Credits: from channeled information and from "Marsha's" life story.



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