KARMIC DICTIONARY: Past Life Causes of Present Life Disorders
Autism For Quick Access: [For How We Can Help] Short Description
Short Description:
Parents and their autistic children come into agreement to experience
the effects of this crippling and devastating affliction in order to
work off long standing karmic patterns existing between them.
Since autistic children unresponsive to other people, this usually
results in life long problems for them. Their unresponsiveness often
evokes a similar response in their parents and significant others around
them leading to attachment disorders. Since they do not bond with others,
their unresponsiveness may turn to intermittent rage when others try to
touch or speak with them. After Effects: The bad news autism is almost always a life sentence. The good news is that the autistic child's experience is never wasted. Every moment of their life is rich in experience and karmic burnoff. So parent's of autistic children should be proud of themselves for giving their children one of life's greatest gifts. Advice: Parents of autistic children need to accept the idea that they agreed to nurture their autistic child to begin with... in other words, it was not cruel fate or random chance that caused their situation. Above all else, parents of autistic children must realize that it is one of the greatest acts of love in the universe for them to stick by their autistic child no matter what happens. Truly there is "no greater love" than loving someone who is utterly incapable of loving you back. Case History: Parents with autistic children are extremely reluctant to share their life story either because they are too busy with the daily struggle of raising an autistic child or feel ashamed of their situation... often unfairly blaming themselves. Of course, sadly, autistic children are unable to speak for themselves. Before using any of this advice, click here for a "Word of Caution" Credits: from channeled information and from "Neal's" life story. Clarifying Comments from the Community: Q: What TYPE of Autism are you referring to here? A: This page refers to PROFOUND Autism where the individual never comes out of their isolated world. This is a SMALL minority of autistic people. With early diagnosis and intervention, Autism can be healed (for more information, visit http://www.autismspeaks.org).
Is there a LINK between vaccines and autism?
A: The US Federal government acknowledges the link between vaccines
and autism in their Pubmed Library. Here are links to the key studies:
Study 1
Study 2
Study 3 Q: Can Autism be healed or, at least, improved? A: Absolutely. Karma teaches that mostly everything can be healed and, what cannot totally be healed, can be made better. Those individuals who work on healing their autism can go from being totally unresponsive (locked in their own world) or from being highly self destructive (violent seizures, head banging, fist pounding, incoherent screaming, etc) to being "normal" in behavior. What this takes is love, devotion, patience, and persistence on the part of the autistic person and their group of caregivers. Q: Can the progress of healing Autism be seen? A: Absolutely. As the individual heals, their level of Autism will VARY over time in ways that can be noticed and measured. The good news is that Autism is TREATABLE without medication. The best treatment for sufferers is massive doses of unconditional LOVE which serve to melt away the chains of their karmic prison of Autism. Q: Are you saying that a PROFOUNDLY autistic person is incapable of feeling or giving love? A: No. What I am saying is that PROFOUNDLY autistic individuals have difficulty in showing love in traditional ways (saying "I love you", giving hugs and kisses, making gifts, etc). Autistic individuals are quite capable of receiving love energy (especially from parents) and of sending love energy to those who care for them (as their family members will readily attest). It is the intense love energy from family and friends that is the KEY to healing the autistic person. Q: Are you saying that a PROFOUNDLY autistic person is a BURDEN to those around them? A: No. As with anything else in life, whether someone is a BURDEN or a BLESSING is in the eye of the beholder. Many parents of autistic children will tell you what a blessing they are and how their children have helped them to grow in love, compassion, and wisdom. That is a very great karmic gift. |
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