Rules #46: "Waking Up is Hard to Do": The Soul's Journey of Awakening "As Spiritual As I Wannabe" So often people cry out… "I want to move farther down
on the spiritual path" but when they do, inevitably there will be "growing pains"
along the way. Especially now that more intense energies are entering the Earth
and causing the world to change so rapidly. "I Just Want to Go Home" Often this rapid change activates the "quiet part of you that wants to go
Home" to the inner worlds of God. With karma under control and good progress on
your contract, you feel "ready to begin a new lifetime while still in this
physical body." So here is why "waking up is so very hard to do"... #1: WAKING UP: INTENSE, VIVID, LUCID DREAMS The process of waking up usually begins with the "shedding" past life karma. "Karmic dreams" become the way to work off past life karma by having you face any residual fears or other negative baggage. Quite literally, you need to "drop" what is no longer serving you. This "shedding" will manifest in your dream state as dreams of being chased, running away, fighting battles, or defeating enemies. You are releasing the energies of the past that have no place in your vibrant present. Once you have worked through your "baggage", these dreams will simply stop. #2: WAKING UP: DISRUPTED PATTERNS OF SLEEPING An inevitable consequence of intense dreaming is disrupted sleep patterns. The load of "karmic dreams" will become so intense that your mind will jolt you awake during the night. Literally, you will need to "take a break" from your karmic dreaming and… from the "other work" being performed on you overnight. For those who are ready will attract the assistance of inner beings who will work on "upgrading" their body to support the greater changes in their consciousness that they are seeking. Like "karmic dreams", this disruption will eventually stop. #3: WAKING UP: DISRUPTED MENTAL FUNCTIONING An inevitable part of having disrupted sleep is
experiencing disorientation while awake. You will feel "spaced out" or "not
quite myself" or "a bit out of the body" or "feeling off" or "not centered
and grounded". This may result in some awkwardness and clumsiness as in
"bumping into things", "dropping things", or "missing the mark". #4: WAKING UP: DISRUPTED PHYSICAL FUNCTIONING An inevitable part of disrupted mental processes is experiencing disruptions in physical functioning. In many ways, the "physical hits" are the most unpleasant part of the awakening process. They are unavoidable… as you awaken to greater levels of consciousness, your cellular memory (DNA, etc) must change to support your expanded beingness. This disruption usually manifests as "body aches and pains, especially in the neck, shoulder and back." It can also manifest as angina (serious heart pain), migraines (blinding headaches), and infections (strep throat, bronchitis, flu, ulcers, etc) that come like a sudden storm… and pass away as quickly too. #5: WAKING UP: DISRUPTED EMOTIONAL FUNCTIONING An inevitable part of disrupted physical health is
experiencing disruptions in emotional functioning. The commonest result is
for no apparent reason".
Crying is a part of the transition process. In crying
you are releasing layers of anger, fear, hurt, sadness, guilt, and other
negative emotions that have become "stuck" in your body over many past
lifetimes of "doing hard time on planet Earth". #6: WAKING UP: DISRUPTED SPIRITUAL FUNCTIONING An inevitable part of disrupted emotions is experiencing
disruptions in spiritual functioning. If you believe that greater spirituality
should lead you to more joy, love, and awareness, you are right. So if your
spirituality is bringing you nothing but "deep inner sadness for no apparent
reason", know that you are releasing spiritual sadness that you have known in
many past lifetimes. #7: BEGINNING THE CHANGE: FEELING INNER EMPTINESS All this disruption is bound to leave you feeling very empty "with little or no desire to do anything". Congratulations… the change over to your new enhanced way of being has begun. "Take this time to do 'no-thing'." Do not resist this feeling: "it is similar to rebooting a computer. You need to shut down for a brief period of time in order to load sophisticated new software". Instead of moaning that you are temporarily "off line", instead rejoice knowing that once you get fully back online, you will be able to become all that you have ever wished that you could be! #8: MAKING THE CHANGE: FEELING INNER LONELINESS There is a profound difference between being alone
and being lonely. Being alone means that you are not physically in the company
of others. Being lonely means that you do not feel connected to anyone or
anything and that can happen even when - and especially when - others are
present. As you are "making the change", you will feel "removed from others"
and will want to "flee from groups and crowds". #9: BEING THE CHANGE: BECOMING YOUR TRUE SELF You will recognize that you are turning the corner when you find yourself talking to your Higher Self much more often. "There is a new level of communication taking place within your being… The conversations will increase, and they will become more fluid, more coherent and more insightful." In essence, you will begin the process of more rapidly evolving into your Higher Self… your true self. #10: MANIFESTING THE CHANGE: NEW CAREER As you step into the greater totality of yourself
on the inside, things on the outside all around you will start to change as
well ("as above, so below"). The most direct result will be a sudden change
in job or career. #11: MANIFESTING THE CHANGE: NEW RELATIONSHIPS Another result of changing is withdrawing from relationships that no longer serve you. "When you get off the karmic cycle, the bonds of the old relationships are released. It will appear as though you are drifting away from your family and friends." In the end, you may (or may not) develop a new relationship with them if it is appropriate… and if it is in keeping with the new person that you are becoming. #12: MANIFESTING THE CHANGE: A NEW YOU The best description of this awakening process
was given by our client, "Immogen". It speaks powerfully to what it is
like in becoming a newly awakened being:
Credits: adapted from Geoffrey Hoppe's "Tobias of the Crimson Circle" and channeled information. |
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