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KARMIC DICTIONARY: Past Life Causes of Present Life Disorders

Progeria, Child
    (Physical - Rapid Aging)
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Short Description: Progeria, Child
Progeria is a condition where the sufferer is born with a body that ages 10 times faster than normal. Progeria (from the Greek meaning "prematurely old") is a disease effecting 1 in 8,000,000 children.

Causes: We do not reincarnate forever. At one point in our karmic journey, we learn enough about how the universe works... so that we do not have to return in physical bodies to learn more. Although we do not have to come back, some of us become very attached to the Earth and WANT to return.

After we ascend (earn the right not to come back), we can choose to come back for a few lifetimes to tidy up karma and that is permitted. Problems arise when an individual wants to reincarnate (usually out of the very greatest love for their parents) AFTER we have lost the right to do so.

Progeria, because of the suffering it involves, is meant to encourage the "child" to move permanently into the inner worlds. As their parents will tell you, this disease is nothing but suffering. The parents must live through the deterioration and death of their child. The child must live with a rapidly aging body all their short life that is constantly ill and in pain. So why would anyone agree to have this illness? Love, of course: the love of souls so deep that any pain and hardship simply is not important.

Progeria is believed to be caused genetically by a chromosome anomaly. The LMNA gene produces the Lamin A protein, which holds the nucleus of a cell together. Defective Lamin A protein makes the nucleus unstable and this cellular instability appears to lead to the process of premature aging in Progeria.

Symptoms: Although born seemingly healthy, Progeria children show signs of accelerated aging at around 18-24 months of age.

Progeria children stop growing prematurely, lose their hair and/or body fat, develop aged-looking skin, and contract diseases of old age, like arthritis, diabetes, failing eyesight, and chronic pain. Some suffer strokes (as early as age 4). most die of heart disease by age 13, and rarely do they live past age 21.

Progeria children have a distinctive look. Their heads appear bigger proportionally when compared to their body. They are bald and look like an elderly person aged 70 to 80 years old. They tend to show their greater level of Soul evolution by acting with the dignity and gravity of the elderly person they appear to be.

After Effects: Medicine finds that, since Progeria parents do not carry or express the genetic mutation in the LMNA gene, each case must represent a sporadic (chance), new mutation. From the standpoint of karma, Progeria is not caused by chance. It is agreed to by the child and the parents (on a Soul level) before the child is born. The main agreement relates to how long the Progeria child will live.

No matter what modern science comes up with, the Progeria child will not live one moment longer than their life contract allows. The hardest thing to realize - especially by those who have a greater degree of choice about and control over their life circumstances - is that our lives are not always under our control.

This does not mean that the search for a cure should be abandoned. By studying Progeria, scientists have a rare opportunity to gain more knowledge about how the human aging mechanism works... and parents can feel a greater sense of hope.

Advice: When it comes to Progeria, the best advice really is to "take it one day at a time" and "enjoy every day" with the child. In the universe of all possibilities, we are meant to do, be, or have anything that we want. While the parents of Progeria children will undoubtedly gain much knowledge from their quest to heal their children, they deserve to know why, karmically, this goal may never be achieved.

Child Progeria is its most common form. Werner's Syndrome (also known as "Adult Progeria") first manifests during and individual's late teen years and sufferers live to age 40 (but no later than age 50). As with Child Progeria, the life span of those who suffer from Adult Progeria is agreed to in advance in their life contract.

Case History: is included in the above descriptions of Progeria.

Before using any of this advice, click here for a "Word of Caution"

Credits: from channeled information.



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