Short Description:
Disembarkment Syndrome
Disembarkment Syndrome, which is better known by its original French
name of "mal de debarquement" (MdDs), is a constant feeling of rocking
or being off-balance after a period of prolonged exposure to motion.
MdDs is the result of present life karmic balancing of past life
actions. The primary causes of this syndrome, from the standpoint
of karma are:
Captain Karma:
In past lives, some MdDs sufferers were
sea captains who relentlessly and ruthlessly pushed their ship
and their crew for their own selfish objectives. The one thing
that most ships in past lives had in common was the economic
pressure to sail quickly to turn a profit... regardless of the
safety hazards posed by rough weather and predatory pirates.
The constant motion gave MdDs to Captain and crew alike. For
those Captains who wanted to sail until they dropped MdDs was
not a problem... until a future life confined to land.
Crow's Nest Karma:
In past lives, some MdDs sufferers
lived in the crow's nest at the top of the main mast. This position
allowed the sailor to see more of what was going on around the
ship... but it was also the one place on the ship where its motion
was the greatest. Most who manned the crow nests found it hard to
walk on deck and next to impossible to walk on land (they were the
one who always looked like they were stumbling around). MdDs comes
up to force the individual to heal the emotions generated in the
crow's nest (like fear, anger, etc).
Torture Karma:
In past lives, some MdDs sufferers caused
others to suffer by motion while on shipboard. Motion torture
included some or all of the following techniques. One, by tying
a person by their ankle to the ship and dragging them through the
water. Two, by tying a person to the figurehead at the bow during
high winds where they are nearly drowned by surging water. Three,
by tying a person under the crow's nest where they always have to
keep themselves from crashing into the masts, the rigging, or back
up into the crow's nest itself.
Disembarkment Syndrome (MdDs) happens after an individual is exposed
to motion for an extended period (like the rocking of a boat on a cruise).
Their MdDs sufferer's brain adapts itself to the motion, but it does
not re-adapt to the lack of motion once it has stopped. MdDs happens
most commonly after an ocean cruise or other type of water travel.
MdDs can also happen after airplane or train travel. Less commonly,
MdDs can occur after the frequent use of high speed elevators, sleeping
on a waterbed, or drug toxicity. MdDs can also happen spontaneously
(with no apparent stimulus - other than past life karma).
Symptoms begin after prolonged motion ceases. The MdDs sufferer gets
stuck in the state where they have adapted to the motion. While not
moving they will still have the "persistent sensation of motion" like
rocking, swaying, or bobbing. MdDs is a more severe imbalance than
vertigo or dizziness. It can make walking difficult (as in Ataxia,
a staggering gait). MdDs is only diagnosed after other inner ear and
other balance disorders have been ruled out by physicians.
After Effects:
The MdDs sufferer will only feel comfortable while in constant motion
(like riding in a car). While standing still, they will feel, at best,
unbalanced, and, at worst, like they are being tossed around.
While in motion, since they are permanently adapted to it, they will
feel "normal" and the MdDs symptoms will fall away. This will result
in constant fatigue as well as headaches, earaches, nausea, and
difficulty in concentrating. MdDs symptoms can vary in intensity
throughout the day as well as from day to day.
The MdDs will continue until the partners look back into their past
lives, connect with what happened back then, and heal those issues.
Problems arising from torture - especially those which have been
repeated through many incarnations - can be difficult to heal but
they can be healed with time and knowledge. MdDs exists to motivate
the individual to heal it. Until the individual heals the long
standing unhealed past life karma, MdDs will continue to give them
a wild ride that may well have no end in sight.
Case History:
is included in the descriptions of MdDs karmic syndromes.